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Ni hao ma
The name is Fayt. Last name Saratome, though recently been thinking of retconing that to Saotome because it fits the character more and it's an actual last name. I decided to make an account because of Korby and so I could get practice for spriting and drawing and get criticism and improve. I don't know what to say and I am bad at this so here are random things I made.
Some of Fayt
[Image: HNI_0016_JPG.jpg]
[Image: HNI_0017_JPG.jpg]
[Image: VSFayt.png]
[Image: yeee.png]
[Image: fayt-2.png]
[Image: fayt_1.png]
[Image: FaytGSCSheet-1.png](old)

Random Things
[Image: link.jpg]
[Image: HULKBOB-color.png]
[Image: badgecaseredesign-1.png]
[Image: prototypesprite.png]

Shameless Edits of FE portraits of my characters
[Image: FireEmblemLedahCast-2.png]
[Image: brandon.png]
Thanked by: Garamonde
Hey Fayt, welcome to the Resource! I see you've already made a reference Tongue If you plan on staying you can post it here.

By the way, all of that stuff is awesome. Now I'm not really an artist and personally I only rip sprites, but I think that you'll fit in here just fine Big Grin

Anyway, hope you like it here!
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Welcome to the Resource community! Devour the rules and enjoy your stay! Genki ^_^
Thanked by: Garamonde

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