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Anyone looking forward to the fan made Mother 4?
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Wasn't there meant to be some sort of trailer around this time to keep the hype train afloat?
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Thanked by: Shade
Double post but apparently the thread at was closed down, meaning no more questions for the devs etc.

Quote:The thread was nice, but in all honesty it was probably about time for a new one anyways. There's really nothing left to discuss until new information is revealed, as what material we do have to ponder has been analyzed to death or simply doesn't have enough depth to warrant much critical discussion.
I do agree that the mods are no better than the "offending" users...chastising them for asking simple (oftentimes hard pressed and necessary) questions. Even if sometimes, said was done quite belligerently.
Like why the development team is so mum, or how they have failed (time and time) again to live up to self set deadlines or promises to the fan base. If there is an issue, just tell us. Don't hide in the shadows for weeks at a time and then come out with some bull about processing issues.
Just because they are an "indie" development team doing this out of the "goodness" of their hearts doesn't excuse them from dangling carrots in front of fans and then eating it themselves. Sounds to me like they are being lazy and self serving, really, and extraordinarily unprofessional. Which, sadly, doesn't bode well for the proposed quality of the title. Neither does the fact that this project has switched heads...what, four, five times already? It all comes across as very disjointed and certainly not at all promising.
Their "technical processing issues" for the video are a crock of malarkey. I mean, why even tell us about a supposed upcoming video when it can't be made clear when or if it will be released? First it was "by or around New Years". That came and went. Then they were having "technical issues" with uploading. (Which, for anyone who has ever uploaded a video to Youtube will know, usually doesn't persist for longer than say, a day or two. Uploading a video, especially a short, at max ten min trailer, takes more than thirty minutes on even the worst of computers?)
Shanemesa and such then continuously tease and berate fans via twitter concerning said video and its "issues", refusing to acknowledge their shortcomings or explain to disappointed fans why or what exactly is stalling their progress. Clues, oh, the stupid little hints and clues. Which have led to....wait for it!...nothing at all.
...THEN it turns out...that, hey! According to Pastel, project manager/head honcho, they haven't even compiled enough "worthwhile footage" FOR the video in question. Which means it was never finished in the first place, or perhaps even started. Certainly never uploaded. Can't upload a video that doesn't exist/isn't finished! Which means there never were "processing issues" to begin with...
(Edit - and really, how the heck does the friggin' DEV TEAM not "have enough footage" of their own game? Aren't they the ones who, I dunno, have all access passes to every location, line of script, and musical track present in the game?)
People stayed up late for that video. They lost sleep over it. Fans questioned such on here and the SM.NET topic only to be met with ridicule and abuse, when they are questions that NEED to be asked. If it was never in a state of completion or enough footage hadn't been compiled to even make the video, they never should have told us about it in the first place.
It's pretty terrible that they can't live up to their promises or deadlines, and only acknowledge such weeks after the shit storm passes. "oh but wait" says the aforementioned SM.NET moderators, "they dun own you nuffin they are spending good free tim of theirs on this". Don't owe us anything? After promising and delaying, denying and hiding? Sure, they don't owe us their time, or good will. But they do owe us proper explanations when said expectations reach a fever pitch and then are subsequently dashed, ignored, or forgotten. This isn't the game of the century, guys. Man up and tell fans what the hell is going on.
The straight up lying to fans? Inexcusable.
All I can say better be a HELLUVA good teaser for rejected fans to even fathom pardoning this sort of behavior.

Can't say I don't... Agree with this guy in a way.
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Thanked by: BullockDS, Kriven, recme
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I will keep this thread from sinking, I swear to God.
~~LOVE~~ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
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Thanked by: Chris2Balls [:B], recme
NOW will you guys post????????

~~LOVE~~ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
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Wow cool, looks neat. Okay I'm going to go back to not posting since I've said all I can about my thoughts on the game.
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Thanked by: Kriven, recme
"Talk to dogs"

Ride this thing. Ride this other thing. Be a drag *lays on ground*
Yep, definitely GOTY
One good thing though, this soundtrack is completely fucking bonkers and I love it. I've never played an Earthbound game through; is this what the soundtrack is actually like?

(02-10-2015, 12:19 AM)Iceman404 Wrote: I will keep this thread from sinking, I swear to God.

Hey Man
Don't feel as if you have a god-sworn duty to keep threads alive. This is VGR and it takes literally like 4 months to keep a thread from hitting page 2. If there isn't anything newsworthy for like 5 months that's the fault of the dev team...besides, there isn't much to talk about other than's a game, and it looks neat, and we'll probably play it.
But like...You'll go fucking insane, trust me. Don't be a defibrillator - if a thread's not closed, it's not dead.

Just Chill Out Dude Is All Im Sayin. After All Ur Name Is Iceman
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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
I wasn't excited for this very much before, but that trailer makes it look really cool. I'm fairly hyped.
Thanked by: Pik, recme, Iceman404
Looks neat and all and it does capture the oddball oddities of the original games, but the game play in the over world seems slow compared to Earthbound and Mother 3.

I feel like that's something that could be touched upon a little bit, other than that I'd be down to play this.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
Thanked by: recme
i really hope that they release the ost for this game. i really want to listen to the full song during 2:46-3:00 : (

EDIT: oh yeah, the visuals for this game are gorgeous too! the only thing that bothers me are the 3/4 view of human sprites and some of the sprites for enemies. or than that, they all look great!
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Haven't played much of Earthbound yet, but now I'm going to try and do a little catching up so I'm not too behind the curve on this one. Been playing a lot of RPGs lately after coming up with an idea for one, thought it's nothing special.
Be original, be creative, be fresh, be righteous, be yourself and let no one stop you!

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(02-25-2015, 09:54 AM)Kosheh Wrote: One good thing though, this soundtrack is completely fucking bonkers and I love it. I've never played an Earthbound game through; is this what the soundtrack is actually like?

Good, you can finally get why I get pissed when Smash Bros ends up picking literally one style of music and the same tracks every single iteration. :V
~~LOVE~~ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
[Image: mousey.gif]
Thanked by: Kriven, BullockDS, recme
EarthBound had one of the best soundtracks ever. Some really nice upbeat almost jazz like music. Smash Bros just loves it's "grandess".

Anyway, for a fan game - it looks really good. I still seem to have this feeling it's all going to fall through and become nothing - or be the shortest "it was ok" game which everyone forgets about in a few months. I really hope I'm wrong because it's obvious a lot of effort and time has gone into this.

I just hope Nintendo doesn't swoop in and kill it - but well, a name change would probably be enough.
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Thanked by: recme, E-Man
(03-03-2015, 05:36 AM)Goemar Wrote: I still seem to have this feeling it's all going to fall through and become nothing - or be the shortest "it was ok" game which everyone forgets about in a few months.

yikes, i thought i was the only one with this feeling. then again, the team has been working on this for 5 years, so them cancelling the game is very unlikely.
[Image: XeE6VeC.gif]
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