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Werewolf - A New Hope: Game Thread - GAME OVER - INNOCENTS WIN!
At this point, I'm completely stumped.

Shiyadezubuzu has been completely inactive so far, but that only worked on Kat, and that was pure luck considering she became a troll the night before.
The chances of him being our last Enemy is slim.

But seriously, you can't say this hasn't been a hilariously fun game. Think about it, there are only five us left, and only one of us is an enemy. Its kind of like a game of Russian Roulette. Its delightfully thrilling, thinking about the final outcome of the game.
Thanked by: Baegal, Zadaben
(09-09-2012, 06:23 PM)Sorario Wrote: Sol oddly convenient kill. It plays a bit too well into Keiang's suspicions of Britt, which pretty much leads me to believe that one of the two is a scum mastermind. Keiang for the reason I just outlined, and Britt to try and redirect suspicion on to Keiang. Of course I could really be overthinking this and maybe robo got lucky with a redirect, but IDK. Would actions apply despite being executed?

And then there's Muts, who's just casually bandwagoned for the entirety of the game (until now), and yet has somehow managed to last. This in itself is pretty exploitable by the remaining recolorer, so there's still quite a lot of confusion to be had here.

As far as Gold and Shiyad, I'm pretty much convinced at this point they're vig/inactive innocent respectively.

I'm pretty sure it was someone who was following my train of logic, and decided to go after Sol instead. I've already claimed as the goldminer, since that's useless now, and no one's CC'd. I suppose if I was lying, the actual one could've already died or something, but

One post I'm quite interested in is this one:

(09-09-2012, 02:37 PM)Sol Wrote: Let's go with [robo9] or Sorario. Shiyadezubuzu has posted only once since the game started, so I'm going to guess they're just inactive, rather than laying low. I'd rather not vote off any of the more active players if we can avoid it, for reasons Gold posted. So...

[he votes robo9, but i figured I should cut that out in case it confuses Hoeloe]

He throws out your name. Either he was planning on covering your ass, or he was throwing out a random name. However, it's vague enough so that it really amounts to nothing, at least not yet. However, he does go out of his way to protect Shiya, which could either be a frame job or an actual defense. Since you're active, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Vote: Shiyadezubuzu

As for Britt, I think I've changed my mind. His (seriously why do keep forgetting that) reactions seem to be townie lately, and I was basing my entire "it's one of these two" logic off of RBY's questionable comments and Mutsukki's uninformed opinion.

I swear to god though, if people make this a bandwagon I'm going to smack them. We need informed opinions at this point.
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I'm going to wait a bit before I make my decision.

If everybody goes after Shiyadezubuzu, then I wont really have much of a choice. But I'd rather make a more informed decision if it can be helped, rather then just going off of my inactive excuse.
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My bandwagoning and uninformed opinions are basically because this is my first Werewolf/Mafia game ever Shy

I'm actually really surprised I lasted this far, I was kinda sure I would be dead on the first nights, maybe I've lasted this far because someone probably knows I'm just a regular member with no powers, who have been making bad decisions since the first bandwagon, oops.

Britt is still very suspicious, taking the victim route out of this and we don't have much to go on with Sorario and Shyadezubuzu. Also, this pretty much means that the baddie is completely alone and has no one to rely when making decisions, that might give us some insight
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Unvote: Britt
Vote: Shiyadezubuzu
[Image: ioncesawyouholleringint.jpg]
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Vote: Shiyadezubuzu

I wont be home for a couple of hours, so I need to make my decision now.
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Alright then, we're doing this.

Vote: Shiyadezubuzu
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(09-09-2012, 07:19 PM)Keiang Wrote: I'm pretty sure it was someone who was following my train of logic, and decided to go after Sol instead. I've already claimed as the goldminer, since that's useless now, and no one's CC'd. I suppose if I was lying, the actual one could've already died or something, but
Wow, I just realized I never finished that sentence.

"but there's no way of telling that I suppose."

Anyway, I hope I'm right. Sol is devious enough that he might've tried to frame shiya in case he got caught.
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Voting Locked

Stand by for story!


Voting (Majority 4):

Shiyadezubuzu - 4

As the remaining few members filed into the hall, Hoeloe stepped out of the golden beam of light, hefting the banhammer over his shoulder, and asked:
"Who will it be tonight?"
There was a bit of muttering, and someone proclaimed:
"No, wait, Shiyadezubuzu has been really quite suspicious, keeping out of everything like this, I think it's him!"
There was a murmur of agreement over this, but Shiyadezubuzu did not step forwards. Hoeloe walked down the hall to where he was sitting, and calmly swung the hammer. Shiyadezubuzu did not flinch, and exploded into white light.

Shiyadezubuzu was executed and banned. He was the Hue Shifter, a good user who could tell if another member was a Recolourer or not

Gold pondered the fate of the forum. There were not many of them left, and killing off Shiyadezubuzu had crippled them further. He sighed, and closed the lid of the laptop. Things were better than they were, and the garbage members were far fewer than they had been, but the regulars were depleted, too. Gold turned to leave the room.

[Image: f6Rp2.png]


Gold's eyes ignited, and he screamed as the fire consumed his body. Soon, he was nothing but a pile of ash on the floor.

Gold was shown a recolour, and was banned. He was the Super Mod, a good member who could instantly ban another member once

Night 6 summary:

- Shiyadezubuzu was executed
- Gold was banned

Dawn of the seventh day
4 players remain
Majority: 3
what the fuck
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Eh, I regret not being here to argue against the Shiyad bandwagon. Voting him off was a bad call, and now that Gold is dead we've lost two actual clears.

Also Keiang, Sol really only brought Shiyad and I up after you had done some analyzing and listed us as possible suspects. I'm more inclined to believe that he was just throwing out names of not entirely active people to distract from himself. What puzzles me more is why people were so quick to jump on his vote against robo9. Perhaps he did a better job of appearing less scummy than I thought.

Finally, as far as my own alignment is concerned, I'm probably showing up as a bit scummy myself for not voting/being extremely active.

Either way, we're in a very awkward situation now: mislynch and lose, or wait another day and force into lynch or lose. Kind of ugly, really. Whoever the last recolorer is, they're smart, and have set up some rather interesting circumstances. Killing Gold last night over say, me or Keiang was pretty brilliant, because now we're in a room of HIGHLY questionable people and low certainty.

I'd say if we want any indication of where to start looking, we need to really think about who's been eager to bandwagon and make votes over the past two days.
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Okay, so my logic was fucked.

The only three people left are Mutsukki, Britt, and Sorario.

Mutsukki really strikes me as innocent, and if he's been playing me for a sucker, he's been doing really goddamn well for a first timer. If he is mafia, he does the confused newbie act really well, although in a PM convo we had, he showed a willingness to vote for Sol, so I think he's innocent.

Britt's suspicious based on RBY's comment. Here's my thoughts on that as of right now. Either RBY's taken a shot in the dark, or he put one mafia and one innocent. If it was indeed the latter, it actually makes some degree of sense. RBY mentions Sol first, to lull us into a false sense of security, and then Britt, to even that out. Typically in mafia, a cult's goal is to be majority: killing townies isn't a requirement. However, there is this post:
(09-09-2012, 11:24 AM)Sol Wrote: I just noticed RBY's message about me and Britt, and it's a bunch of garbage, haha. I haven't had any contact with Redblueyellow this entire game, so the only reasoning he has against me is the same as Keiang's, which is the whole Zabadaben vote thing. I'd ask Headburger to corroborate what I said about it, but I'm almost certain that's against the rules now that he's dead, although it hasn't stopped some people, haha.

I don't really think Britt is a baddie either, but I also think he isn't the Lurker, as you said, Keiang, as that was Kat's role before she was converted. To be honest your case against me seems stronger than the one against Britt, haha. As for Mutsukki, I think that if they are a baddie, starting the bandwagon on Zabadaben was a definite misstep. And if the Trolls are this game's cultist faction, I am glad they are dead, because I personally hate cultists in Werewolf. Although I'm not sure if they were actually a cult faction like you think, because I've never heard of a cultist protector, which is what your role would be if the Trolls are cultists like you said.
Sol really goes out of his way to defend Britt, although that might've been part of a ploy to simultaneously gain Britt's trust and devalue RBY's comments.

That leaves Sorario. He kinda shows up out of nowhere on page six, then disappears for a while.
(09-07-2012, 12:41 AM)Sorario Wrote: interesting

does anyone CC gold?
This post shows he knows a bit about mafia strategy.

He then vanishes again for two pages, and shows up on page 8 to throw the vote towards me or Britt.

There's also this:
(09-09-2012, 02:37 PM)Sol Wrote: Let's go with [robo9] or Sorario. Shiyadezubuzu has posted only once since the game started, so I'm going to guess they're just inactive, rather than laying low. I'd rather not vote off any of the more active players if we can avoid it, for reasons Gold posted. So...

Vote: [robo9]

I might've been looking at it wrong, since sacrificing Sorario might have given Sol credibility. Alternatively, he was throwing out three random names to avoid mentioning Britt or Mutsukki.

I'm not even going to vote, until we reach a consensus. I want to hear everyone's opinions. We're at mislynch or lose: if we fuck up, two innocents die and then it's just whoever's left and the last mafia.

edit: whoops, that's MISlynch and lose
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(09-10-2012, 06:13 PM)Sorario Wrote: I'd say if we want any indication of where to start looking, we need to really think about who's been eager to bandwagon and make votes over the past two days.

That's certainly me, mainly because I thought getting a majority would make us move forward. What would we achieve by not voting, one more day for us to be taken out one by one? While that lead us faster to this situation, we could have lucked out too. Actually, I think you reappearing after a long absence just to point out suspicious people, and then not even stay to vote for majority is far more scummy, I would figure an innocent would want to help the voting.
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I'm pretty torn right now. We've all had our bouts of suspicious activity, but none of it is really enough prosecute anyone on.

All I can say is, I believe mutsukki is smarter then he lets on, but that doesn't by any means make him the enemy.
This is troubling, it could potentially be the last night, unless majority is reached.
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Actually if majority IS reached, this is the last night, right? Otherwise, if we don't reach majority, that will lead on to another night with 2 innocents and one baddie, if that can happen.
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