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Trickster Online
If anyone want to help with this, just PM me and I will send you things to sheet.


[Image: siremaidiconpu6.png] [Image: ironcladturtleiconow6.png] [Image: sokiiconyw4.png] [Image: cucooliconep7.png] [Image: basicmummyiconny9.png] [Image: maidenghosticonjg6.png] [Image: hullaoctopusiconnn8.png] [Image: fantafishicongr1.png] [Image: jellyfishicongn2.png] [Image: inkymuckiconlt9.png] [Image: tentacleiconqg7.png] [Image: ancientherostoneiconaq8.png] [Image: stonesoldiericonji4.png] [Image: fantaslimeicontx0.png] [Image: plugbaticonvz5.png] [Image: pochiiconqq7.png] [Image: pirateghosticonmi3.png] [Image: kiraiconsg0.png] [Image: poppeyedanenomeicondh9.png] [Image: seatigericonzv1.png] [Image: seaelephanticonnj8.png] [Image: realgoldenmoleiconpn3.png] [Image: fanlizardiconeb6.png] [Image: leviathaniconsa2.png] [Image: mushumushuiconsj4.png] [Image: torpedofishiconzy1.png] [Image: chibchaiconua3.png] [Image: icecreamiconcj7.png] [Image: naranjoiconug8.png] [Image: tutankhamenicontk2.png] [Image: sphinx_i.png] [Image: spicy_dragon_i.png] [Image: ghostbookiconjs9.png] [Image: tricksterrequiemharbingcv1.png] [Image: chimu_i.png] [Image: tricksteroranggiconlj8.png]


[Image: alhauri_icon.png] [Image: assistanthunter_icon.png] [Image: elizabath_icon.png] [Image: fairynono_icon.png] [Image: hunteryuri_icon.png] [Image: wiseowl_icon.png] [Image: kingfrog_icon.png] [Image: frog_icon.png] [Image: youngfortuneteller_icon.png] [Image: mural_icon.png] [Image: polarbear_icon.png] [Image: masterlouis_icon.png] [Image: magiciansephira_icon.png] [Image: curatormorgosiconvp7.png] [Image: skipperminiconqf2.png] [Image: poseidonsblessingiconwa7.png] [Image: larryiconfg6.png] [Image: robotgrt21iconyx9.png] [Image: robotgb01iconrp1.png] [Image: piaicongl4.png] [Image: nefertitiiconyn7.png] [Image: dorothyiconku3.png] [Image: elderquaiconqe6.png] [Image: tangoiconde3.png] [Image: grandmatangoiconxz9.png] [Image: grandpatangoiconkz3.png] [Image: vinoshiconiq5.png] [Image: haruiconxc0.png] [Image: gmeniiconcr8.png] [Image: cluckcluckwarrioriconec0.png] [Image: fairyferiaiconoy2.png] [Image: fairyasraiiconpw9.png] [Image: weirdboxiconvx2.png] [Image: censerofmorpheusiconxb3.png] [Image: SantaClaus_icon.png] [Image: FarmerTsetsech_icon.png] [Image: Bastet_icon.png] [Image: DoorofTribulationicon.png] [Image: SwampySuu_icon.png] [Image: portinaiconia9.png] [Image: lavidaiconib9.png] [Image: mysteryframeiconlp2.png] [Image: queenceciliaicongb3.png] [Image: kingedwardiconke0.png] [Image: anubis_i.png] [Image: captain_i.png] [Image: lieutanant_i.png] [Image: sergeant_i.png] [Image: officerroberticonjr9.png] [Image: rudolphiconqv6.png] [Image: unknown1iconsx2.png] [Image: andrewiconvz1.png] [Image: cowardcraveniconyj1.png] [Image: witch_la_befana_i.png] [Image: tricksterhildeicondu5.png] [Image: tricksterpetbreedererinbj0.png] [Image: trickstergeneralgranadavi7.png]


[Image: whiteowliconue8.png] [Image: sonnorisballooniconyz5.png] [Image: ballooniconxe2.png] [Image: terueggiconwv4.png] [Image: sheep_i-1.png] [Image: WolfRidericon.png] [Image: b_buffalo_i.png] [Image: summervinoshiconax4.png] [Image: countbloodiconbv5.png] [Image: little_anubis_i.png] [Image: sharkasharkiconpm9.png] [Image: bastet_i.png] [Image: malevampiconxg7.png] [Image: femalevampiconre4.png] [Image: noxx_i.png] [Image: tricksterphoenixicondg6.png] [Image: tricksterchristmasiconme4.png] [Image: trickstermrpumpkinicondm8.png] [Image: trickstersimplewarrenicxo9.png] [Image: baby_rabbit_i.png] [Image: trickstericeboyiconjy4.png] [Image: tricksterastronauticeboai1.png] [Image: trickstericefamilyicontn9.png] [Image: trickstergoldiceboyicondv2.png] [Image: trickstericegirlicongo8.png] [Image: sunny_esther_i.png] [Image: tricksterwendywighticonve8.png]


[Image: powermonstercardsiconwu9.png] [Image: powercardsiconqa1.png] [Image: magiccards1iconty5.png] [Image: magiccards2iconev9.png] [Image: sensecards1iconuv9.png] [Image: sensecards2iconiz2.png] [Image: charmcards1iconni9.png] [Image: charmcards2icondz5.png]


[Image: autumnseticonxh8.png] [Image: bossfurnitureiconsg4.png] [Image: dollsiconds7.png] [Image: Camps_icon.png]
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Ironclad Turtle

[Image: ironcladturtleiconow6.png]
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I guess you could still put up the other sheets that Dazz has simply to let people know which ones are done or not.
God is good.  Big Grin

An old fart who sits on a chair, giving animation and pixeling advice,... and calls everyone son...
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It's funny how the spikes on the turtle stand out a lot.
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
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Smithy@ Ok, I will post them. But you could post the sheets you finished too.

There are a lot sheets that I need to post so I can't do it all at once. These sheets are the sheets I ripped by Myself, they are in my submission topic but I thought it could be good to post them here too.

[Image: sokiiconyw4.png] [Image: cucooliconep7.png] [Image: basicmummyiconny9.png] [Image: maidenghosticonjg6.png] [Image: hullaoctopusiconnn8.png] [Image: fantafishicongr1.png] [Image: jellyfishicongn2.png] [Image: inkymuckiconlt9.png]
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Three pets

[Image: whiteowliconue8.png] [Image: sonnorisballooniconyz5.png] [Image: ballooniconxe2.png]
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Two monsters and a pet

[Image: leviathaniconzq7.png] [Image: mushumushuiconsj4.png] [Image: terueggiconwv4.png]
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[Image: curatormorgosiconvp7.png] [Image: skipperminiconqf2.png]
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[Image: tf.png]
[Image: scaled.php?server=441&filename=ipposig.png&res=medium]
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[Image: f_tochibchaicm_f531f74.png][Image: f_toicecreamim_0aabb25.png][Image: f_tonaranjoicm_e3dcd71.png][Image: f_totutankhamm_dc88952.png]
God is good.  Big Grin

An old fart who sits on a chair, giving animation and pixeling advice,... and calls everyone son...
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Its cool to have you working on this too, Solink ^^

[Image: poseidonsblessingiconwa7.png] [Image: larryiconfg6.png]
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I have learned to extract Trickster sprites, so I don't need to disturb Dazz to send me files from now on. Now, the sprites will be ripped by me. I have a Mycamp Set and 2 NPCs this time.

[Image: robotgrt21iconyx9.png] [Image: robotgb01iconrp1.png] [Image: autumnseticonxh8.png]
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NPCs and MyCamp items.

[Image: bossfurnitureiconsg4.png] [Image: dollsiconds7.png] [Image: piaicongl4.png] [Image: nefertitiiconyn7.png] [Image: dorothyiconku3.png] [Image: elderquaiconqe6.png] [Image: tangoiconde3.png] [Image: grandmatangoiconxz9.png] [Image: grandpatangoiconkz3.png]
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[Image: sheep_i.png]
[Image: scaled.php?server=441&filename=ipposig.png&res=medium]
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More NPCs. I dont remember how was the "Event NPC 1" called because she only appeared in a event.

[Image: vinoshiconiq5.png] [Image: haruiconxc0.png] [Image: gmeniiconcr8.png] [Image: cluckcluckwarrioriconec0.png] [Image: fairyferiaiconoy2.png] [Image: fairyasraiiconpw9.png] [Image: weirdboxiconvx2.png] [Image: censerofmorpheusiconxb3.png]
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