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Those are used for Pokemon-amie animations where the wings are at rest, and scaled to 0% in battle.
Lots of Pokemon have multiple meshes for when they need show parts at two different poses that are too extreme to do just with bones.
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02-12-2016, 12:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-12-2016, 12:47 AM by Fallenleader.
Edit Reason: Already ripped the statue. Forgot to mention this.
(02-05-2016, 09:29 PM)RadamanthysMI Wrote: LOL...
i was thinking about create the pidgeot animations for my game... i see the animated xy sprites, and when i open the pidgeot model i see a thing...
on this models, we have 2 wings more that in the game O.o
This is because of animations.
Certain parts are disabled from view in the game until the animation activates them.
A good example is fletchling: It has BOTH the folded and flying wings. The animation when it flies disables the folded wings, enables the flying wings, and animates them, and vice versa for not flying.
This is pretty intelligent actually, as it makes less room for animation errors and eliminates contortion of the limbs.
Another example is bulbasaur, whose vines are only enabled for certain attacks.
Anyhow, I came here to share some interesting information with everyone:
After nailing this discovery, I had to take the time to post it here.
Required: Decrypted Pokemon Y
Corrections to the list floating around on the web:
a/0/1/3: originally labeled as "map models" these are the corresponding textures for the map models and INCLUDES material animations in many cases.
a/0/2/4, originally labeled as "map objects", these are the actual models used and contain no actual textures.
As I sift through and figure out corresponding textures and models, I will kindly document them, but for now, this information should aid a bit more in data mining.
Quick edit:
To achieve what's in the picture:
import from a/0/1/3 as the texture, and from a/0/2/4 as the model in the latest ohana build.
Edit 2:
Seriously, people need to do some research.
There is still much work to be done in regards to format RE'ing, and Ohana as a tool.
If you haven't, download the latest Ohana build and compile it, or wait till he fixes the menu bug I mentioned in issue 13.
I noticed someone complaining about Y using .bin. The formats changed SLIGHTLY across versions. Anyone who expected things to remain the same despite firmware upgrades and improvements to the console on Nin's side, and the developers using these updated tools needs to read a book on common sense. The impact this has for tools like Ohana can be drastic however, because that means we cannot simply have a one size fits all solution in a few weeks or days.
Latest build capable of opening container formats fairly well, and even allowed me to figure out the aforementioned locations for Y map models properly, something that we were incapable of until latest build.
Last edit:
Please don't waste your time uploading the roselia statue. I already ripped it and am uploading it. There is PLENTY of map objects to rip.
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Sorry for the looong time to back...
ty for information (noob moment) ^^
i scaled the extra meshes to 0, and make regular animations
ty aloooot
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OR/AS is the same way.
a/0/1/4 - textures for:
a/0/2/3 - map models
Unlike Pokemon Y, there is nothing really interesting here, mostly doors and a few other objects.
There are more thorough map models elsewhere in ORAS that with time, patience, and basic skills, one can rip overworld map objects a piece at a time, like I did with the pine tree and pokemon center.
Latest ohana has 2 issues being addressed with the dev:
Images don't completely load as there is no method to sort through any more than the first image in the container (only when being directly viewed, a theoretical workaround is to simply load a model then import the containers as textures to work around.)
Exporting is broken. OBJ's, for the first time ever, break on export; and DAE just got a bit more polishing and works in blender supposedly.
Will test with Max, Unity, and Maya shortly.
For now, do not replace with the latest commit until these issues are resolved.
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I did managed to fix Bunnelby's textures. but the model itself cannot be used on Hypernurbs (Subdivision) due for the same Issues I have with Teddiursa, Suicune and Clefairy models I downloaded here. Maybe with 3DS Max I might solve it.
but it will take some time.
***Since the marine headquarters has been destroyed by unknown forces, we had decided to temporarily replace the actual rewards for a newer one... We are looking
for new criminals or updated rewards from the previous ones... meanwhile here will be no reward posting for some time.
if someone knows some important info of who is behind the attack on our headquarters, please contact one of our officials by den den mushi and will get rep+ and added as buddy, thanks for your contribution***
Akainu Sakazuki
fleet admiral from Marine Headquarters.
PS: I didn't lost my data for virus or hacker... it's just a funny joke... the truth is that my HD got damaged physically...
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Hey I've been meaning to ask how do I fix iris textures and UV's for pokemon? More specifically, getting irises onto the blank eye textures and making it look good?
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(02-14-2016, 06:39 PM)OS-PRIME Wrote: Hey I've been meaning to ask how do I fix iris textures and UV's for pokemon? More specifically, getting irises onto the blank eye textures and making it look good?
Sorry. I dunno how to fix this yet (At least in Cinema 4D) I think it depends on Texture normals and Iris alpha.
Anyway many of the uploaded N3DS Pokemon models in Models resource had the same issue on Cinema 4D (Maybe not in 3DS Max/Blender) Anyway. I like the irisless eyes, it makes all those pokemon looking more creepier, And fortunately for me, Eevee hasn't that issue.
The texture problem I solved was the body/eyes/mouth textures that needed mirror. at least I was able to do the Bunnelby Animation I was really anxious to do. 
Maybe when I find out how to solve all those issues on 3DS Max, I might upload it. (I would had wait for RTB to finish it, but it seems he forgot. and I'm happily done with the animation of Bunnelby. I got inspired on a peculiar evil bunnelby villain on my personal RPG story. and just in time, Today I might buy a PS4... and I wanted to do something before I buy it.
PS: About my RPG story, I don't plan to show anything about it. but the animation I wanted to do was just Bunnelby licking it's paws. I'm happy with the result and that's thanks to RTB for the BCH models, and the uploader of Ohana3DS Rebirth for that awesome program, it's pretty much like Noesis but focused for Nintendo 3DS models.
(Almost 3 years I was wanting to make this animation since I got confirmed that Bunnelby appeared in-game  )
At least I'm pretty good at that kind of animation.
PS2: I will try to buy a SD card to start brain dumping some CIA's, let's hope I may help you in the future. okay, enough good news for today. See you soon my friends.
***Since the marine headquarters has been destroyed by unknown forces, we had decided to temporarily replace the actual rewards for a newer one... We are looking
for new criminals or updated rewards from the previous ones... meanwhile here will be no reward posting for some time.
if someone knows some important info of who is behind the attack on our headquarters, please contact one of our officials by den den mushi and will get rep+ and added as buddy, thanks for your contribution***
Akainu Sakazuki
fleet admiral from Marine Headquarters.
PS: I didn't lost my data for virus or hacker... it's just a funny joke... the truth is that my HD got damaged physically...
(02-14-2016, 07:10 PM)Farlavor Wrote: I would had wait for RTB to finish it, but it seems he forgot What was that about me forgetting? Far from it.
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(02-15-2016, 05:10 AM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: (02-14-2016, 07:10 PM)Farlavor Wrote: I would had wait for RTB to finish it, but it seems he forgot What was that about me forgetting? Far from it.
Sorry, but keeping it a secret wouldn't help anything but just bringing suspicion.
Even I had take the initiative by attempting a ripping by myself (Altough the result only was done partially)
I always thought no one is better than you on ripping and converting models of Pokemon X/Y/OR/AS to DAE.
and it was deceiving not knowing stuff, and you didn't updated your post on page 1 about progressions like you did in the past releases with stuff like "Upcoming on next batch" models, or adding new models from the request of some people (Even somebody requested an Oshawott model...  )
just remember that even if you have a life, we hace expectations for your uploads as well.
and we had been waiting since august.
***Since the marine headquarters has been destroyed by unknown forces, we had decided to temporarily replace the actual rewards for a newer one... We are looking
for new criminals or updated rewards from the previous ones... meanwhile here will be no reward posting for some time.
if someone knows some important info of who is behind the attack on our headquarters, please contact one of our officials by den den mushi and will get rep+ and added as buddy, thanks for your contribution***
Akainu Sakazuki
fleet admiral from Marine Headquarters.
PS: I didn't lost my data for virus or hacker... it's just a funny joke... the truth is that my HD got damaged physically...
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So now that all the Kalos mons have been ripped, does this mean a return to the request queue?
3DS FC: 2105-8909-0435
NNID: MandL27
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(02-15-2016, 11:58 AM)MandL27 Wrote: So now that all the Kalos mons have been ripped, does this mean a return to the request queue?
I hope it so.
Just in case all gen 6 is completed. I'm really happy for all those fans of the new gen.
By the way, tomorrow I will buy a SD card to prepare RXtools updated with the Homebrew launcher Cia, I will start braindumping the first CIA. But let's pray if I manage to find BCH formats in other 3DS roms, for now. I cannot make promises, but I cannot keep my mouth shut and just leaving you after I finally downloaded RTB's Bunnelby, Volcanion, Furfrou, etc.
I am here to stay, this page is by far better than Xentax, they had those restrictive rules about uploading models, and honestly. Xentax didn't cared so much about ripping models of Nintendo WIIU and N3DS. (Xcept MayBeePah with KHDDD and he seemed to call it quits, and even so, he participated here too)... This is how I hate from professional model rippers. they only focus on THEIR favourite games instead of ripping EVERY MODEL from EVERY GAME. (Screw Xentax and their rules of NO copyrighted game models!  )
this is why they don't update Noesis format support while we are getting hundreds of fresh new models almost every month.
(Deal with it Xentax, The models resource rocks B))
I will never entrust my ripped models to them.
Tomorrow I will buy a PS4, Let's pray I won't get CE-34878-0 error.
***Since the marine headquarters has been destroyed by unknown forces, we had decided to temporarily replace the actual rewards for a newer one... We are looking
for new criminals or updated rewards from the previous ones... meanwhile here will be no reward posting for some time.
if someone knows some important info of who is behind the attack on our headquarters, please contact one of our officials by den den mushi and will get rep+ and added as buddy, thanks for your contribution***
Akainu Sakazuki
fleet admiral from Marine Headquarters.
PS: I didn't lost my data for virus or hacker... it's just a funny joke... the truth is that my HD got damaged physically...
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For mega-evolution Pokemon all we need for X/Y is:
For mega-evolution Pokemon all we need for OR/AS is:
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if are aceppting request... i want request:
Electabuzz, Magmar and the sexy Jynx ♥ xDDD
02-15-2016, 05:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2016, 07:47 PM by Random Talking Bush.)
(02-15-2016, 02:32 PM)Yarcaz Wrote: For mega-evolution Pokemon all we need for X/Y is:
For mega-evolution Pokemon all we need for OR/AS is:
Latios Mega Latias and Mega Latios are actually done, I just forgot to cross-post those in the OR/AS section (particularly because their models are in X/Y too).
Mega (and regular) Houndoom won't take too long to upload since I extracted and fixed it up for a friend not too long ago.
(EDIT: Done.)
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(02-15-2016, 08:38 AM)Farlavor Wrote: (02-15-2016, 05:10 AM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: (02-14-2016, 07:10 PM)Farlavor Wrote: I would had wait for RTB to finish it, but it seems he forgot What was that about me forgetting? Far from it.
Sorry, but keeping it a secret wouldn't help anything but just bringing suspicion.
Even I had take the initiative by attempting a ripping by myself (Altough the result only was done partially)
I always thought no one is better than you on ripping and converting models of Pokemon X/Y/OR/AS to DAE.
and it was deceiving not knowing stuff, and you didn't updated your post on page 1 about progressions like you did in the past releases with stuff like "Upcoming on next batch" models, or adding new models from the request of some people (Even somebody requested an Oshawott model... )
just remember that even if you have a life, we hace expectations for your uploads as well.
and we had been waiting since august. you ARE aware that RTB does have a life, right? even if he HAS the time to do the model rips, he also works on other models from other games that haven't been cracked or looked into. Give the canadian bush a break