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TSR 2012 Nuzlocke All-Stars!
Finished Whitney's gym. RIP Ytnom, you will be missed.
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Current Catch data (I Repelled all the way through Union Cave because I REALLY want to have access to that Lapras later).

Starter - Zuul Too Level 5 M Cyndaquil. Timid. Impetuous and silly. Killed by Dingus' Croconaw in Azalea town.
Route 29 - Monocle. Level 3 M Hoothoot. Timid. Good perserverance. Killed by a Wooper on Route 32.
Route 30 - Monoclette. Level 3 F Hoothoot. Adamant. Proud of its power. Killed by a Ratata on Route 34.
Route 31 - Monoclot. Level 4 M Hoothoot. Modest. Hates to lose.
Dark Cave - Faris. Level 3 F Geodude. Jolly. Mischievous. Defeated Falker's ENTIRE Gym. Killed by Dingus' Croconaw in Azalea town.
Route 32 - Shamwoo. Level 6 F Wooper. Docile. Likes to thrash about.
Ruins of Alph - Apollo--woops, he died right after I caught him. Killed by an H Unown in the Ruins of Alph.
Sprout Tower - Haunt Fart. Level 4 M Gastly. Quiet. Often dozes off. Defeated Proton's Koffing with a Curse. Licked Bugsy's Scyther to death.
Route 33 - Las Plagas. Level 6 F Ratata. Rash. Alert to sounds.
Azalea Town - Togepiness. Level 1 M Togepi. Rash. Somewhat of a clown. Current Team Leader.
Slowpoke Well - RepelProof. Level 6 Zubat. Modest. Good perserverance.
Ilex Forest - Mary Jane. Lv 6 F Oddish. Jolly. Highly Persistent.
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Okay I've made the due date the end of May. If anyone can't make it for some reason I could extend it.

Also you can headbutt trees as long as it is in a route you have yet to capture a Pokemon in (failure to capture doesn't count). No towns!
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Same goes with Rods?
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Same goes with rods.
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2nd Try. Restarting because I forgot to save after beating Whitney, and while I originally planned to just beat her again and release the ones that originally died, she decimated me the 2nd time through, so I'm gonna restart all together.

Catch Data:
Starter - Zuul Too Level 5 M Cyndaquil. Timid. Impetuous and silly. Killed by Dingus' Croconaw in Azalea town.
Route 29 - Monocle. Level 3 M Hoothoot. Timid. Good perserverance. Killed by a Wooper on Route 32.
Route 30 - Monoclette. Level 3 F Hoothoot. Adamant. Proud of its power. Killed by a Ratata on Route 34.
Route 31 - Monoclot. Level 4 M Hoothoot. Modest. Hates to lose.
Dark Cave - Faris. Level 3 F Geodude. Jolly. Mischievous. Defeated Falker's Gym. Killed by Dingus' Croconaw in Azalea town.
Route 32 - Shamwoo. Level 6 F Wooper. Docile. Likes to thrash about. Killed by Whitney's Miltank in Goldenrod Gym.
Ruins of Alph - Apollo--woops, he died right after I caught him. Killed by an H Unown in the Ruins of Alph.
Sprout Tower - Haunt Fart. Level 4 M Gastly. Quiet. Often dozes off. Defeated Proton's Koffing with a Curse. Licked Bugsy's Scyther to death. Survived Selfdestruct from Whitney's Clefairy.
Route 33 - Las Plagas. Level 6 F Ratata. Rash. Alert to sounds. Killed by a Magnemite under Goldenrod City.
Azalea Town - Togepiness. Level 1 M Togepi. Rash. Somewhat of a clown.
Slowpoke Well - RepelProof. Level 6 Zubat. Modest. Good perserverance.
Ilex Forest - Mary Jane. Lv 6 F Oddish. Jolly. Highly persistent.
Route 34 - Owl Biter. Lv 11 F Ratata. Quiet. Somewhat stubborn.
Route 35 -Tapir. Lv 14 M Drowsy. Jolly. A little quick tempered. Defeated Whitney's Miltank.
National Park - Bloomonion. Lv 16 F Paras. Docile. Often dozes off. Killed by Whitney's Miltank in Goldenrod Gym.
Route 36 - Failed to catch a Stantler.
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I am disappointed by how few 2nd gen Pokemon are actually in Johto. My whole team is made up of first gens. Sad

Currently have:

Deceased members:
PUCK the GRAVELLER - Died to my own Vaporeons Surf in a double battle because I'm and idiot. RIP.
FUSILI the PIDGEOTTO - Died saving the Lake of Rage from Team Rocket's grip hold.

I have many others in my box, but these 4 are the ones that have served me well in my adventures. Many others have died as well, usually while I was trying to train them to join my team. Sad days.
Currently have 7 badges, and looking for new members to add to my team. Having good type coverage at this point seems to be out the window so I will decide/train my team once I have exhausted all the routes up to the Pokemon League.
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Caught a stantler, who royally fucked up Morty with astonish. (Hootler's insomnia helped as well.)

I'll list the team and what not ATM when I get home, since I'm at school
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I don't mean to double post, but my edit won't go through for some reason

On to the fifth gym in Cianwood, not much has changed except I caught an award winning Weedle~

Team so far:
Lv 19 Situation the Onix (Union Cave)
Lv 17 Ishmael the Bayleef (New Bark Town)
Lv 19 Cupid the Stantler (Route 37)
Lv 20 Rocksanne the Geodude (Route 46)
Lv 18 Hootler the HootHoot (Route 31)
Lv 16 Regan the Bellsprout (Route 32)

In Box
Lv 3 Minnie the Rattata (Sprout Tower)
Lv 3 Mrs. the HootHoot (Route 29)
Togepi Egg
Lv 6 Cornelious the Weedle (Ilex Forest)
Lv 14 Hannibal the Drowzee (Route 35)
Lv 20 Olaf the Sudowoodo (Route 36)
Lv 13 Daisy the Mediocre Miltank (Route 38)
Lv 18 RickyBobby the Weedle (National Park)

Pet Semetary
Lv 9 Ytnom the Ekans (Route 33) Died at the hands of Whitney's Miltank
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DONG the Bronzor
Tobey the Golbat
Sloppypop the Shellos
Metatron the Togepi

After I was almost brutally massacred by Jupiter and a selfdestructing Geodude in Mt. Coronet, this is all I have left, besides a few Bidoofs and Kricketot's in my box.

Platinum is brutal, you HGSS players have it good.
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Morty was a breeze with Hootler, Chuck was consisted of poisoning him and potion spamming. Ishmael and Cupid were slain by a rollout happy Dunsparce.

Team at the moment
Level 25 Reagan the Weepingbell
Level 20 Hootler the Noctowl
Level 21 Norbert the Tentacool
Level 20 Rocksanne the Geodude

I'm not sure at all on to what I should fill my remaining slots with
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Seems everyone forgot about this (including myself). I will extend the deadline to ... let's say the 20th. Get your teams done by then! Or is anyone still interested in doing this?
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I'm still doing it
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I am still interested in doing it, but I have to restart again. xD Also I forgot about it. Work's been brutal
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I can try to do it but I'm probably not gonna make it.
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