10-01-2012, 10:32 PM
Why isn't this locked? Why are you unable to follow any advice? Do you desire to improve at all? Why do you continue to breathe?
Super Smash Bros. Clash
10-01-2012, 10:32 PM
Why isn't this locked? Why are you unable to follow any advice? Do you desire to improve at all? Why do you continue to breathe?
10-03-2012, 01:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2012, 01:45 PM by Makermatic21.)
![]() Music for my game: Luigi’s Mansion Mario 64- Peach’s Castle Jungle Japes Green Greens Samus Vs. Ridley Star Wolf Star Wolf- Assult Onett Poke’mon Stadium And here is some unused ideas from my GAME story: Mario: Orignal Bowser letter: Yo Greenie! You know the drill by now. Tell Princess Toadstool to surrender her kingdom to its rightful owner or your chump bro. Mario is toast! I eagerly await your decision. By the way if there happens to be any objections on your part, you know where I’ll be. Come Get Some! Your favorite Koopanion, King Morton Bowser Koopa Sr.; Ruler of all Koopas and soon to be ruler of the Mushroom… Whu? Will you kids keep it down up there! I’m trying to… Ahem now where was I… ruler of the Mushroom… What are you babbling about Kammy? My letter’s too long? What do you mean I’m running out of room? Well it’s your job to proof read and edit my nasty letters before I send… Argh! I lost my train of thought! Your going down green boy! Zelda: Young Link Game Play: Player touches an enemy as Young Link and must play an original side scrolling level that’s loosely based off an area from Legend of Zelda 2: The Adventures of Link. Currenlty Young Link only knows a forward stabbing attack. The items he carries to use are: 1. (5)Deku Nuts 2. (Bow)+(3)Arrows 3.(2) Bombs The Player will not be able to replace these items once they are used so they must be strategic in their methods of use for these items. Let’s talk about each items’ function: 1. Deku Nuts: Deku Nuts are only used to momentarily stun an enemy and make them lose a turn or two. They do no damage and can not kill any enemies. A player can use them however as an escape tactic. If they are trying to run away from a higher leveled enemy the Deku Nuts make it easier to escape the battle while their effect lasts. This is more of a defensive item than an offensive item and is the weakest of Young Link’s arsenal. 2. (Bow &) (3)Arrows +Wound Damage: Arrows are swift and usually hit 60% of the time. They would hit about 80-90% of the time for Adult Link. However Young Link is not as great as a marksman as his older self will become. Therefore The while the arrows will miss more frequently for Young Link they are still his most powerful weapon in his arsenal. Arrows; when they find their mark, will almost immediately kill an advisary or at least greatly weaken them. Also they cause wound damage meaning if the foe dose not perish they will be so severily wounded that they won’t be able to attack properly for the rest of their turns. Wounded enemies will miss often given Young Link the advantage. Young Link could even defeat a mighty foe of high level if he can properly inflict wound damage. Wound damage is rare and only occurs about 30% of the time. The ratio ups to 50% when Young Link is in critical condition. The occurance of Wound Damage however is randomly generated for each battle. 3. Bombs: Bombs are actually meant to find hidden passageways and solve puzzles, although the player can use them for attack as well; they just won’t unlock any useful secrets. The player Will not be able to return to this area to solve the puzzles later, so they want to copy their game file at this point, or they could get a game over and not save their progress. Hitting the reset button will only put them in the previous chapter or cutscene. *Note: If a player can successfully navigate the area without using any of the items as Young Link they will be able to use stonger versions of those items as Adult Link. No easy feat, but worth the challenge. Legend of Zelda Cutscene: After Player successfully finishes the side scrolling level up level we see Young Link witnessing Yoshi faint and Princess Peach Shrieking. Thinking fast Young Link plays his Occarina anf warps to the temple of Time. There he pulls the sword from the pedistool and becomes Adult Link. He than plays the Occarina again and warps back to Peach and Yoshi’s location where he defeats the Redeads. He hops on Opona and rides off. Peach; riding Yoshi follow Link until he realizes he’s being followed and stops. Peach: Uhm… Excuse me, but you look like a hero. Do you think you can help me? Zelda: He’s not just a hero. Around here he’s THE Hero. His name’s Link. I’m Princess Zelda. Welcome to the Kingdom of Hyrule. You look lost stranger. Are you alright? Peach: We’re fine. I… I am not familiar with your kingdom. I am here however becuae my Kingdom is under an attack. Zelda: Your kingdom? But who? Peach: I’m Pincess Peach Toadstool pf the Mushroom Kingdom and this is my loyal subject Yoshi. Yoshi: Yoshi Peach: We need your help. Our kingdom is under an attack,. We face oner of the greatest threats ever to plauge our beloved kingdom. Zelda: What’s happening? Peach: There are strange creatures unlike anything we’ve ever seen before invading the Mushroom Kingdom. Zelda: That can’t be anything new. Afterall; like m,yuself, you have had faced many difficulties and challenges rukling your kingdom. I know that whenever Hyrule faced an invasion I’ve had Link and the royal guards to rely on. Havwe you no champion, nor armies to call upon? Peach: Our royal guards are not strong enough for an invasion of this magnitude. Our hero, Mario, has been kidnapped. His brother and I… well… aren’t as heroic as Mario. We have no one else to turn to. Zelda: Well I suppose… Peach: Zelda the Mushroom Kingdom isn’t all that is at stake. Our scientist says that not only is the Mushroom Kingdom at stake, but sio are many other worlds; including Hyrule. Zelda: Hyrule? Why Hyrule? Peach: I’m not sure what’s going on exactly, but if you come with Yoshi and I the Professor will explain everything. Zelda: I don’t know what this is all about, but…count me in Peach. Link, you up for another adventure? ( Link nods his head) Navi: ( Flies around Link) Hey. Of course. Link is always ready. Peach: ( Dose her taunt from Melee) Sweet. Let’s go! A portal appears out of tyhin air and everyone enters. Scene ends. My Feelings on The Legend of Zelda: The original location for Peach’s encounter has changed numerous times throughout the writing of this GAME story. In the very early stages of my GAME story Peach and Yoshi were attacked by Redeads in Hyrule Castle Town. Later I changed the Location to Hyrule Field. Peach and Yoshi’s location is somewhere in the middle where they are still close to the castle. Link saving Peach and Yoshi has pretty much always remained the same with some tweaking. In the early version of my story and on my tape caseett Link leaps out of a tree and saves Peach and Yoshi. Another version had him riding in on Epona and laeping off of Epona and into the air slahing the Redead in half. I later decided that I wanted Young Link to make a cameo in my story. Than I came up with a version where Young Link saw what was happening to Peach and Yoshi and ran off to the Temple of time; by foot, and pulled the sword out and became Adult Link. Than Adult Link returned to save Zelda ands Peach. I even later decided to give Young Link his own level that he would go through before rescuing Peach and Yoshi as Adult Link. The idea for that concept was mentioned above. After much consideration and planning a few years later I decided to drop Young Link altogether and replace him with Toon Link since Young Link was not in Brawl and Toon Link was now the popular replacement. I than changed the setting altogether since Hyrule Field no longer worked for Toon Link. I wanted to put Toon Link in a setting her had been in. That’s why in my comic I put him in the Minish Woods. Still this formula did not work out and I finally decided to put the characters in the one setting that made sense; The Lost Woods in Zelda 3. This would give me a better world map, better enemies for the player to face, more substance to the game than just a point A to point B, and give the player the ability to make Peach and Yoshi level up and grow stronger. This also showed how Link could easily get to the Master Sword to turn into Adult Link. Now I know in this game that the Master Sword did noit age Young Link into adult Link, but I needed this concept from Ocarina of Time in order to have a cmaeo of Young Link. So there you have it. The final version has all the pieces fall into place and works nicely with the Lost Woods/Hyrule Castle setting. At this point I realized I like Young Link better than Toon Link anyway and Toon Link now became obsolete. This explains why you’ll find him in the characters that didn’t make the cut further below. He was well thought out, but in the end unusable for my purposes. I now wish that I had come up with a character model for Young Link as well, but since he didn’t make it as a playable character I decided not to waste time making a brand new modle that won’t be used anyway. I added the King to make it feel more like that game. Tecnically speaking my story of Link and Zelda are tecniqually hybrids of the Link and Zelda from LOZ 2, LOZ 3, and LOZ: Ocarina of Time. These happen to be my 3 favorite Zelda games and I thought a little merger would be nice. This Link most closely resembles the Hero of Time, but has other Link qualities as well. I’m hoping LOZ fans will suspend their suspension of disbelief or just except my Link as a brand new Link all together that’s stuck somewhere in the middle of LOZ’s crazy timelinme that doesn’t make any sense anyways. I hope that all Zelda fans will realize the amount of effort I put into this part of the story for mul;tiple reasons. First off I’m a fan as well and I want to do this part right. Second This is Myamoto’s favorite character he ever created. I can’t screw Link up even a little bit. Thrid Zelda fans are very very critical and the slightest thing they see wrong they will be quite vocal. I knew an unbelievable amount of pressure was on me to do this thing right and I can only hope tha after literly years of planning and rewriting I didn’t disapoint. I’m not just another story writing fan boy. I beluive in my work and hope others do too. I went oyut of my way to research the LOZZ series via the internet and playing the games. I’ve talked to numerous LOZ fans on message boards and in person. My friends are the biggest Zelda nuts ever. Anyway I had discussions with them about what I should do to make this the best Zelda experience in litature that I could. I had so many ideas that I’m now sharing that just didn’t make the cut because they, in my eyes weren’t good enough. Ieven took the l;uiberty to make Zelda a playable character. Originally she was just a cmaeo. I felt I would be cheating Zelda fans if she wasn’t playable and I worked very hard to not only include her in the game but make her as epic as possible. Zelda has never been in an RPG before and I wanted her to be amazing. I had so many ideas and thanks to a very good friend of mine I was able to make her the most versatile and awesome character in the entire game. I didn’t plan this originally, but there is just so much you can do with the Zelda character that she was born for RPG’s. On a final note I hope everyone enjoyed the Zelda part of my story as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope Myamoto himself is very happy if he is somehow reading this right now. How Super Smash Bros. The Road to Subspace Came to Be & More Ideas for Young Link: Okay originally this was a concept for Young Link on the WII version of my game. I had originally planned to make two different versions of the same story and put one one the WII and the other on the Nintendo DS. The DS version of my game is the final version and is an RPG. The WII version was to be a regular Smash Bros. Game with my story in it as a reason why the Nintendo characters fought. The WII version has been scraped completely, but I still will share its story. I want everyone who reads this to keep in muind that originally I began writing a simple short story that would explain why Nintendo characters fought each other back in 2001. Flash forward 7 years and Nintendo answerts that question with Super Smkash Bros. Brawl. I for one however was not impressed with the Subspace Emissary storyline and decided to make it my mission to not only bring my original story back but to make it a phemonial story. I spent many weeks and hours writing and rewriting my story. Deleting things; which I’m still sharing by the way, and changing things on a quest to make things perfect. I also decided that since Nintendo now came up with the definitive explantion why their characters fought and because their ideas were so widely excepted I would have to set my story in a different timeline all together and make it a prequal. That is why many characters from Bra3l did bnit make it into my story and why many elements of my story involve events from the original Smash Bros. And Melee. Think of my story as the subspace emissary storyling you din’t get, but wanted from melee. I did however include some elements fom Brealew but they arte only to be used as a nod to brawl and a prelude to the events that lead up to subspace emissary. A few things I want tio make clear to enfisize that this was not inspriation from Brawl but was in fact my own original idea that later was used in Brawl. Nintendo has this ability to do almost every good idea I’ve ever had. Of course I have no proof that this wass my original idea, you just have to take my word for it, but I’m sure this has happened to many fans. You think of something awesome and than Nintendo dose it. It’s like they can read your mind man. Anyway The following ideas that I list were what I planeed tio do before the release of Brawl; which only shows my ideas obviously must be good if Nintendo ended up using them and making millions of dollarws. I think like my idols and that’s pretty awesome! Here we go. From the beginning I wanted to include Poke’mon Trainer somewhere in my story. I worked very very hard on doing that. However I will say that I didn’t think of using Poke’mon Trainer right away. I originally waws going to do the original red. I was also going to do the whole cave thing friom crystal version where you had to find Red in a cave and defeat him and his Pikachu. I was going to have him angry that he had just lost that battle and than challenge Luigi to a battle to make up for his loss. This never came into fruition however as the Poke’mon part of story was changed to Poke’mon Trainer. I only decided on Poke’mon Trainer though after Brawl. Another thing Meta Knight was in my story. Kirby was going to battle him in an epic sword duel. After Brawl however I did dedcide to include King DDD, so I did get that from Brawl. Zero Suit Samus was to nbe in my story LONG before Brawl. However I was going to have Samus in her Bikini from Super Metroid or her outfit frtom Fusion. I only went with the Zero Suit Samus look after Brawl do to the popularity. Samus was going to lose her suit in my story first. Nintendo just did a beeter concept where they made the player Zero Suit Samus from the start; having to retrieve the Varia Suit. I was going to have her hit from an explosion or something or have her suit take too much damage. This idea was ultimately scratched and due to the success of Brawl I not only changed Samus to her Zero Suit form instead oif her Super Metroid form, but Liked her Final Smash so much that I changed her concept to hitting Ridley with that beam and losing her Suit for the rest of the game. There were characters I wanted to include, but didn’t klnow how to with my story. Nintendo did succeed in including all characters in their story, though some of it made no sense; which is why I believe Ninetendo with with the sterotypical cookycutter paraell unuverse crap to make up for their bad wrtiinfg. Whjatever at least I did my best tio link all my characters together in a way that made sense and was hopefully very fun for the player. My short story has evlved since 2001. It originally was going to be a movie scruipt for a claymation feature. Than it was just a short story turned into a long story, turned into a script, than an rpg, and finally in its fianl form an animation. I hope one day it will be the story for my nonexistent Smash Bros. game Super Smash Bros. Clash. This was to be a separate adventure story separate from all the fighting, This was going to be made with MUGEN engine technil;ogy and if you keep reading ans you get the bnpttp, you’ll see what a truly awesome game this would have been. Now Cut Young Link scene. POKeMON: * In the original seen DK was to hit the Kakuna, knocking it from the tree to the ground right next to Princess Peach. The Kakuna was to evolve into a Beedrill and summon other Beedrills. The other Beedrills feeling threatened were going to chase after Peach, their supposed attacker. She was to run off screen screaming being chased by Beedrills. This scene also dose not appear in the final version. It was inspired by a minigame in Mario Party entitled Honey Comb Havoc. The player had to roll a 1 or a 2 and grab freuit, but if they grabed the Honey Comb by mistake they were out and were chased by bees. I always thought something about Peach being chased by a hoard of bees is funny so my idea kind of evolved from that scenario, I just replaced the bees with Beedrills so that the Beedrills would have some kind of role in my story since they were a threat in the Smash Bros. Series.) (The following is unused dialogue from my original story. In the original story Oak was going to ask Luigi to enter a Poke’mon tournament to grow strong. Meanwhile Pokemon Trainer was going to try to talk Luigi out of it because he didn’t wasn’t Luigi to be possible compitition for him. There weas a referencxe to RED becoming corrupted at some point. Oak’s fear was that this Pokemon trainer may become corrupted too. To take the heat off of him Pokemon trainer tried to convince Oak it was in fact Luigi who may become corrupted. At the end of the chapter Luigi was to make it to the finals of a competition. There he would battle Pokemon trainer in a final Pokemon duel where Luigi would come out victorious. Pokemmon Trainer would realise the werrors of his ways. This version of Pokemoin trainer was darker and was portrayed more as a villian than a hero. I scraped this whole concept and made him all good. While some of this idea would stay intact much of it would be deleted from the final version due to its great length. Also Luigi was to battle and defeat most of team Rocket and some members from other teams from the other games as well. Many ideas were not used. Here now is the unused dialoge piece: Prof. Oak: You know You ought to enter the upcoming POKeMON tournament if you really want your POKeMON to grow stronger. POKE‘MON TRAINER: Heh. Heh. Prof. (Name player chose) is just starting out. Surely he isn’t ready for… Prof. Oak: Oh I’m confident in time he will be. You see… (Name player chose) I have a proposal to make. I need help in the lab with my research and I know you are destined to be a great Pokemon trainer one day. If you help me I’ll help you on your path to become a Pokemon master. Perhaps even the best in the world. What do you say? ( Luigi does his thinking pose.) If you say yes I’ll make you my personal proteige’. POKE‘MON TRAINER: Fufufu! WHAT?! … er I mean Prof. (Name player chose) can’t become a Pokemoin master so soon. It takes years of experience in battles. Besides you know what happened when you took RED under your wing… Prof. Oak: Yes, I’m aware of your concern, but I don’t believe that will happen this time. (Name player chose) is different. I can tell he would never… defect over to Team Rocket like… Well in any event What’s your answer (Name player chose)? Luigi: Oki Doki! Prof. Oak: So you agree to be my protige’? Wonderful. We’ll start right away. POKE‘MON TRAINER: … Good luck. I have… *training* to do… fufufu! ( He runs off) Luigi: eh? Prof. Oak: Oh don’t mind him.The life of a Pokemon trainer can be very busy. Scene ends. Other RPG Concept: I always liked how in Kingdom Hearts you were an outside character who came into Disney’s World and helped save it from Tyranny. I thought that concept would be great for a Nintendo game. What if an ordinary person came to Nintendo’s world and helped save it? Kind of like a Captain N. type of hero, but what if I used Miis and people could customize their own hero or heroin and save the Nintendo universe . No further action has been decided on this as of yet. Characters That Didn’t Make the Cut: Attacks: 1st Stick 2nd Fake Bat 3rd PK Life Up 4th PK Love (Players will need to use this move sparingly, as it takes up much needed SP (Smash Points ) Items: 3 Thunder Bombs 2 Salt Water Guns 1 Made you look 1 Franklin Badge 5 Omletts Defend: A shield covers Lucas Run Away: Escape Battle (May not always work. Tripping may cause a loss of coins or some other penalty.)  Attacks: 1st Flip Attack 2nd Cartwheel 3rd Chimpy Charge 4th Jetpack Attack (Players will need to use this move sparingly, as it takes up much needed SP (Smash Points ) Items: Defend: A shield covers Diddy Kong Run Away: Escape Battle (May not always work. Tripping may cause a loss of coins or some other penalty.)  Attacks: 1st Sword Slash 2nd Boomer Rang 3rd Bow and Arrows 4th Triforce Slash (Players will need to use this move sparingly, as it takes up much needed SP (Smash Points ) Items: Defend: A shield covers Toon Link Run Away: Escape Battle (May not always work. Tripping may cause a loss of coins or some other penalty.) More to come...
10-03-2012, 01:52 PM
(10-01-2012, 09:02 PM)Meta Wrote: not to mention after all what has been said i'm surprised you haven't realised that we dont give half a fuck about your terrible writting skills. (10-01-2012, 10:32 PM)м▲я✞H Wrote: Why isn't this locked? Why are you unable to follow any advice? Do you desire to improve at all? Why do you continue to breathe? Why are you ignoring us?
10-03-2012, 02:33 PM
Oh just lock the thread already... or better yet delete it.
It's obvious that he isn't going to listen and eventually it's going to turn into a huge shit fest in here because of the OP's incompetence to listen.
10-03-2012, 03:03 PM
Very well. I'm actually going to keep this thread as a possible example of one of the things not to do on this board. May prevent something like this from happening again in the future.
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