12-06-2014, 11:30 PM
I don't think they can be 'misconceptions' if no one is actually sure on them. All we can do is leave it to time.
The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support!
12-06-2014, 11:30 PM
I don't think they can be 'misconceptions' if no one is actually sure on them. All we can do is leave it to time.
12-06-2014, 11:39 PM
As far as the epona one, I did notice that myself
She just sorta goes straight if you don't do anything so you can't tell her to go somewhere so much as aim her in a general direction and turn when necessary. ...that's arguably worse if you can't even leave and have to sit there to make sure you don't get stuck
12-06-2014, 11:46 PM
Here's a quick question, why would you want to leave? You're playing a game, engaged in an activity. You shouldn't be feeling the desire to leave it there, leave and come back to it.
That's a notion I'm pretty sure they as designers have already thought about. There is going to be stuff in this world to explore. Give it a chance. ![]() Thanked by: E-Man, Phantom Killah, Gwen, Maxpphire
12-06-2014, 11:59 PM
I'm going based off what I see in this video and what I've seen from similar games.
It's very possible that that could be the case but we haven't seen it yet. I'm not saying that I'm not giving it a chance, I'm saying that I'm skeptical and don't have high hopes based off past experience. GTA is open world and there's always wacky stuff going on whereas Fallout is a lot more barren and empty and traveling from place to place can get pretty monotonous. This game looks to be more of a Fallout than a GTA is my point. Obviously I have no way of knowing that for sure this early, but neither do you guys~ There's no point in arguing whether we're right or wrong since none of us actually know. It's just observation.
12-07-2014, 12:23 PM
This video makes some of the things I was talking about a little easier to see:
The "thing on a rock" that I mentioned (near where they are talking about Star Fox, right before he rides with the other horses) actually looks like it might be some kind of animal overlooking from the top of it. Looked like a stag or something to me.
12-07-2014, 10:16 PM
I want to see some advancements to SS Link's Prince of Persia-esque acrobatic abilities.
12-08-2014, 03:04 PM
Thanked by: recme
I wouldn't worry about the world being too expansive with little stuff. Aonuma knows about the backlash TP got for its world being too expansive and vowed if they were going to do another expansive world game, they would try to avoid the same pitfalls TP had fell in. Zelda Wii U is still in development and probably will still be in development until the 11th hour (like up to 2-3 weeks until the game goes gold and heads for manufacturing and shipping to stores).
We can still give opinions/critique of the early look/demos as long as people know things are subject to change. Also there will probably be other modes of transport besides Epona/horses and the sailcloth. You have to know there will probably be a warp system in the game. Hopefully it won't be limited like how The Wind Waker's warp system is or how bad the warp system of Spirit Tracks is (you have to hit switches while moving non-stop and have to have awareness of which warp leads where on the world map). Also Aonuma probably is aware of Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii and probably will draw some inspiration from it on how to the handle world map in Zelda Wii U. Xenoblade Chronicles had a fast travel option where if you clicked on a landmark you've visited before, you can instantly jump there. I wouldn't be surprised if Aonuma applied the same tech in Zelda Wii U.
To those who are still whining and complaining about this game, please read this and its comments: http://umbrawitchjeanne.deviantart.com/a...-502123134
12-30-2014, 06:05 PM
Way to come out of the blue with an insulting, aggressive attitude about something that happened almost a month ago.
Thanked by: Shade
12-30-2014, 06:23 PM
Yeeah, no one has really complained about it recently. All your post is going to accomplish is more argumentative discussions regarding an unreleased game. :I
Thanked by: Kriven
12-30-2014, 11:51 PM
Ok can we stop this now?
Like it's been 3 and a half pages, and a month. The Zelda game isn't even done yet, remember the first showing of Wind Waker in public and how they didn't even have anywhere near close to the same art style that Wind Waker ended up with? We have no idea what they will change, and how close this will be to the finished product. Viper and Kriven are allowed to say that it feels too open worldly for them. Gwen and Mystie are allowed to disagree. But like gets get over it now. I'm excited for this game. Thanked by: recme, Phantom Killah
I am really, really sorry. I should have never posted that.
I'll never do something mean like this again, I promise.
I'm optimistic it won't be so hand holdy like skyward sword.
"beep boop master, your battery is dying, as if the annoying noise and visual was not enough" Thanked by: Maxpphire, Mystie, recme, Phantom Killah
12-31-2014, 04:22 AM
Oh god. I hated Fi. I so hope they don't have an annoying thing telling you what to do.
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