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Project S.Q.U.I.R.E.
Wow. Amazing. Outstanding.
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You know, one day I won't be lazy and I'll make somethinh for his... like that gilldrip sheet.

Anyways, awesome work.
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Shyguy Grey Wrote:You know, one day I won't be lazy and I'll make somethinh for his... like that gilldrip sheet.

Anyways, awesome work.

Thanks all of you guys. And yeah you should. Smile
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[Image: slimezn2.gif]

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Cute ^^

He's like a goomba or he does something?
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He'll probably latch onto you and you have to punch him off before he kills you or something. Big Grin
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Oh! And your moves was more slow! It's a idea ^^'
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Nice Dex. When are you going to do the rest of the SQUIRE suit Dex?
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Haha, when I'm completely finished with Dex. Which may take a while. Smile
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I Heart the slime.
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Thanks, everyone.
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Update, some new tiles and shiz:

[Image: screenie4dy0.png]
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Evil robot looks awesome!
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The background's colors are very nice!
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Thanks and bump.
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