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Help me detail my character.
Im not sure where to put this but...

I have 2 questions:

Does any of you do 16bit characters?

Are you willing to transform my 8bit character to a 16bit character?

My 8bit character

Pose 1
[Image: spaceb11-1.png]

Pose 2
[Image: spaceb13.png]

Pose 3
[Image: spaceb11v2.png]

Original Pic ( Its my Mii from Mario Kart )
[Image: miibones.png]

It would be awesum if any of you could do the 3 of them Smile

PM Me if needed

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No requests, warn. I'll change the topic so people can actually help you instead of doing it for you, which is just plain lazy.
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lol Sorry im kinda new Sad Im not good with 8bit graphics AT ALL... i feel like i should leave the forum Sad
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Don't be a douche, just try drawing it yourself and get advice. Leaving doesn't do shit.
[Image: BannerL.gif]
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Well, you won't improve if you don't try. Just give it a shot then post what you make here, so you can get C+C in order to fix it up.
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....sorry if i sound nooby but WTH is C+C
ive been seeing it on the whole forums but i don't know what it means, then i tried googling it but it was some math thingy , please tell me
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C+C is basically comments and criticism. People tell you what they think of the sprite (Or whatever you make.) and tell you what to fix.
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Solspear, Don't bump age old topics, and why the heck would you bump this one?
[ PK - TomGuycott - MoneyMan ]
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