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(08-19-2012, 01:07 AM)Rosencrantz Wrote: YOU'VE GOT THAT WRONG!
Ah, sorry. I'm used to games where there are both day and night powers.

...Now I'm concerned there's a third party serial killer. I don't know any other role where it would be beneficial to carelessly toss out a vig like that.
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Recolorme voted for natashaontherun before I reminded him that he was dead, so I find that a little suspicious, it's possible that they had some sort of PM interaction.
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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(08-19-2012, 08:00 AM)[robo9] Wrote: Vote: Keiang

It seems as if Keiang is directing or trying to direct the mob, but not necessarily thinking things through, like Kat said. I see two likely options. He's either incredibly good at the game and trying to rally us around into executing innocents, or he could be innocent, with this being one of first times playing and he could cause us to form a mob mentality casting doubt on people and lynching the first person some casts as guilty. Honestly both of these scenarios are bad, and I wouldn't want either to happen.
(08-19-2012, 11:24 AM)Britt Wrote: Vote: Keiang

Gotta agree with Robo9, he seems to be a bit good at the game for a first time, so it appears like he has played before.
He could be trying to rally us against the innocents, since he knows who is own allies are. (If he is a Shitposter)
(08-19-2012, 11:28 AM)Shadow Kami Wrote: Vote: Keiang,
everyone pretty said why, so 'nuff said.

I don't really see how I'm forming a mob mentality. I'm putting forth my opinion- if someone wants to poke holes in my logic, I'd welcome it; open discussion is probably one of the best ways to find the truth. Additionally, the reason I voted Kat on such flimsy evidence was to gauge her reaction, but she didn't really respond other than "think through it more."

Unvote: Kat
Not saying she isn't scum, but there isn't enough to go on yet.

Anyway, I'd think if I was going for a mob mentality, I would be all "OMG U ACCUSED ME OF BEING SCUM!? UR DA SCUM, IMMA VOTE U."

((This actually is my first time, but I've watched a friend of mine play, so I guess my experience level is over someone who hasn't played before?))
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I'm not entirely convinced that Keiang is evil, but they've already taken out our detective (or hue shifter or whatever). We need to start fighting back, and I think he might be our best option.

Vote: Keiang
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Bandwagoning for the sake of getting something accomplished, as people will die regardless of weather or not we all vote.
UnVote: Keiang
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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I think we need more storywriting

He never really comprehended what had happened. A mod he was, one of the best tSR had ever seen, when the incident happened. When the sprite thieves and recolourers and sprite editors took over control, he lost all of his moderator powers and privileges. Even the ultimate profile style option was gone. It struck him hard when he realized he was nothing but a normal member again. There was nothing he could do. He had always assumed that he would be there when things went bad, that he would be able to take immediate action and stop evil before it set root. oh, he had assumed wrong! Being busy with some nasty sprite rips, he wasn't paying much attention and when he saw what was happening, it was already to late.
There was nothing he could do. He almost lost all his hope. Then suddenly, Sol popped up out of nowhere and brought back a little hope. There was a chance they could get the forums back to order. If they could just figure out who the evil posters were, they could ban them, one by one. It would be hard work and success wasn't guaranteed, but it brought a glimpse of hope.
Previous Lincoln grabbed a stake and some garlic. He would be ready when the vampires show up. They wouldn't stand a chance.
(08-19-2012, 01:27 PM)Phantom K Wrote: I'm not entirely convinced that Keiang is evil, but they've already taken out our detective (or hue shifter or whatever). We need to start fighting back, and I think he might be our best option.

Vote: Keiang

(08-19-2012, 01:30 PM)Sir Zabadabenabadaba Wrote: Bandwagoning for the sake of getting something accomplished, as people will die regardless of weather or not we all vote.
Vote: Keiang

So, because I posted my thoughts publicly in case of death, you're going to kill me. *shrug*
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No, because we need to start organizing ourselves as a democracy and not scattering votes all over the board, so we are going to unify and vote against the already-likely-victem.
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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I'm voting for the people that I think are shit-posters.
[Image: FK4rxzT.gif][Image: rZSrTAQ.gif][Image: QUmE6.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif][Image: 3CczX.gif][Image: qjGOacY.png][Image: smC8iWb.gif][Image: FK4rxzT.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]
Anti-Vipershark Operation Pantsu Weapon - By Kistu-nii~ Cute

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Before my Murder tonight I would like to remind everyone that Shadow Kami is in Trollerskate's roll of likely Werewolf/Crapposter, and to remember that for later.
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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crappy sat down and ate a sandwich, but even sandwich couldn't help him forget what happened the night before
"oh god why, recolorcool was the coolest, he didn't deserve a death," he said longingly
crappy felt pretty bad about things

crappy decided that he would avenge recolorcool's deadness or whatever
from then on he vowed to... be the one to... uh... yes

in a fit of rage, crappy continues to eat his sandwich

vote: keiang
i mean really who is this guy i never heard of him

i think crappy finished his sandwich but i don't really know for sure
Thanked by: Zadaben, Tellis, Kitsu, Sol
(08-19-2012, 02:13 PM)Crappy Blue Luigi Wrote: i think crappy finished his sandwich but i don't really know for sure

I think we need to take a break from figuring out who murdered who and focus on this mystery. It's infinitely more important.
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@Previ: Damn it Francis! They're Recolorers, not vampires!
Thanked by: Keiang
(08-19-2012, 02:04 PM)Sir Zabadabenabadaba Wrote: No, because we need to start organizing ourselves as a democracy and not scattering votes all over the board, so we are going to unify and vote against the already-likely-victem.

"We need a democracy, so let's start a bandwagon."

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Said the peson the bandwagon kunfufle is targeting. Tongue
[Image: FK4rxzT.gif][Image: rZSrTAQ.gif][Image: QUmE6.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif][Image: 3CczX.gif][Image: qjGOacY.png][Image: smC8iWb.gif][Image: FK4rxzT.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]
Anti-Vipershark Operation Pantsu Weapon - By Kistu-nii~ Cute

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