Good news/bad news.
Good news is that I can extract the files from the ROM. A lot of them seem to be Nitro files (so Oil of Vitriol can be used).
Bad news is I have to decompress everything (not a problem except I have to replace the old compressed files with the new decompressed ones).
Good news is after all that I'll upload everything as a zip so we can have a decent start.
More or less the contents of the ROM minus the sound data.
The main part of this project (the games themselves) are in the retro folder. When something can be identified for sure (I have a list from Wikipedia added), it'll give us an idea of what needs to be done.
cf = Cosmic Gate (title screen)
dr = Demon Returns
gjm = Game Training Tool GO! Edge Jump Max (graphics look Game & Watch-ish and Wiki mentions a trainer game that uses that aesthetic)
gqs = Guadia Quest Saga
gs = Star Prince SA (Score Attack ver.) (title screen)
gun = GunDuel (seems reasonable)
hm = Robot Ninja Haggleman: Koume Version (title screen)
km = Arino Ace Detective Parts 1 & 2 (by default, but I found title screen and the kanji for detective is in it)
mk = Mutekiken Kung-Fu (some files in folder have kangfu in name)
rk = Rally King EX
sdr = Super Demon Returns
tri = Triotos (has separate folders for both iterations)
wiz = Wiz-Man
As you can see, some aren't easy to identify. I have to find title screens for the others.
Main games
/Mutekiken Kung-Fu/
/Demon Returns/
/Arino Ace Detective Parts 1 & 2/
/Guadia Quest Saga/
/Super Demon Returns/
Shop games
/Cosmic Gate (MASA-X version)/
/Robot Ninja Haggleman: Koume Version/
/Rally King EX/
/Star Prince SA (Score Attack ver.)/
/Triotos DX/
Other games
/Game Training Tool GO! Edge Jump Max/