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Games you haven't played, but really want to
This is the thread where you talk about the games that you really want to play, but have either been too lazy to, haven't been able to find for cheap, have spent the money on more important matters, etc.

I'll list the first few that come to mind for me:

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
I've wanted to play this one for years and years now. Most people say it's the best Zelda game ever made, and I dig the apocalypse theme of it. But...I've just never been able to get it. One day, I will finally get my hands on a cartridge of it though. One day, mark my words.

Pokemon Black & White 1 and 2
After the supreme let-down that was Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, I stopped playing newer Pokemon games. I completely skipped out on the entirety of Gen 5 (including both the Black/White series AND Heart Gold / Soul Silver). Shit on Gen 6 all you want, but it was what got me back into Pokemon and made me fall in love with the series all over again.

Anyway, once I got back into the series with X/Y, I kept hearing everyone say such great things about Gen 5, and from all the great things they say about it, I'd love to try it out for myself, because it sounds really cool. However, there are other games that are of higher priority for me at this point.

Super Mario RPG
I'm probably the only Nintendo fan on the entire Earth who has not played this game. Everyone says it's the best Mario RPG ever, and that it's even better than any of the Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi games, so I want to see what all the hype is about. Plus, I want to know what all the buzz is about with this Geno guy.

(Also, Nintendo and Square, please release this game on Virtual Console already!)

Pikmin 2
I did once say that I never played this one, but actually, I did play it, but only for a few minutes. What happened was that my dad rented the game one night way back in '05, and when he brought it home, I thought it looked really cool, so I started playing it immediately. Unfortunately, my dad was in the room as I was playing the game, and he started complaining about how the game "talks too much", so after a few minutes he demanded I pop out the disc. Back then, my dad thought that any game that had too many cutscenes or dialogue was a game not worth playing, so I had to explain to him for years that games that are cutscene/dialogue heavy are games too.

Sometime around '08 or '09, I found Pikmin 1 at EB Games and bought it, and absolutely loved it. Then just last year, I got a Wii U, and got Pikmin 3 for it, which I also loved. I want to actually play the second one someday, but since I usually save my money for other matters, I don't know when that someday will be.

The entire Xeno series
As you may remember from when I first joined this site, I never played any of the Xeno games. I hear the best one is either Xenogears or the Xenosaga series, but I think I'm going to start with Xenoblade Chronicles, as its sequel is coming out next year, and when watching Nintendo's E3 stream this year, I had no fucking clue what was even going on in the trailer for Chronicles 2. All I got from it was, "They fled to space because apparently something bad happened on Earth...and there's a cat-girl or something..."

But yeah, since Gamestop is selling copies of Chronicles 1 for cheaper than what you'd find it for online, I'll have to buy it soon, especially if I want to know just what the Inferno is going on in the sequel. However, I'm not sure when I'll get to Gears or Saga though...

Infinite Space
I am a huge Platinum Games fan. I love (or at the very least, like) all of the games they've made. My favorites are Bayonetta, The Wonderful 101, and Madworld. However, the only game of theirs that's already out that I haven't played, is this one.

I've watched videos of it, and it looks really cool. It looks like a mix between Star Wars and Final Fantasy, which is awesome. However, the cartridge alone usually goes for $40, and I prefer having my games in their cases if available, so I'm trying to hunt down a cased copy that's affordable. So far, no luck...
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On the subject of indie bullshit, I've put off Ib, Wadanohara, Gingiva, Shut Up And Jam Gaiden, and everything thecatamites has made aside from Space Funeral and Pleasuredromes of Kublai Khan for far too long.

I've also been really wanting to play To The Moon (and I have an article about autism representation in gaming that'll have to wait until I play it) but I can never seem to justify $10 for it. I was hoping it'd go on sale in the summer sale but alas, it didn't get voted on.

Other things I've been putting off: The Persona 2 duology, SMT 1 and 2, Okamiden, Twilight Princess, Pokemon Conquest, the newest PMD, Borderlands 2, Bastion, Hexyz Force, Valkyrie Profile, and Xenosaga.

(also fyi i have no respect for people who hated dppt. best games best gen go home)
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Umm Mystie Super Mario RPG is already on the Wii's Virtual Console, not the wii u's though.

as well as Majora's Mask is on the Wii's Virtual Console as well.
What Rips am i doing next not sure?
[Image: giphy.webp]
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Ooh man. There's a huge, unorganised list in my head but I'll just put down a couple that I can think of right now.

Back to the Future: The Game

I own this, I have it installed, but I haven't even loaded up the first episode. I feel like it's something I need to sit down and do when I have time, not just in little bits that will constantly get interrupted. I also want to have seen the movies again before I play it to still have them fresh in my head and allow a smooth continuation.

Left 4 Dead

I just don't own this. It seems like it'd be quite fun with friends though.

Papers, Please

Looks very good but I don't own it.


Again, seems very interesting and fun but I don't have it.


I do own this (Maximum Edition, even) but I don't have a computer that can run it at a playable speed.

Team Fortress 2

I actually have 294 hours of playtime, but last time I played it was over a year ago. Again, my computer just can't handle it.

Portal 2

I have this, and I assume it works on my computer (the first did), I just have no time.

A multitude of Gamecube and Wii games

Super Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, Pikmin (and 2 and 3), Skyward Sword, Smash Bros Melee/Brawl, New Super Luigi, Super Mario 3D World, the list just goes on. Never having owned either of these systems I just haven't been able to even try these.
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Mystie: SMRPG and Majora's Mask are both available via Wii Mode if you can get your parents to credit card you. SMRPG has also shown up a few times as a Club Nintendo reward.

Games I want to play but haven't done so yet? Well, there's about forty unopened games floating around my room...

As far as specific titles go, I guess I don't really feel that yearning for game that I used to. I can't seem to control my compulsive collecting, but I don't really burn to play games that I haven't already played once before--Nintendo's upcoming line not withstanding. I'd like to try out Fossil Fighters: Champions before the 3DS game comes out, and the Mario vs. Donkey Kong games look like they're pretty fun. The first Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (preferably the Gold edition for all the DLC characters...)... Fire Emblem: Awakening is probably the one game I've been the most eager to dive into for quite some time.
[Image: Dexter.png]  [Image: Bubbles.png]  [Image: SNWzHvA.png]   [Image: SamuraiJack2.png] [Image: kQzhJLF.png]  [Image: Pikachu.png] [Image: tSCZnqw.png]
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Multiple DoDonPachi Games
The arcade near me doesn't have DoDonPachi's.
I don't have Xbox 360 and iPhone 4 Either.

Multiple Nintendo Exclusive Games (Mario Kart, SSB, Fire Emblem ETC.)
I don't have any Nintendo consoles.

Multiple Current Gen AAA Games (BFH/4, Watch Dogs, ETC.)
(TF2 not included) 60$. DLCs. Computer Not Powerful Enough. Nope.

That's that I think? I mainly play indie games and they're usually cheap and doesn't need a high spec gaming rig.
Thanked by: puggsoy
(07-29-2014, 10:03 PM)senjen Wrote: Umm Mystie Super Mario RPG is already on the Wii's Virtual Console, not the wii u's though.

Oh really? I had no clue. Then again, I barely ever used the Wii Shop Channel as it is.

I knew Majora's Mask was on there, but I had no idea SMRPG was until just now.
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Muramasa: The Demon Blade- I know nothing about it. I just saw some character art and thought, "Huh, this fox lady has large breasts.". Then I thought "Wait, what game is this from? "Muramasa: The Demon Blade"? I should check that out some time." Only issue is that I haven't been able to find the game in stores and I'm too lazy to order it online.
Thanked by: Kriven
999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
I have too many games as it is though
[Image: sxv5uJR.gif]
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Tomodachi Life
I actually got this game from the Best Buy deal a while back. I just haven't played it yet; haven't even opened it yet.

Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
Still contemplating whether I should grab Apollo Justice first to understand things in this one.

Bonk's Revenge
I have the money to buy a Wii Points Card but- I guess I'm just lazy.
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To sum it up without saying too much, I'd like to play the vast bulk of Lucas Arts and Telltale's adventure games.

Also, I wouldn't mind to play a physical cartridge version of Conker's Bad Fur Day.
(02-27-2014, 07:31 PM)Gors Wrote: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SUCK. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SHOW YOUR SUCKY ART. I think this needs to go noticed to everyone, because sucking is not failing. Sucking is part of the fun of learning and if you don't suck, then you won't own at pixelart

it's ok to suck, sucking is not bad, just try and aim to always do your best!
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(07-30-2014, 09:38 PM)MrYoshbert Wrote: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
Still contemplating whether I should grab Apollo Justice first to understand things in this one.

Oh yeah, that's something I forgot to put on my list: The Ace Attorney series.

For years, I kept ignoring the series because I'm not into court simulators, but one of my friends on Steam told me that even if I don't like court simulators, I'd still like the Ace Attorney series.

So then I asked him and people on Miiverse if the Ace Attorney games need to be played in any order, or if I could jump right into the series with the 3DS game. They all told me that I need to play them all in order, starting with the very first game, so I'm trying to hunt down a copy of it on eBay. However, Infinite Space is still my highest priority for DS games right now.
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@MrYoshBert: Well, you probably should play Apollo before 5, but Apollo is the weakest game in the series, and I don't think it's completely necessary.
[Image: sig.gif]
Thanked by: MrYoshbert
Hm. Maybe I will get Apollo Justice first. Fortunately for me, it's easy to find acopy in my area.

(07-31-2014, 09:21 AM)Mystie Wrote: They all told me that I need to play them all in order, starting with the very first game, so I'm trying to hunt down a copy of it on eBay.
You're in luck; the 3DS is getting remakes of the first three games this winter.
Thanked by: Mystie
pretty much any recent 3ds game that came out. (kirby 3d, yoshi 3d, bravely default, fire emblem, zelda albw)
[Image: XeE6VeC.gif]
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