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Again, it was a thing I noticed, sol told him that he shouldn't have mentioned such things and he edited his post. I might have remembered it slightly differently but it mentions that he told you his role, then he died.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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Kat, that is not what I said, or anything close to what I said. Nor should I have said anything anyways. Please drop the subject.
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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(08-22-2012, 11:16 PM)Tellis Wrote: Oh, if Rosencrantz died... and if he was a Recolorer... and no one got killed by a Recolorer... then the Recolorers are dead? Unless there's an invisible power that kept them from killing instead. Hey Sol, are there any invisible powers?
Hoeloe, a recolourer, was killed during the first night and the recolourers did not kill anyone. Rosencrantz, a recolourer, got killed last night and the recolourers did not kill anyone.

The last night post made it obvious that we do have two bad teams, recolourers and sprite thiefs, which work against each other.

Judging by the number of people and from what I heard about other SoL werewolf games, I would say we have three bad guys per group, six in total.

However, each group only gets one kill per night. I would assume that each group choses a special member to be the executioner who will perform the kill. If that person dies, they will not be able to attack that night. So when Hoeloe died, she was the executing recolourer. Last night, Rosencrantz had that role, died, and they could not kill again.

Thus, I would not think it is impossible that there is a recolourer left.

I went through the topic and counted the posts made by the remaining people each day. Have some statistics.

I'm not sure if these tell me anything. However, quite obviously Vipershark has been the least active besides his posts were purely votes. If you ask me, that is suspicious as it appears he's trying hard not to slip a single thing.
Besides he voted against me. If anything makes you look suspicious, it is that.

Another night had passed and they were even further away from their goal. It seemed like two evil groups were out there, fighting not only the innocents but also each other. However, he did not know who they were and the last suspect they had banned had been innocent. Again. Something was foul, everything went wrong and it appeared that the sprite thiefs would win.
Was that imaginable, a tSR full of sprite thieves? It surely would attract attention. In the end, it was likely to ruin not only the forum, but the website as well. Who trusts a sprite archive supported by thieves?
Previous Lincoln knew he could not let this happen. Losing a forum is one thing, losing his favourite website he had dedicated countless hours supporting was another. He'd rather die fighting than watch that happen.
He would never comply to the vampires. He sat down to sharpen his stakes.

Vote: Vipershark
Thanked by: Zadaben, Rosencrantz
you know what I find odd is that every bandwagon is executed by amost the same people and is always wrong. I think we can assume that some of the baddies are in the vipershark bandwagon. And if that's the case that immediatly makes Vipershark innocent

I also thought that Rosencrantz was a shitposter due to him being close to Hoeloe it seemed and the fact I saw him watching his PM when Sol locked the votes. (No, I don't stalk him)

If anything, we have to get at least 5 votes to win. That means that all the innocents must vote on the same thing or else we will be outnumbered.
Kami was right at a certain point, I think Chameleon is a shitposter. Since "What! Rosencrantz was a shitposter! And Kami was innocent :o" sounds like what a werewolf would say if he was trying to act like a innocent.
I can also think of others that seem baddies but i don't have much proof yet.

Everyone the only way we could win is by following me

Vote: Chameleon
Love : Previous(2)(3), Trollerskates(2), Nicktendo DS(2), Hiynastrike, ShadeDBZ(2), Recolorme, Sevenstitch, SupaBuddie,

Thanked by: Rosencrantz
Vipershark and Previous seem to have a bit of a rivalry here.
Maybe one is a recolourer and one is a thief? Or one is a detective and the other is a thief?
I dunno, I'm kind of having second thoughts about suspecting Vupershark.
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(08-23-2012, 08:12 AM)TorchManiac Wrote: you know what I find odd is that every bandwagon is executed by amost the same people and is always wrong. I think we can assume that some of the baddies are in the vipershark bandwagon. And if that's the case that immediatly makes Vipershark innocent

I also thought that Rosencrantz was a shitposter due to him being close to Hoeloe it seemed and the fact I saw him watching his PM when Sol locked the votes. (No, I don't stalk him)

If anything, we have to get at least 5 votes to win. That means that all the innocents must vote on the same thing or else we will be outnumbered.

Bandwawgons will always be executed by "almost the same people." Executions are not the same as a kill power, they are harder to reach and leave anyone who has been accusatory under suspicion.

I would assume Rozencrantz watching his PM has nothing to do with him being a shitposter because his team's kill would be revealed in the Night post anyway. The only other thing an evil player would be concerned about would be whether the OTHER evil team might kill him (which again would only be revealed in Sol's post).

Your point that all the innocents have to agree is flawed, considering that (by the logic you have borrowed from Previous in assuming there are six evil players) it would actually almost be easier for the evil team to vote someone off tonight. I find it very interesting that you weren't as surprised (as I was) that yet again we have let MORE innocent die based on weak evidence and assumptions. I would be very careful with my vote tonight, everyone.
[Image: abstract6.jpg]
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The sharpened stakes lay neatly aligned on a table. He could only hope to get the opportunity to drive as many of them through the hearts of these cursed vampires. More and more innocents were falling, this had to stop. Sitting there in grief, hiding in a corner would not help. He had to be ready. He had to stay as sharp as his stakes. They appeared to be at a lack of trustable information, he was not able to deduce who of the remaming members was evil. All he could do was trusting his instincts.
Previous Lincoln waited for nightfall.

Vote: TorchManiac

Not that this vote does not count since I did not unvote Vipershark.
Thanked by: Hoeloe
Man, today we are just in utter chaos, aren't we?

Everyone is just voting for each other...

What have we got?

1 for TorchManiac,
1 for Chameleon
2 for Vipershark
1 for Previous

Unless some other more concrete evidence is brought to light, I'm voting for either Vipershark or Previous. I still don't like how Previous lead people to kill keiang and I don't like Vipershark's Inactivity. Especially since I played werewolf with Vipershark once before 2 or 3 years ago?(I know not super solid evidence to go by) in another one of Sol's games, and they were incredibly active in that game and also a confirmed innocent, which leads me to think they're playing sneaky baddie in this one if they're so quiet in contrast.

I'm going to think and post my vote in a bit.
Thanked by: alexmach1
Sorry to double post but I don't want to cause any controversy by editing my last post hours later.

Clearly there isn't going to be a majority tonight. Today was just a waste of a day, just in fighting and chaotic voting.

it's pointless... but

Vote: Previous
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clearly we're going to need a majority if we want to survive. So
Unvote: Cameleon
Vote: Vipershark
Sorry vipershark:p
Love : Previous(2)(3), Trollerskates(2), Nicktendo DS(2), Hiynastrike, ShadeDBZ(2), Recolorme, Sevenstitch, SupaBuddie,

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Vote: Vipershark

IDK if this is too late, doesn't really matter..
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Voting isn't closed yet ssoo.. Maybe it isnt too late.

unvote: Previous
Vote: Vipershark
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Even though I can't convince you guys at this point, if it's a 50/50 between us that means Previous is the evil one.
I'm probably gonna get killed tonight, but

well, you'll see.

Edit- On that note, the only "evidence" anyone has against me is inactivity but other than that nobody has any real reason to vote for me. People are actually suspicious of Previous for legitimate reasons.
I probably can't convince anyone to change their vote at this point but killing me is making a mistake.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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I think this reaches a majority? so I'm also going to vote for Vipershark because he's been pretty quiet...

Vote: Vipershark
[Image: abstract6.jpg]
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Votes are locked, day and night coming soon.
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