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Poll: Do you give nicknames to your Pokemon?
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i name my pokemon if i can think of anything

generally i try to name it an alternate name for the species it looks like/is or a WITTY THING like when devicho called snivy 'mariguana' and ever since ive been using that name for every snivy i get as a starter
Thanked by: Previous, Maxpphire
I always nickname all of my pokemon.

My Charmander always will have the name of Sam.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
Thanked by: Phantom Killah
I never nickname my Pokemon on my first playthrough, but if I reset a file or if I'm just messing around, then I tend to. I don't like to nickname them the first time because I want to learn the real names of the new generation and it's hard to think of so many names without them being stupid. Somehow, nicknaming Pokemon makes them feel less legitimate to me. I dunno, old habits, or something.
[Image: sxv5uJR.gif]
Thanked by: Mutsukki, water dog, Ploaj
My Heracross was Macross
My Empoleon was Bitplup
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(04-22-2012, 06:50 PM)StarSock64 Wrote: I never nickname my Pokemon on my first playthrough, but if I reset a file or if I'm just messing around, then I tend to. I don't like to nickname them the first time because I want to learn the real names of the new generation and it's hard to think of so many names without them being stupid.

This a million times. I'm pretty sure I don't remember most of Gen 5 names because I started nicknaming them...
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I have never really nicknamed my pokemon and that's the only reason why I remember the names. Dont ask me about the new-gen pokemon, I don't know anything about them...
Also, I hate the new pokemons. They aren't really based on animals anymore and have weird Japanese names. It feels kinda lame when you're used to the GBA ones.
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(04-23-2012, 03:33 PM)thegameexplorer Wrote: They aren't really based on animals anymore and have weird Japanese names.

Are you fucking high? Not a single bit of that is true. Not to mention a LARGE chunk of the RBY GSC Pokemon aren't based on animals either.
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
Well, I don't necessarily "hate" them, but I have to agree with you on some points about the Gen V Pokemon. A lot of them are based on artificial human-created things, and could never have really come from nature. Klink, for example, is shaped like cogs.

Trubbish has a reasonable explanation ("The combination of garbage bags and industrial waste caused the chemical reaction that created this Pokémon"), but that still makes it extremely weird for it to have genders and the ability to reproduce. A lot of Pokemon are being repeated too, especially bird ones: Pidove is basically a polished Pidgey, and before I started with Black I thought that Chimchar and Pansear were one and the same.

But that's not for all of them, of course. Patrat is unique, I'm surprised they haven't done a chipmunk-like Pokemon before, and the same with Lillipup.
Thanked by: TGE
(04-23-2012, 03:48 PM)puggsoy Wrote: Well, I don't necessarily "hate" them, but I have to agree with you on some points about the Gen V Pokemon. A lot of them are based on artificial human-created things, and could never have really come from nature.

Magneton. Electrode. Muk. Porygon. I'd also like to posit that all of these Pokemon can breed and I was nice and left out a few exceptions that can be argued as "man made" as well.

Not to mention that a fire monkey based on Japanses myth and a plain fire monkey are not the same thing. Just because you mistook them as the same thing DOES NOT mean that they are.

PS: They've been doing Normal/Flying bird lines ever since GSC. Hoothoot and Tailow are pretty unique but it can be argued that Starly is also just a polished Pidgey, when in reality, at the ends of their respective evolution lines they all look very very different.

PSS: It's fine that you don't like the 5th gen Pokemon, it just bugs the ever loving shit out of me when people say they don't like them because of such and such when such and such just so happens to be a completely bullshit, baseless reason.
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
Thanked by: Phantom Killah, Mutsukki
It's also about the realism of the pokemon itself and how they blend into the storyline. Example, the electric pokemon are like that because they live in an electricity plant...0.0
(04-23-2012, 03:54 PM)four24ever Wrote:
(04-23-2012, 03:48 PM)puggsoy Wrote: Well, I don't necessarily "hate" them, but I have to agree with you on some points about the Gen V Pokemon. A lot of them are based on artificial human-created things, and could never have really come from nature.

Magneton. Electrode. Muk. Porygon. I'd also like to posit that all of these Pokemon can breed and I was nice and left out a few exceptions that can be argued as "man made" as well.

Not to mention that a fire monkey based on Japanses myth and a plain fire monkey are not the same thing. Just because you mistook them as the same thing DOES NOT mean that they are.
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Where does Wobbuffet come in in the story? Muk? Weezing? Porygon? You could say Porygon was part of the game parlor but so was Ekans and Sandshrew, and they don't make any more sense than Porygon does. What makes sense about Porygon is it's origins, which is equally true for all of the inanimate Pokemon, whether they are first or fifth gen.
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
Thanked by: Phantom Killah
You have points, more than me even. I was just making conversation, I've thought about this stuff before so I wanted to say it.

Either way, Pokemon is crazy. Trying to say that something isn't "realistic" in Pokemon is obsolete. The humble Pokeball isn't realistic, let alone the rest of the insane Pokeworld.
I love Porygon's line. Evolve once by upgrade, twice by a virus/glitchy program.

Anyways yeah, not only do I nickname them, I tend to repeat the nicknames if starting a new playthrough on a similar game. Whenever I play RSE, my Pelipper is always "Steven" (Steven Seagull, get it? hahahahahdick). On 4th gen, it's Berlengas. Chimchar I give Sun Wukong related names- Sun Wukong, Wukong II, Goku, etc. Pikachus are Pikadenki ever since I was 12, Shinx are normally something related to Tezuka, male Gardevoir is "David Bowie", and so on.

Lorrimer the Mightyena was a good fellow.
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I usually don't nickname my Pokemon.

The exception to this rule is when I catch Ditto for breeding purposes, and I name them whatever happens to come to mind at the time.

Because of this, I have two Ditto called "Longbor" and "Hunger Man".
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I nickname every pokemon I catch. I give them normal names like "Hue" or "Miley". No real reason. I just like naming things.
[Image: 14.gif]
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