06-08-2014, 12:52 AM
Just wondering if he's a good Pokemon. Also, is he better than Mewtwo? Thanks

Is Arceus any good? (Speaking specifically about WIFI battles
06-08-2014, 12:52 AM
Just wondering if he's a good Pokemon. Also, is he better than Mewtwo? Thanks
06-08-2014, 01:16 AM
He's better than a non-mega Mewtwo. I'm pretty sure his stats are all around high but I'm not of the competitive sort so I couldn't tell ya.
06-08-2014, 01:23 AM
Quote:After the pre-battle tintinnabulation is complete, please stare in awe and wondrous presentiment at what is conceivably the best Pokemon in the entire game. This is the first sentence of his Smogon page (For Black and White, but still) I don't deal with ubers too much (I have a disdain for using legendaries) but just look around Smogon. They know what they're talking about for the most part, and from what I understand they're pretty high on the God pokemon
06-08-2014, 01:43 AM
Not really a fan of Smogon, my friends & i at school just use our favorite Pokemon... I guess u could say I'm playing Ubers though haha, I use a mix of all the tiers but I like legendaries a lot. My friends call me the champ, but on WIFI I'm just a chump.
![]() Thanked by: psychospacecow
Whether you like Smogon or not (I don't see why you wouldn't, honestly. It's one of the best places when it comes to competitive battling) it's the place you want to go. Just start reading whatever tutorials you can find on team building, I guess specifically Uber team building wouldn't hurt if you're hell bent on using them for some reason.
But here's the thing. You can't just slap some legendary Pokemon on a team and call it a day. That's how you wind up on YouTube channels getting beaten down by someone with an NU showing off on how they can beat a scrub's random team of Ubers. Your team has to flow together and has to have synergy. Monotype teams are alright I guess, but it's more of a for fun deal. They have the tendency to be unable to handle all threats, but they're not the worst thing to do if you know what you're doing. Or, it depends on the type really. Some fair better than others. HOWEVER I'll gladly help you with your team. What are you using so far? How are the IV's, EV's and such? What Pokemon are you exactly using for your team? What format are you going for? Singles, doubles, VGC? (Also no, I'm pretty sure you can only use one Arceus at a time on WiFi, plates don't effect this. Which plate to be used is dependent on your team and what you need Arceus to do)
06-08-2014, 02:38 AM
Alright, Cool. I'll try and check out Smogon when I get home from school tomorrow (getting late here) but this is my team atm:
Mewtwo (Rain Dance / Psychic / Psystrike / Future Sight), Charizard (Flamethrower / Flare Blitz/ Fly / Roost), Wailord (Surf / Hydro Pump / Blizzard / Rest), Machamp (Low Kick / Dynamic Punch / Cross Chop / Attract), Xerneas (Ingrain / Light Screen / Reflect / Double Team), & Victreebel (Solar Beam / Leaf Storm / Infestation / Swagger) Sort of an all-around team with different moves from the norm I know lol... but just my own unique style. Doesn't seem powerful enough to take on stupid shit like Rotom though, idk whats wrong. :/ Any help (from anyone!) is appreciated!!
06-08-2014, 03:46 AM
(06-08-2014, 02:38 AM)GaryASPG Wrote: Mewtwo (Rain Dance / Psychic / Psystrike / Future Sight I bolded things that are a problem, and italicized things that are either redundant or could wind up being a problem. I'll talk about why things are a problem, and I'll probably wind up with ideas on how to fix them tomorrow because it's a bit late haha. I'm also simply talking about move sets at the moment, because other things require too much thought that I can produce this late at night. But on to explanations Mewtwo •The first problem is rain dance. It's not really helping your team out. Wailord isn't going to be putting a dent into anything, even with the rain. Well, unless you're using Water Spout, but Wailord is so squishy and slow it's hard to get it to work. Rain is detrimental to Charizard and while the rain may help Victreebel against fire types, Solar Beam is gone and Chlorophyll doesn't work in the rain. The move slot could be better used for coverage, I'll think of something to replace it tomorrow. Of you want to use Mewtwo to set weather (please don't) Sunny Day would fit better with your team. But if you want Sun that badly, Groudon or Chari Y would be better •The second problem is Future Sight. Two turn moves are never a good thing, because it give your opponent a free turn to switch in something that can take it or set up on you. •You're going to have to choose between Psychic and Psystrike. Mewtwo can learn a lot of different moves for coverage, you don't need two psychic moves. It depends on your ratio of special to physical attackers. If you already have a lot of special attackers, use Psystrike. If the opposite, go psychic (although the better change would to be have a more even amount of physical/special attackers honestly Charizard • Fly has the same problem as Future Sight, except you're also fully committed to the move the next turn. That's even worse. •I'd suggest using a Mega. Y would do well with Victreebel, seeing as how the Sun activates Chlorophyll. X would give the team some physical coverage, which wouldn't hurt. The ground weakness would hurt a little, considering 1/3 of your team would then be weak to ground. I'll get a bit more in depth later, like I said, it's a bit late haha. •You'll need to choose between Flamethrower or Flare Blitz. Depends on whether your prefer Y or X. If you don't want to Mega, I would probably go with Flare Blitz. Fire Blast is an option too Wailord •He's gotta be holding you back. He can barely take a hit and can't dish one out either. There's so many other options that can go here if you want an offensive water Pokemon. But if you want to use him, scarf Water Spout is the only way. Even then, it'd be pretty difficult. Machamp •You don't need three fighting moves. Keep Dynamic Punch and make sure you're using No Guard. The other moves should be for coverage •Attract is pretty risky. I can see some Attract and confusion shenanigans, but the fact that it has to be against the opposite gender can make the move a wasted slot half of the time. Xerneas •Double screens can be useful at times, but that's wasted on Xerneas. Geomancy and Power Herb is killer. •Double Team can be unreliable. It's essentially a crapshoot, and while it can be devastating it's based on luck. There's always the chance the 6 double teams you just did won't help at all. I'd stick to Geomancy and destruction •You forgot to put attack moves on it. That's a big part of a Pokemon battle. •Also, make sure your moves work together. You can't pass dual screens if your Xerneas is ingrained into the ground. Victreebel •Pick a reliable grass move. If you know you'll constantly have Sun up, Solar Beam is fine. If not, Giga Drain is best. Leaf Storm won't do anything after the first or second use, and would probably wind up with a dead Victreebel. He's too squishy to use it and expect to stay alive •Infestation is good for either trapping or residual damage. Victreebel is too fragile for either. Besides, if you want residual damage with Victreebel, Toxic would be a better choice. •Sludge bomb would be a nice move, considering STAB •Honestly, Grass isn't exactly the best offensive type. •Swagger is a double edged sword. Like Double Team, its success is primarily based on luck. You don't want luck. You want consistency. If you want to use Swagger, Id suggest something with Prankster and Foul Play. But Victreebel can't take a +2 attack if your Swagger goes awry I didn't talk to much about team composition or even move replacements, I'll wind up doing that later if you'd want me to Thanked by: E-Man, AuraLancer, Rhyme
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