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My Personal Top 30 Model Rip Wishlist!
Okay so this is NOT technically a request, more of just a post for those who may even care to know what my 'wishlist' is that I refer to once in a while. I don't expect any of these to actually be ripped, and I get the feeling some CAN'T be ripped. I just felt like posting this here since there's no real other place to put it and the request forum is the closest thing. While I would love to see this list fulfilled one day, I know very well it's not likely any time soon, so try not to take it too seriously. It's pretty much like a young child's 'Christmas List' in that it asks for some possibly ridiculous items. I've had it sitting on my Dropbox for a long time idly for no reason really...but anyway, without further ado, I give you my Personal Top 30 Model Rip Wishlist!

01. Lord Fredrik (Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze [Wii U])*
02. Jean Descole (Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask [3DS])
03. Erutus Profiteur (Bravely Default: Flying Fairy [3DS])*
04. Doctor Eggman (Sonic Boom [Wii U/3DS])
05. Orbot (Sonic Boom [Wii U/3DS])
06. Cubot (Sonic Boom [Wii U/ 3DS])
07. Lyric the Last Ancient (Sonic Boom [Wii U/3DS])
08. Angstrom Darkwater (Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty [PlayStation 3])
09. Romulus Slag (Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction [PlayStation 3])
10. Gleeman Vox (Ratchet: Deadlocked/Ratchet: Gladiator [PlayStation 2/PlayStation 3 "HD Release"])
11. Dr. Nefarious (Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One [PlayStation 3])
12. Klunk (Secret Agent Clank [PlayStation 2/PlayStation Portable]
13. Mister Dinkles (Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One [PlayStation 3])
14. Loki Master / Tornaux Spirit (Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One [Playstation 3])
15. The Deadly Six (Sonic Lost World [Wii U/3DS])
16. Final Boss Veigar (League of Legends [PC])
17. Giant Luigi (Mario and Luigi: Dream Team [3DS])*
18. Duck Hunk (Super Smash Brother 4 [3DS/Wii U])
19. Eggplant Wizard (Kid Icarus: Uprising [3DS])
20. Reaper (Kid Icarus: Uprising [3DS])
21. Great Reaper (Kid Icarus: Uprising [3DS])
22. Demon King Arzodius (Monster Manor [3DS])
23. Harmlequin (Monster Manor [3DS])
24. Fynalle (Warrior's Way [3DS])
25. Gold Bone (Mii Force [3DS])
26. Skully (Mii Force [3DS])
27. 'Gold Bone Gang' Basic Members (Mii Force [3DS])
28. The Red Baron (Snoopy: Flying Ace [XBOX 360])*
29. Lord of Games (Banjo Kazooie: Nuts 'n' Bolts [XBOX 360])*
30. Number Woo (Secret Agent Clank [PlayStation 2/PlayStation Portable])

* = Top 5 Priority

And there you have it, my over-the-top lofty wishlist for model rips that may never come to pass in a lifetime. I don't know the point of this honestly, but I just felt I should put it out there just in case someone needs ideas or a reason to rip things out of the blue. I hope you all don't find this too obstructive. Feel free to respond with your own maybe? Or thoughts on potential methods? Up to you really.
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I would love to have Lord Fredrik myself. Tongue But Wii U hackers seem to be few and far between and I believe won't share their methods. I think it's because it's not user-friendly yet.
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plis the model of lyric for dowload
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do not ask for requests when you don't meet the requirements to do so.

Spriter Gors】【Bandcamp】【Twitter】【YouTube】【Tumblr】【Portifolio
If you like my C+C, please rate me up. It helps me know I'm helping!
[Image: deT1vCJ.png]
Thanked by: Kawasuzu

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