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Mario's Sticker Stage
Very awesome. I like the bigger stage, it's a bit more spacious, and seems a bit more fit for a PC game anyway.

Now obviously I would find it super awesome to be in the game, but I can't sprite. I might ask someone (nicely of course, heeding your words), but I was wondering would you accept sprite edits? I see you're already using existing sprites in the game, but I mean if I managed to somehow edit an existing sprite into a reasonable-looking M&L3 version of my ref, could it be accepted? Or do you prefer purely custom sprites?
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(05-02-2013, 02:07 PM)puggsoy Wrote: Very awesome. I like the bigger stage, it's a bit more spacious, and seems a bit more fit for a PC game anyway.

Now obviously I would find it super awesome to be in the game, but I can't sprite. I might ask someone (nicely of course, heeding your words), but I was wondering would you accept sprite edits? I see you're already using existing sprites in the game, but I mean if I managed to somehow edit an existing sprite into a reasonable-looking M&L3 version of my ref, could it be accepted? Or do you prefer purely custom sprites?

As long as it looks like your character it's A-OK.

Also, new screenshot showing the much nicer menu (with Stickers by Drageezy!)

[Image: improvedmenu_zpsbc8cdf87.png]
[Image: StickerStageItems.png]
Check out this review blog thing I do! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch was the latest review!
Thanked by: puggsoy
I've found that when I'm tired of working on Classic I work on this. And then when I get tired of working on this, I work on Classic. Super-productive if you're looking forward to both, counter-productive if just one, and a waste of time if you hate Mario fangames!

[Image: StickerRotation_zps90ddf130.png]

Ooooooooh. A new HUD, new-looking Stickers, some new Mario sprites (BIS just doesn't have enough, there's a billion more SS edits out there), neato!

So right now I'm building the game with a mouse and keyboard set up. The Space Bar, currently, acts as the only mandatory button that does Action Commands.

The pink circle meter is the Extra Turn Meter. The game is timed in turns. Fill up the meter and get an extra turn! Whee!

[Image: SparklyStickers_zpse2ff8b0b.png]

Shiny, Holofoil, and Flashy Stickers glitter after being selected so you can tell which are which.

[Image: Targeting2_zps87b8ea7b.png]
[Image: Targeting1_zps18ea23e3.png]

You can select targets, unlike in Sticker Star.

And finally, proof of concept on customizable music.

Whew! A lot of things since the last update.
[Image: StickerStageItems.png]
Check out this review blog thing I do! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch was the latest review!
Thanked by: TheShyGuy, Phaze, Kitsu
[Image: SpinningReels1_zps008556ec.png]
[Image: SpinningReels2_zpsbe58c509.png]
[Image: Double_zps601dce3d.png]
[Image: Slow_zpsd2135bfa.png]

The Battle Spinner! It's pretty much working now, I just gotta program in the prizes for winning and such. Double and Slow are also working. They increase in price each time you use one of them (and Slow is always twice as much as Double). Slow also only works on the first two slots, much like in Sticker Star.

[Image: battlespinitems_zps987bcc13.png]

POW Block summons a POW Block, Coins give you coins, Mushroom gives you health, Fire Flower gives you a Fire Flower attack, Shine Sprite fills the audience, Star fills up your Star Points a bit, and the Poison Mushroom obviously is a losing scenario. Try not to get the Poison Mushroom.

... Of course, matching three Poison Mushrooms is still pretty handy because you still get three slots for your Stickers that turn.
[Image: StickerStageItems.png]
Check out this review blog thing I do! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch was the latest review!

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