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I could not find a topic has anyone seen the topic I'm sure there must be one? No? Aw man.
Okay so you're the mayor and whatnot but who cares? We've got bananas and lemons, finally. Oh joy! Ever since I set my hands on an Animal Crossing games, I wanted bananas. Now we get bananas. Could it be any better?
However, that renders the old joke unusable. "Do you have any bananas?" - "Yes, yes I do..." :<
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I liked it's Japanese subtitle better: "Jump In"
"Animal Crossing: Jump In" sounds nice.
Anyway, I like how the Kapp'n is back to being a... captain. You can also meet his whole Kappa family on the island!
I also like how you can now create your own textures on furniture. Your pallet is also much more expansive.
You can see a tapir lady and visit other people's town via dream. You don't have to wait for your friend to be online to see their town.
Tom Nook runs a new store with Lyle. You can customize the outside of your house by purchasing sets from this store.
There are new animal and personality types. Expect to see hamsters and what looks like fawns.
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Wasn't it "Jump Out" to emphasize on the 3D effect?
Anyways, yes, there's tons of new tidbits
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Oh man, Animal Crossing. I remember playing the Cube version imported from Aus (of course it then came out in Europe months later  ) and Wild World (which I lost '_; ).
I doubt I'll be getting this, fact aside that I don't have a 3DS 
It looks pretty good, though!
I seriously can't wait for this game.
My only hope is it doesn't have that shit city folk had where the NPCs that would usually have visited your town, just stay in the city at all times.
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I also hope the dialog system will be more like Wild World's than City's... City just had short snippets that got repeated over and over while Wild World may have had less variety, but longer conversations (you could talk to the same NPC repeatedly and he'd text you the next part etc...)
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Bananas? BANANAS!?!?!
Okay where is the cheapest place to buy a 3DS?
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I miss the Game Cube's dialog where you can just ask the villagers for favors whenever you wanted.
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After getting the gold statue on the Cube one my older bro decided to make everyone say "Heil Hitler" and sold Natzi T-shirts... kinda ruined it for me in all honesty...
Banana's and Swimming?
If I get to choose my skin colour as well then I need to find 3DS money QUICK.
You may also know me as Giraffe
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Wait... if you're the mayor, where's old Torti gone to?
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To his grave I hope. >:I
I hope that they boost inventory space A LOT to make up for only having one character and not four :<
I'm used to using one or two characters as extended storage space. ><
(10-26-2012, 01:18 PM)Previous Wrote: I hope that they boost inventory space A LOT to make up for only having one character and not four :<
I'm used to using one or two characters as extended storage space. ><
The only Animal Crossing game I've played was City Folk, and that provided countless hours of enjoyment. Never tried a handheld AC game, and I don't have a 3DS, so I'm not sure how likely I am to getting it. The new additions are awesome though, all it needs now is mangoes.
Currently working on: moving