08-31-2008, 07:25 PM
Currently, I'm rom hacking FF6 to be more like FF4 and I'm having high success so far. What I'm hoping to do is convert all the characters from FFIV into FF6 playable characters. So far I've converted 4 of the FFIV characters as you can see here:
(For any of your FFIV GBA fans out there, you'll notice I made a few minor modifications to the FFIV portraits.
![[Image: 5550.png]](http://myimg.us/images/08.31.08/5550.png)
What I'm in need help of is FFIV character sprites. I'm fully aware of the FFIV characters sprites in here and I'm using a lot of them as is although I'm in need of the Battle sprites which I'll use for the overworld as well.
I'll try to clareify what I'm talking about.
FFIV uses two sets of character sprites, overworld sprites and battle sprites. FF6 uses one set, battle and overworld are the same thing.
What I need is some added sprites to the battle sprites, forwards and backwards walking sprites.
Here is how FF6's character sprite grid is set up: http://myimg.us/images/08.31.08/5551.png
I can use a majorite of the FF4 battle sprites for the FF6 character grid but there are a few sprites that have not been made. Would anyone be willing to help me with this small task? Backwards/stand still/forwards sprites for Cecil, Rydia, Kain and Edge?
I've attempted at this already although I'm horrific at making character sprites. Here is some of my sprite work I've done in the past without resolution restrictions:
Here's a video of somthing I've done using a FF4 boss:
(For any of your FFIV GBA fans out there, you'll notice I made a few minor modifications to the FFIV portraits.

![[Image: 5550.png]](http://myimg.us/images/08.31.08/5550.png)
What I'm in need help of is FFIV character sprites. I'm fully aware of the FFIV characters sprites in here and I'm using a lot of them as is although I'm in need of the Battle sprites which I'll use for the overworld as well.
I'll try to clareify what I'm talking about.
FFIV uses two sets of character sprites, overworld sprites and battle sprites. FF6 uses one set, battle and overworld are the same thing.
What I need is some added sprites to the battle sprites, forwards and backwards walking sprites.
Here is how FF6's character sprite grid is set up: http://myimg.us/images/08.31.08/5551.png
I can use a majorite of the FF4 battle sprites for the FF6 character grid but there are a few sprites that have not been made. Would anyone be willing to help me with this small task? Backwards/stand still/forwards sprites for Cecil, Rydia, Kain and Edge?
I've attempted at this already although I'm horrific at making character sprites. Here is some of my sprite work I've done in the past without resolution restrictions:
Here's a video of somthing I've done using a FF4 boss: