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Request - multi system rips or help doing it.
greetings user,

I am an old school gamer. I came to your forum and have looked over some of the tools listed for things like gamecube ripping of models.

First let me state my mission statement. I am a 3d modeler who enjoys ref modeling when I can. I wish to bring about a new renasuance of old school game models in more modern gaming.

so here is my issues and or my list if anyone wishes to help me out. I'd be very grateful.

one problem: I ripped the trucks and trailers from 18 WHEELER protrucker america using dolphin. all models are in .wob format and I don't know what to with them or any program that will work with them. they are the only models I can seem to get out of any of the games I wish to work with.

if you can help me with these then great.

problem 2. dolphin works fine but 3dx ripper doesn't. might have to do with having a 64-bit win 7 install. not sure yet I am new to all this.

so maybe you guys could help me with what do with the 18 Wheeler models.

if you guys cannot help me with that. and I understand if you cannot here is the master list I want to ref model using the actual models themselves.

1. axels taxi from crazy taxi
2. all trucks and trailers from 18 WHEELER pro american trucker
3. all the vehciles from Wreckless Yakuza missions.
4.the el camino car from Roadkill
5. hopefully the vehicles and player models from Terminator 3 redemption.
6. an f7 super cheif locomotive (from any train simulator)

I don't care about riggings I can rig the models I make from these game models I ref off of. I just need them in a format I could convert into 3d studio max where I'll recreate them and then rig them for games I enjoy. I don't steal I know how it feels to have my work stolen. any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Probably not a good idea to request yet (as per the rules in that section; join date and post count), but before this gets locked hopefully I can help you out.

Most GC games used their own proprietary model format to my knowledge. This means that each game needs a dedicated model viewer/decompiler coded for it. (Unlike Wii where a large chunk of games share a common format.)

Second, as for 3DRipper not working - If you are running a 64-bit version of Dolphin, then it will not work. You need to be running a 32-bit distribution of Dolphin. You also need to make sure Hardware acceleration/DirectX is used as the video render method in the Settings menu of Dolphin.

I'm kind of busy (and 3D Ripper dislikes me, never worked Sad ), but can maybe look at the models/games sometime soon.
**Though mostly inactive on the forums, you can shoot me a PM and I'll try to respond as soon as I can. PM notices get emailed to me!

You can also catch me on Discord: John2k4#5788
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As John2k4 already mentioned, we have strict rules concerning requests, as you can see in the universal forum rules topic. I'll close this thread.

If you have any specific questions regarding how to rip models, you can ask them in the Model Discussion section, although I advice to use the forum search first, as many questions (like the Dolphin-3D-Ripper one) have been asked and answered before. However, asking for rips is against the rules unless you meet the requirements and post them in the appropriate section.
Thanked by: Garamonde

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