Neato burrito man, so now that you've regurgitated that enough times, will you please drop it? We knew your stance pages ago, and you add nothing to it other than the same baseless speculation based off of an introductory video that shows the mega forms and them doing an attack(which by the way was purposely made that way to make you go "wow, that looks awesome!"
There WILL be setbacks to these forms, Gamefreak isn't going to add some uber unstoppable form, that's never been their thing.
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08-12-2013, 01:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 01:59 PM by Koh.)
Baseless? Name one team-based/strategic game, in which there is perfect balance between all the abilities. A game where there isn't one ore more ability/class/character that's worth using more than the others, because it's /they're extremely broken compared to the others. Such a game doesn't exist, and Pokemon is no exception, even currently, which is why many competitive players had to break the Pokemon up into tiers.
Of course no game is going to be perfectly balanced in every way, what I DID say though is that it will not be extremely broken in every way, there will be checks and balances, Game Freak has always done that, and they do a great job with it, even with a few kinks here and there.
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I never said it was going to broken in every way either. I'm just saying this is only going to accelerate the balancing problem that already exists, even if there are setbacks. That doesn't mean ALL Megalutions will be broken, it means Megalutions as a whole is going to break things even more.
That said, if they reveal this to be something that lasts the entire fight, and with more than one Pokemon able to activate it at once so you could have others in your party, I imagine several Mega-Only Wifi Battles.
I also foresee them giving the primary antagonist of these games a Megalution Pokemon as the final battle. The games are sort of "telling on themselves" with seems like something they'd do.
I also hope with these games, the mechanics are improved further as usual. It makes no sense for the weather to keep appearing and disappearing during the battle, when it could just stay until the weather/battle ends.
Finally, the PokeTech of this region...So we had the PokeGear, the PokeNav, the Poketch, and the C-Gear, which broke thenaming tradition. What could possibly be next? Oh, I know, a PokeIPhone.
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Why does it not make sense for weather to come and go during a battle when whether LITERALLY comes and goes in real life?
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08-12-2013, 03:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 03:40 PM by Koh.)
(08-12-2013, 03:15 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: Why does it not make sense for weather to come and go during a battle when whether LITERALLY comes and goes in real life? I'm talking about the animation stopping and continuing while the weather is still in effect. Like, say the rain is supposed to last 5 turns, but the animation comes and goes constantly between the turns, instead of it visibly raining the entire 5 turns. If the weather icon says it's raining, we should be able to see the rain the whole time, not just inbetween turns.
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08-12-2013, 04:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 04:48 PM by DioShiba.)
(08-12-2013, 02:12 PM)Koh Wrote: the same things that were said for the past thousands of pages here about Mega Pokemon.
Honestly, shut the fuck up.
I'm not saying this to bash you, and I'm not saying this to be a dick. You've said the same damn point so many times now they're irrelevant, like some sort of cliche.
The truth is no one really cares now. You're just spamming the same point until everyone agrees with you. Can't you just get over it and stop crying about it?
Or actually no, your tears are delicious. But even good tears have to stop dripping out of the sockets.
So please, just kindly shut up about the whole damn deal. Thank you.
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Everything's broken one way or another--this just offers a different kind of broken.
That won't be fixed anytime soon, so why don't we appreciate the fact that we get sexy new pokemon designs without cluttering up the dex full of evolutions/pre-evolutions?
I mean, Ampharos finally has wool.
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(08-12-2013, 05:23 PM)Baegal Wrote: I mean, Ampharos finally has wool. At least we know where the Kalosians get their sweaters o.o.
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08-12-2013, 06:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 06:45 PM by Baegal.)
I have an idea
![[Image: 1e1a0c58104a76ef2ba9fcae29200359.png]](
The Pokemon XY album art was released today, and I found it particularly strange that Mewtwo made it onto the back cover out of everything.
Actually, it got me thinking about how much of the spotlight Mewtwo's been receiving lately--and why now?
Do you think he has a major influence on the XY story?
I mean, he's gotten lots of coverage AND a MegaEvolution--and owning Mewtwo isn't exactly an easy thing to do, even if he's transferred from other games.
The game name IS related to genetics (X and Y chromosomes, and the Japanese logo has a DNA strand on it (which is now the MegaEvolution symbol but hey) (, and Mewtwo is the genetic pokemon (,
so I think it's very likely that Mewtwo's coming back to be either catchable or a big part of the XY plot.
((Is it possible that he could be the 'third mascot legendary'? They probably wouldn't re-use legendaries, but the MegaEvolution gimmick was also a big surprise as well)).
I don't know! I think Mewtwo's going to be a bigger part of XY than just getting a MegaEvolution.
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I thought it was just to go hand in hand with the movie, showcasing Mewtwo's alternate form. If not, he might be used as an outlet to introduce players to Megalutions. Other than that, I have no idea. Seems kind of awkward that they'd put a lot of focus on an older Pokemon (despite the newer form) compared to the newer ones, especially the legendaries.
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Mewtwo is pretty much THE original Legendary Pokemon though. He was the end-all-be-all kind of Pokemon you could only get at the very end, after training as hard as you could and beating as much of the rest of the game as you could. Sure, the bird trio is there, but even on the Pokedex they come before the Dratini evolution line. Mewtwo was always numero uno in the original games, and he's still well loved.
... if you can get past his new eggplant feet.
... which I probably can, he's still pretty cool.
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08-12-2013, 07:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 07:37 PM by Koh.)
I thought Mew was...could only be gotten through linking from Nintendo events, or glitches. There was no normal in-game way to get him. So whoever had him was considered top of the line. You got those silly rumors like use Strength on the Truck in Vermillion City past S.S. Anne.
Missing No. counts too I guess...oh boy, dem glitches...
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I think that Mega will be completely balanced for 2 given reason and one completely speculated reason on my part:
1: You can only do it during battle if said pokemon is holding a megastone item(No choice/lefties etc.)
2: Only one Mega pokemon per battle. So you can't possibly have a team full of these guys.
3: I am starting to think that this will be this game's dreamworld equivalent. Why do I think this? A few reasons actually...
A. Blaziken with Speed boost. Why would they bother doing so if Dream World would already have it? Giving it a new shtick could easily happen, but it didn't.
B. The Dream World is soon closing down as it is.
C. This is a far more effective way to give direct buffs to Pokemon that may need them. Dreamworld was nice for some abilities, but this opens a direct upgrade to some of the further down Pokemon.
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08-13-2013, 06:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-13-2013, 06:07 AM by NICKtendo DS.)
In Pokémon Gold & Silver, one NPC had a Poliwrath wondering if it would one day become a frog. This refers to Politoed that evolves from Poliwhirl, so he missed out on that.
To consolidate his poor decision, there should be a Mega Poliwrath that is actually a frog. Like how Munna is based on a Gen 1 NPC's speculation.
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