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Super Star Ultra

[Image: KSSU_kirbyP2.gif] [BEAM] [Image: BombKirby_Sheet_Icon.png] [Image: CutterKirby_Sheet_Icon.png] [Image: FighterKirby_Sheet_Icon.png] [Image: KSSU_fireP.gif] [Image: KSSU_hammerP.gif] [Image: IceKirby_Sheet_Icon.png] [Image: JetKirby_Sheet_Icon.png] [Image: MirrorKirby_Sheet_Icon.png] [Image: KSSU_ninjaP.gif] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_ParasolKirby_icon.png] [Image: KSSU_plasmaP.gif] [Image: KSSU_stoneP.gif] [Image: SuplexKirby_Sheet_Icon.png] [Image: KSSU_swordkP.gif] [Image: KSSU-WheelKirby_icon.png] [Image: kssuwingiconcg9.png] [Image: KSSU-YoYoKirby_icon.png] [Image: KSSU_wriderP.gif] [Image: KSSU-PaintKirby_icon.png] [Image: KSSU_KirbyOneShots_icon.png]

Helpers / Playable Characters
[Image: KSSU_metaplayP.gif] [Image: KSSU_waddledooP.gif] [Image: KSSU_poppyjrP.gif] [Image: KSSU_kibbleP.gif] [Image: KSSU_kjoeP.gif] [Image: KSSU_leoP.gif] [Image: KSSU_bonkersP.gif] [Image: KSSU_chillyP.gif] [Image: KSSU_capsulej2P.gif] [Image: KSSU_simirrorP.gif] [Image: KSSU_biosparkP.gif] [Image: KSSU_ParasolWaddleDee_icon.png] [Image: KSSU_pwispP.gif] [Image: KSSU_rockyP.gif] [Image: KSSU_bugzzyP.gif] [Image: KSSU_bladeP.gif] [Image: KSSU_wheelieP.gif] [Image: KSSU_birdonP.gif] [Image: KSSU_gimP2.gif] [Image: KSSU_tacP.gif] [Image: KSSU_swordP.gif]

[Image: kssu__normal_enemies__icon.png] [Image: kssu__ability_enemies__icon.png] [Image: KSSU_kingbaddiesP.gif] [Image: KSSU_metasoldiersP.gif] [Image: KSSU_miniboss1P.gif] [Image: KSSU_miniboss2P.gif] [Image: KSSU_truemidbossP.gif] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_WhispyWoods_icon.png] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_LololoLalala_icon.png] [Image: KSSU_krackoP.gif] [Image: KSSU_dedede1P.gif] [Image: kssu__fatty_whale__icon.png] [Image: kssu__computer_virus__icon.png] [Image: KSSU_chameleoP.gif] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_WhamBamRock_icon.png] [Image: KSSU_dynabladeP.gif] [Image: HeavyLobster_Sheet_Icon.png] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_MainCannonNo2_icon.png] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_HalberdReactor_icon.png] [Image: KSSU_metabossP.gif] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_NovaNucleus_icon.png] [Image: Marx_Sheet_Icon.png] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_LololoRevenge_icon.png] [Image: KSSU_krackorP.gif] [Image: kssukabulaiconcf3.png] [Image: kssu__bandana_waddle_dee__icon.png] [Image: KSSU_dedede2P.gif] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_WhamBamJewel_icon.png] [Image: GalactaKnight_Sheet_Icon.png] [Image: KSSU_marxsoulP.png]

[Image: KSSU_bg1P.gif] [Image: KSSU_fg1P.gif] [Image: KSSU_fg2P.gif] [Image: KSSU_fg3P.gif] [Image: KSSU_fg4P.gif] [Image: KSSU_fg5P.gif] [Image: KSSU_fg6P.gif] [Image: KSSU_fg7P.gif] [Image: KSSU_fg8P.gif] [Image: KSSU_fg9P.gif][Image: KSSU_stadiumP.gif] [Image: KSSU_bg2P.gif] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_GourmetBG1_icon.png] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_GourmetBG2_icon.png] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_GourmetBG3_icon.png] [Image: KSSU_bg4P.gif] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_ArenaBGs_icon.png] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_ModifiedStadium_icon.png]

[Image: KSSU_GeneralRips_icon.png] [Image: Starship_Sheet_Icon.png] [Image: KSSU_bigkirbyP.gif] [Image: kssu__kirby_card_swipe__icon.png] [Image: KSSU_drawgameP.gif] [Image: SnackTracks_Icon.png] [Image: KSSU_stageiconsP.gif][Image: KSSU_pauseartP.gif] [Image: Nintendo_KSSU_GourmetMisc_icon.png]


Blank = This sheet isn't done.
Big Grin = Someone is working on this sheet (don't steal!).
Cute = This sheet is complete.

Cute Kirby - Drshnaps
Big Grin Beam (Ability) - Seiryu's Tea
Cute Waddle Doo (Buddy)
Cute Bomb (Ability) - Omegakyogre
Cute Poppy Bro. Jr. (Buddy) - Sploder
Cute Copy (Ability) - RTB
Cute T.A.C. (Buddy) - Drshnaps
Cute Cutter (Ability) - Omegakyogre
Cute Sir Kibble (Buddy) - Omegakyogre
Cute Fighter (Ability) - Omegakyogre
Cute Knuckle Joe (Buddy) - Drshnaps
Cute Fire (Ability) - Drshnaps
Cute Burning Leo (Buddy) - Drshnaps
Cute Hammer (Ability) - Drshnaps
Cute Bonkers (Buddy) - Sploder
Cute Ice (Ability) - Omegakyogre
Cute Chilly (Buddy) - Drshnaps
Cute Jet (Ability) - Omegekyogre
Cute Capsule J2 (Buddy) - Drshnaps
Cute Mirror (Ability) - Omegakyogre
Cute Simirror (Buddy) - Drshnaps
Cute Ninja (Ability) - Drshnaps
Cute Bio Spark (Buddy) - Drshnaps
Cute Parasol (Ability) - RTB
Cute Parasol Waddle Dee (Buddy) - RTB
Cute Plasma (Ability) - Drshnaps
Cute Plasma Wisp (Buddy) - Drshnaps
Cute Stone (Ability) - Drshnaps
Cute Rocky (Buddy) - Drshnaps
Cute Suplex (Ability) - Omegakyogre
Cute Bugzzy (Buddy) - Drshnaps
Cute Sword (Ability) - Drshnaps
Cute Blade Knight (Buddy) - Sploder
Cute Wheel (Ability) - RTB
Cute Wheelie (Buddy) - Sploder
Cute Wheelie Rider - Sploder
Cute Wing (Ability) - Geo the Fox
Cute Birdon (Buddy) - Drshnaps
Cute Yo-Yo (Ability) - RTB
Cute Gim (Buddy) - Drshnaps
Cute Cook (Ability) - RTB
Cute Crash (Ability) - RTB
Cute Mike (Ability) - RTB
Cute Paint (Ability) - RTB
Cute Sleep (Ability) - RTB
Big Grin Common Effects (warpstars, explosions, etc.) - Drshnaps
Cute Starship & Helper - Omegakyogre
Cute Playable Meta Knight - Drshnaps
Cute Sword Knight (Buddy) - Sploder
Cute Common Enemies - Deathbringer
Cute Ability Enemies - Deathbringer
Cute Mid-Boss All Stars 1 (Chef Kawasaki, Bonkers and Bugzzy) - Drshnaps
Cute Mid-Boss All Stars 2 (Poppy Bros. Sr., Mr. Frosty, Iron Mam and Jukid) - Drshnaps
Cute Meta Soldiers - Drshnaps
Cute Whispy Woods / Twin Woods - RTB
Cute Lololo and Lalala - Solink
Cute Kracko Jr. / Kracko - Drshnaps
Cute King Dedede - Drshnaps
Cute Dyna Blade - Drshnaps
Cute Fatty Whale - Deathbringer
Cute Computer Virus - Deathbringer
Cute Chameleo Arm - Drshnaps
Cute Wham Bam Rock - RTB
Cute Main Cannon #2 (Combo Cannon) - RTB
Cute Heavy Lobster - Omegakyogre
Cute Halberd Reactor - RTB
Cute Meta Knight - Drshnaps
Cute Galactic Nova Nucleus (Heart of Nova) - RTB
Cute Marx - omegakyogre
Cute Kirby Card Swipe - Deathbringer
Cute Kirby on the Draw - Drshnaps
Cute Snack Tracks
Cute Misc. Items - Jaabi & RTB
Cute Stage Icons - Drshnaps
Cute Gourmet Race - RTB
Cute True Mid-Boss All Stars (Tick Tock, Grand Wheelie, Phan Phan and Flame Lion) - Drshnaps
Cute Whispy's Revenge - RTB
Cute Lololo and Lalala's Revenge - Solink
Cute Kracko Jr.'s Revenge / Kracko's Revenge - Drshnaps
Cute Kabula - Sploder
Cute Masked Dedede - Drshnaps
Cute Wham Bam Jewel - RTB
Cute Galacta Knight - Omegakyogre
Cute Marx Soul - Drshnaps

Boss Files:
b0 = Whispy / Twin Woods
b1 = Whispy's Apple
b2 = Whispy's Apple (again?)
b6 = Lololo & Lalala
b7 = Kracko
b8 = Misc. SFX
b9 = King Dedede
bf10 = Dyna Blade
b11 = Kirby sprites for cutscene after Dyna Blade fight
b16 = Fatty Whale SFX
b20 = Computer Virus Windows
b21 = Computer Virus SFX
b22 = Computer Virus SFX
b23 = Computer Virus Slime
b24 = Computer Virus Doll
b25 = Computer Virus Magician
b26 = Computer Virus Knight
b27 = Computer Virus Dragon
b36 = Chameleo Arm
b40 = Wham Bam Rock
b42 = Heavy Lobster
b44 = Combo Cannon
b45 = Combo Cannon SFX
b47 = Halberd Reactor SFX
b48 = Meta Knight
b49 = Winged Meta Knight
b50 = Heart of Nova
b51 = Marx
b56 = Kabula
b59 = Cutscene Sprites?
b62 = "GET IT!" Hammer platform
b63 = Masked Dedede SFX
b65 = Masked Dedede
b66 = Lololo & Lalala's Revenge
b67 = Kracko's Revenge
b68 = Galacta Knight
b70 = Marx Soul
b92 = Grand Wheelie
Kirby doesn't look like the SNES Kirby!? How dissappointing! Well I can't wait to see it finished.
[Image: 14.gif]
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It looks like a mix between Kirby Advance Style and Super Star.

And I don't like the dark colors.
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
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God dammit, someone is already starting to rip this? Drshnaps, may I help? I'd need you to teach me how, but I really wanted to rip from this game!!

Oh, and the colors are too dark.
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(09-23-2008, 09:38 PM)Geo the Fox Wrote: Oh, and the colors are too dark.
VGA (Poppy Bright) should fix that, DrShnaps.

Would you mind if I helped out with the ripping project? If so, I would like to rip the following (for now, I'll request some more later):

Parasol Waddle Dee

Copy Icons (Never mind, Jaabi ripped most of those. I'll just help him out with that instead. Tongue)

...Oh, and in the game, Capsule J is redesigned, and is called "Capsule J2". (Probably because the original looked a lot like TwinBee.)

Also, BELOW IS SPOILERS OF ALL THE NEW ENEMIES AND WHATNOT! Quote this post to be able to see them. (You can add this to your post if you want to, DrShnaps.)

Enemies (Return of the King)


Giant Wheelie

Phan Phan

Fire Lion

Whispy Woods' Revenge

Lololo and Lalala's Revenge

Kracko / Kracko Jr.'s Revenge


Masked DeDeDe

Wham Bam Jewel

Galacta Knight

[u]Marx Soul
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I took a look into the ROM's contents, and apparently the vast majority of sprites are compressed under some 'z-' compression, which Arcnor seems to know about a little(?).
Actual palette files shouldn't be a problem; their sizes are quantized and are named appropriately.

What's actually known are the .b files. Many of them are located in ./rom/pd/, and from what I think, they're Kirby hats. Not 100% sure since I just looked around for a bit. The graphics are 4bpp Linear, reverse order, and the palettes are ordinary 15bit RGBs at the very end of the file. What are you waiting for? Get rippin'!
[Image: hats235.png] <- just a snippet. I don't intend ripping the whole sheet.
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(09-23-2008, 11:05 PM)Raccoon Sam Wrote: What's actually known are the .b files. Many of them are located in ./rom/pd/, and from what I think, they're Kirby hats. Not 100% sure since I just looked around for a bit. The graphics are 4bpp Linear, reverse order, and the palettes are ordinary 15bit RGBs at the very end of the file. What are you waiting for? Get rippin'!
[Image: hats235.png] <- just a snippet. I don't intend ripping the whole sheet.

There seem to be .b files for all of his helpers as well, and a large file that contains regular kirby. I made a quick test rip:
[Image: KSSUCompare.jpg]
(For some reason the image was JPEG'd...)
'Threw in a Squeak Squad kirby for comparison.

I did a quick recolor of the ripped sprites because I didn't know where to find the .b pallete files... Could you explain the process of getting it set up?

I'd like to help with this as well, if it's no trouble. RTB probably doesn't remember me, but I was the one who ripped Cutter Kirby from Squeak Squad a very, very long time ago. (Guess which hat I'd be ripping.)
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If Tahaxan would work on my laptop, I'd help. <=/

So all I can do now is sit on the sidelines and root for the team. Yay team.
God is good.  Big Grin

An old fart who sits on a chair, giving animation and pixeling advice,... and calls everyone son...
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(09-24-2008, 01:17 AM)SmithyGCN Wrote: If Tahaxan would work on my laptop, I'd help. <=/

So all I can do now is sit on the sidelines and root for the team. Yay team.
Now now, we don't want anyone to be left out Big Grin
Are you sure you downloaded all the necessary runtimes for Tahaxan? You need them in order to make the app run. Download 'em here.

As for Omegakyogre: That's super awesome! Are you going to rip it completely? Either way, about the palettes;
If you're using Tile Molester (which you really should), go to the very, very end of the file, and observe where the normal sprites end and where the garbled mess starts. The seam between those two is the start of the palette data. Resize the canvas to 1x1 so you have a 8x8 pixels view, and slowly push right and left keys so you get the absolute offset of the garbage's starting point. Once you're there, check one of the cells in the bottom of the window that has the offset in hex, and convert it to decimal.
The rest is just self-explanatory. Hit 'Palette > Import from.. > this file...' and type in the decimal offset, select "15bpp RGB" from the 'palette type' drop-down menu, set the size to 512 (I'm sure that's enough. If palettes are missing, shift it to 1024 or something) and hit OK.
If you fail -
- Check the offset again. It's pretty much always an absolute value (like, 0x54390, NOT 0x5438F. Ends in 0.)
- Change the byte order from the import palette menu. I don't remember if it was Intel or Motorola, try both.
If you succeed -
- You're awesome
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(09-24-2008, 01:56 AM)Raccoon Sam Wrote: As for Omegakyogre: That's super awesome! Are you going to rip it completely? Either way, about the palettes;
If you're using Tile Molester (which you really should), go to the very, very end of the file, and observe where the normal sprites end and where the garbled mess starts. The seam between those two is the start of the palette data. Resize the canvas to 1x1 so you have a 8x8 pixels view, and slowly push right and left keys so you get the absolute offset of the garbage's starting point. Once you're there, check one of the cells in the bottom of the window that has the offset in hex, and convert it to decimal.
The rest is just self-explanatory. Hit 'Palette > Import from.. > this file...' and type in the decimal offset, select "15bpp RGB" from the 'palette type' drop-down menu, set the size to 512 (I'm sure that's enough. If palettes are missing, shift it to 1024 or something) and hit OK.
If you fail -
- Check the offset again. It's pretty much always an absolute value (like, 0x54390, NOT 0x5438F. Ends in 0.)
- Change the byte order from the import palette menu. I don't remember if it was Intel or Motorola, try both.
If you succeed -
- You're awesome

Good sir, your kindness and helpfulness on these interwebz is both admirable and freakin' shweet. You are an inspiration to mankind's internet population.

To the point: I'll give it a try and see if it works. Thanks!
And yes, if I can get it to work, I'll be ripping the entirety of Cutter Kirby, at least... It may take a while considering my massive work schedule, but it shall happen.
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Good luck, and thanks..!
I'm at school at the moment, but I'll get home soon enough and make a video guide for anyone who wants to attempt this.
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(09-24-2008, 02:16 AM)Raccoon Sam Wrote: Good luck, and thanks..!
I'm at school at the moment, but I'll get home soon enough and make a video guide for anyone who wants to attempt this.


There seems to be a problem: Whenever I find the correct offset for the "garbage" (aka Palette), and put all of the information into TM, none of its palette changes; it stays on the same palette it had on previously, regardless of which one it was. What's really odd is that this phenomenon only occurs when I use the offset for that 'garbage' data. Whenever I use any other (incorrect, but it was for testing purposes) offset, the palette changes to something.

I've tried both ajet.b and cjet.b along with hbio.b and acut.b, and all of them do the same thing. I've tried Intel and Motorola. A quick check: My window is entitled "Import Internal Palette" (got there through Palette>Import From>This File), and the only 15bit option is entitled "15bpp BGR (555)" (I noted the BGR instead of RGB...). Is this correct, or do I have a different version or something?

What on earth could be the problem?

EDIT: More information... Offset found for acut.b was 21880 (dec), or 0x5578.

EDIT AGAIN: I got it working, it just wasn't nearly as easy. I was testing how high I could tell the offset to go, when I discovered (eventually) that if I set the offset to 21016 (required tweaking to get the palette aligned correctly; started with 21000) and then jumped forward using the palette selector, I could get where I needed to. Thanks for all of your help!
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Wow, this game has loads of new content. I'm no good with DS ripping, but I eagerly await your work, guys.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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omegakyogre Wrote:Problems
Oh..! You don't have the 'latest' version of Tile Molester.. In fact, I don't remember if it's even available on the internet. Just in case, check Ragey's site. The 'current' Tile Molester doesn't support 15bpp RGB palettes, but you can easily modify the tmspec.xml file to do so.
I get home soon enough, so I can check out my Tile Molester and send you the necessary files.

The problem you had with the palette not changing was too big palette. It attempted to read palette data beyond the End-of-file. If a palette doesn't change, shrink the size to half.

EDIT: I'm on my way home right now.
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(09-24-2008, 03:12 AM)Raccoon Sam Wrote: Oh..! You don't have the 'latest' version of Tile Molester.. In fact, I don't remember if it's even available on the internet. Just in case, check Ragey's site. The 'current' Tile Molester doesn't support 15bpp RGB palettes, but you can easily modify the tmspec.xml file to do so.
I get home soon enough, so I can check out my Tile Molester and send you the necessary files.

The problem you had with the palette not changing was too big palette. It attempted to read palette data beyond the End-of-file. If a palette doesn't change, shrink the size to half.

EDIT: I'm on my way home right now.

Alright, cool. Thanks.

Using what I've got now works, but having the latest and greatest will certainly be useful. Here's what I've got so far:
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