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Poll: Do you give nicknames to your Pokemon?
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6 17.14%
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(04-23-2012, 03:33 PM)thegameexplorer Wrote: Also, I hate the new pokemons. have weird Japanese names.

I would like some examples of this that aren't legendaries please, because legendaries have been havin the same name on both versions since forever.

Also, Pikachu
Thanked by: water dog
(04-23-2012, 05:07 PM)Hoeloe Wrote: I usually don't nickname my Pokemon.

The exception to this rule is when I catch Ditto for breeding purposes, and I name them whatever happens to come to mind at the time.

Because of this, I have two Ditto called "Longbor" and "Hunger Man".
I have a Ditto named "Town Bike"

(04-23-2012, 05:28 PM)Chdonga Wrote: I just like naming things.

Actually, I think that's probably the main reason I nickname my Pokemon
Thanked by: Ploaj
(04-23-2012, 03:33 PM)thegameexplorer Wrote: Also, I hate the new pokemons. They aren't really based on animals anymore and have weird Japanese names.
Yeah it's not like Pokemon is from Japan or anything!!

Also, some of the Gen V Pokemon were based on technological things because one of the themes of Gen V is Technology vs. Nature.

ANYWAYS, I always nickname my pokemon. If I don't, it just feels weird for me. I dunno why. And I always nickname them after characters from show that I like n' shit.
[Image: unf.png]
Grand Line Shore
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I name them all Venusaur
It's funny how you could use Nicknames effectively, Name a pokemon any nickname and if you ever fight someone with a cable link, the narrator would say something like this for example this is the situation: Name a Squirtle Charmander.


possibly, your enemy would choose a grass type pokemon. Little did he know that he's a fire type not a water.
Nicknames are very effective too you know! ;D
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Using tricks in multiplayer is plain wrong. Ouch!
Thanked by: puggsoy, Tellis, Zadaben, Zac, Marth
You'd be disqualified if you did that in competitive play. Plus it wouldn't even be THAT helpful because, unlike your cheater self in the main storyline of the game, you aren't allowed to switch out when your opponent switches out. But yeah, you're not a very good trainer if you have to rely on something like that to win.

Unrelated, I've been playing through LeafGreen again (since I never actually beat it) and I've been naming my Pokemon after music people. For exaaaample:

Primeape = Nikki Sixx
Machoke = Iggy Pop
Kadabra = Björk
Pikachu = Les Paul
Gyarados = Dave Grohl
Pinsir = MF Doom
Squirtle = Busy P
Snorlax = Axl Rose
Thanked by: puggsoy
Well.... actually I never did this in any pokemon games... hehehe Tongue
It just came into my mind what nicknames are really for.... XD Is there any use for nicknames?
but I do name my pokemons since I think it's plain cute Smile
but when I name them I get the idea from their real name. Like Pikachu -> Chuey
Big Grin I know... It's lame... but.... That's me! hehehehehe
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my venusaur in silver is named sudowooodo
it knows karate chop
I also have a cyndaquill named hotpocket

other then that I don't nickname pokemon because you can't ever change the name if they leave there original game, and I really don't want to give a pokemon that I spend time breeding a name that I'll probably grow to hate

oh I should mention that my favorite name for feraligatr is gomek, but I can't change my feraligatr's name to gomek because I bred it on soulsilver and not white
Thanked by: Tellis
I name all of my bug pokemon after Harry Potter characters,. I really dont know why.
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

Thanked by: Phantom Killah
I booted up soul silver today. I generally played it when I was drunk and with just a few friends to pass the time back in those regrettable days.

Every name is unintelligible gibberish... I have no idea how I made it to the Elite Four
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I don't do nicknames 99% of the time but when i was a kid, i always used to call my Pikachu "Sparky" because i loved the one in the show called that.
I called my Snivy "Smugleaf" because i don't plan on evolving it and i got used to the name
Smugleaf before they announced the official names.
this is a sig

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i named my snivy mariguana because somehow me and devicho were talking about snivys name and she came up with it and ever since ive used it
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Yes you told us already ;-)
Thanked by: Sonikku
I nickname every pokemon i'm not immediately trading or releasing(yes i've caught pokemon just to steal their held item and ditch them)
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