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Tabuu's Models - New Mario character model!
Basically, the parts on the mesh that deform more when moving around after being rigged are the ones that should have some extra polygons around them to prevent deforming.

Mario's model from Super Mario 3D world provides this in a very simple form. Though, there isn't space behind is knee for when his leg bends, making it look sorta awkward when bent all the way. You can also notice the same principle being applied to his belly.

[Image: SOdlHlk.png]

Judging by the overall polygon count of his mesh, I doubt much of it was subsurfed. Or if any of it was at all. This is a great example of "less is more". As the mesh itself is very clean, and easy to make shape keys for, while they were optimized on extra polygons to make nice looking leg bends for animation purposes.
I like to make models in my free time. I also make weird games, too.
Thanked by: Kold-Virus
So in other words, the tail needs not only better topo but more polys where it bends. ^^
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Sorta a mix of both.

Good topology is key for making professional meshwork, and even I admit I mess up on that at times.

Don't go overboard on extra polygons, though. As that can cause bloat polygons that are uneeded. Assuming this is for a model for a video game, the only real places you should insert these are:

-The part of the belly that deforms the most

-The Knees


-And the bending joints on fingers and thumbs.

That's probably all that's needed.
I like to make models in my free time. I also make weird games, too.
Thanked by: Kold-Virus
Okay so I'm pretty much finished the main body mesh of my K. Rool model a few days ago. Still needs gold arm bands, fangs and cape, but I'd love some more ways to improve topo since I still lack due to having this mental block lmao.

Anyway, I also started diffuse textures. UV mapping is... meh.

Normal meshes
[Image: 9JI5qaB.png]

[Image: 8djhPZl.png]

EDIT: Updated with completed mesh
[Image: OofwuXP.png]
Thanked by: Nitwitsworld
Makin' a Mario for a not-so-secret project of mine!

Progress so far.

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Hi Tabuu do you have this animated? I've been looking everywhere for animation files of mario, like jumping running etc. please let me know I badly need it thanks!
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Well, no. I don't have this Mario animated. I made him myself using the Smash Wii U model as a reference. He's still not finished being modelled, then I have to finish texturing and rigging him. This model is for my Smash fangame, but I will release the models I make for it exclusively on VGR!

EDIT: I should probably show an update!

[Image: MWav8gi.png]
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I can't see the model work, because of this one thing called "Photobucket Ransom Hoster"
"Photo not found"
EDIT: Oh wait, there it is!
[Image: a72eb74edc.png]
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