I have been going around the internet looking for portraits of the monsters, I hardly ever find much and most pictures of I found of those rare portraits are bad quality because of the poor screenshots taken by poor cameras, I would like someone to hack into Monster Rancher 1 and 2 (I am really serious about someone doing this lol) and then rip every single portrait or whatever you call them cards? including names of each sub species (no nicknames or fake names) I don't know it can be done but whatever you clever guys can do please rip all the portraits or cards from the 1st and 2nd games for Playstation 1 and put them up on a sheet for each game like portrait s for Monter Rancher 1 and another sheet for Monster Rancher 2, I would love to see this happen and at least save the rest of my time looking for pictures of each monster!
I need the portraits because I am going to use them as reference for building my very own Lego figures after some of my favorite monsters, there are some certain ones I would like you to rip for me but please just rip all of the monsters.
I need the portraits because I am going to use them as reference for building my very own Lego figures after some of my favorite monsters, there are some certain ones I would like you to rip for me but please just rip all of the monsters.