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Breath of Fire 3 icons
Hi! I'm looking for rips of the icons from Breath of Fire 3.
I don't think there's too many.
-First thing: Elemental icons for skills. There's about...9? (neutral, fire, ice, thunder, wind, earth, holy, status, death, ??)
-Secondly: Item/equipment icons. I think there's even less. About 5 or 6.
-Also, I think there's darkened or highlighted versions of all of the above?

That's mainly what I'm looking for.
But...if you want to:
-Third: Status screen icons: Items, Skills, Equipment, etc.
-Fourth: Battle command icons: Attack, Skill, Examine, Charge, Escape, etc.

That's all I think. I don't need the Gene icons yet (even though that would be sweet).

Thanks in advance for any help!
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