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games you dislike that everyone likes and vice versa
EDIT: before you post, be sure to explain WHY you (dont) like a certain game. its only to avoid meaningless posts that could lead up to, *gasp*, internet flamewars. :0

we had this thread before, and its back just because it piqued my interest!

i sorta dont like super metroid because it feels like a slow game tbh. samus's controls like a rock and its hard to fight enemies with this sorta mobility. i always felt like zero mission was a better game, despite its shortness. it took what super metroid did right and fixed some problems as well.

i like sonic battle, even though some people ramble on it. i guess it could be for some of the art and ALL of the music (seriously, even i can admit its sorta weird at times). i find that this game has a lot of replay value and can be the equivalent of ssb on gba! you can even customize your own fighter, which makes the whole game a lot more interesting!
[Image: XeE6VeC.gif]
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I like Super Metroid but apparently you dont.

I hate zero mission but you like it.

We have a lot in common Tongue
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Anonymous Wrote:...the world is so much simpler if you just dont give a FUCK...
Thanked by: recme
(01-01-2015, 01:40 AM)recme Wrote: i always felt like zero mission was a better game, despite its shortness. it took what super metroid did right and fixed some problems as well.
And lost almost every ounce of atmosphere, but that's a discussion for another time. Tongue

I know there are people who like it, but opinions are often mixed when it comes to it, so I think it counts. I like Sonic Heroes. It was certainly different, but I always liked the gimmick and the varying levels. 

Now here's where I'm likely to be condemned. I think Skyrim is overrated. Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful game, absolutely fantastic environments and dungeon design, but the movement and combat has always seemed stiff and almost robotic, I couldn't get attached to the story, and it just bored me after I hit a certain point. I've tried to pick it up again a few times, and I always end up dropping it pretty quickly. I much prefer Morrowind.
[Image: 582217063e.png][Image: RWDCRik.png]

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(01-01-2015, 01:55 AM)Shade Wrote:
(01-01-2015, 01:40 AM)recme Wrote: i always felt like zero mission was a better game, despite its shortness. it took what super metroid did right and fixed some problems as well.
And lost almost every ounce of atmosphere, but that's a discussion for another time. Tongue

nah its cool. i mostly play platformers for gameplay and rarely for story, so i guess its obvious why i missed this part e.e
[Image: XeE6VeC.gif]
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I didn't like Dragon Age Origins. It was like listening to an e-book with a fake accent about the wonderful world of two statues in a staring contest.
[Image: k0OsVum.png][Image: NXpkf1V.gif][Image: psychicspacecow.png]
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Seriously though, I liked Sonic Unleashed, even the werehog stages due to the beat em up style combat. I admit it could get repetetive and annoying at times but I still enjoyed it while everyone else just hates em. I dont like zero mission because it just lacked story. I'm the kind of player who just gets emmersed in the story of a game and playing zero mission just felt like... killing aliens and then fighting a huge brain without really much info on it all.
[Image: tumblr_mzx6bm02eC1s38z45o1_500.gif]
Anonymous Wrote:...the world is so much simpler if you just dont give a FUCK...
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Awesomenauts. It could be that I've only ever played 17 hours total and that was about a year ago, but I've never found a want to go back to it. It was OK but I guess there are other games I'd rather spend my time on.

Also Cave Story. To me it's another pixel-art indie platformer, not necessarily bad but just with way too frequent boss battles.
Thanked by: recme
(01-01-2015, 02:26 AM)puggsoy Wrote: Awesomenauts. It could be that I've only ever played 17 hours total and that was about a year ago, but I've never found a want to go back to it. It was OK but I guess there are other games I'd rather spend my time on.

Also Cave Story. To me it's another pixel-art indie platformer, not necessarily bad but just with way too frequent boss battles.
oh puggsoy

oh my poor puggsoy

(You need to play 'nauts with me so you can learn the joys of throwing dynamite at anchor toting space squids)

I can kind of agree with you about Cave Story, it was a fun platformer, but it wasn't extremely memorable to me, for some reason. Which is kind of funny considering what a common game genre I'm into is.
[Image: 582217063e.png][Image: RWDCRik.png]

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I said this once and I'll say it again; I actually like the first Kingdom Hearts game over Kingdom Hearts 2. The first game is actually made for exploration and interaction, which makes it feel like a good mix between a Zelda game and Banjo-Kazooie. As for KH2, while the combat is a lot more interesting and the story is more refined, it feels like everything else had to suffer to make room for that. The environment interaction is mostly gone (even the magic spells do jack all outside of combat) and all the worlds are mostly flat without any remarkable platforming action. Plus, the rehashing of Disney stories is more obvious in this game and it would have been better if they made more original ones. Sure, I know about the second stories for each world, but they came a little too late and are not always as long or involved as the first stories.

My other gripe about this game that isn't so much a big deal to you guys but it is to me is what they done to Kairi. In the first game, she's not overly feminine and has a lot more spunk to her character. On top of that, the circumstances of her kidnapping (if you can even call it that) were not her fault whatsoever, unlike how it was like in the second game where she was taken while conscious. If Square went in the direction of this Kairi and thought of her less as another female support character, I could see her shaping up to become a competent protagonist that's a mix between Sora and Riku. Unfortunately, when KH2 rolled along, Square took the whole love interest route for Kairi, gave her more princess-like traits (no more spunk and brashness for her), and made her overall appearance more feminine than it was before. Plus, that girly Keyblade she was given in that one scene left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. If she must wield one, why not let it be Oath Keeper?
(02-27-2014, 07:31 PM)Gors Wrote: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SUCK. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SHOW YOUR SUCKY ART. I think this needs to go noticed to everyone, because sucking is not failing. Sucking is part of the fun of learning and if you don't suck, then you won't own at pixelart

it's ok to suck, sucking is not bad, just try and aim to always do your best!
Thanked by: Mystie, recme
Fire Emblem Awakening. It just wasn't very exciting to me. I think previous games had more interesting characters, the map design and gameplay was pretty weak, and the story was on par with the one in Shadow Dragon. It didn't bring much to the table either, just taking bits from the other games, but when it did something new, it didn't really fit. The best example would be pair-up, which completely breaks the game, especially when coupled with infinite grinding. I also think unlimited supports hurt the game by adding filler supports and giving way too many boosts.
[Image: sig.gif]
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(01-01-2015, 06:31 AM)E-Man Wrote: I said this once and I'll say it again; I actually like the first Kingdom Hearts game over Kingdom Hearts 2
I only disagree with this for three factors

-Sora's annoying english voice in KH1.
-The shitty controls in KH1 (the rerelease 1.5 HD remix fixes this, I believe)
-Many of the cutscenes have music.  One could argue this sets a more serious tone, but I'd argue scene music can do a much better job, as in Final Fantasy Tactics, than just dead silence.

My picks:
Ocarina of Time.  It's an okay game, but it's not the best thing ever everyone claims it is, and it is terribly flawed.  The most glaring being that empty and large Hyrule Field.  There's absolutely nothing out there except random holes in the ground.  Whoopty doo.

Five Nights at Freddy's.  How the FUCK did this get such a large fanbase?  It's a nice call back to Night Trap and Double Switch, but the amount of popularity and fanart this has gained is just insane.  I get something related to it in my inbox on DA and other art sites almost everyday, and I'm like B|.
[Image: tamerkoh.gif?9][Image: DevBanner.png][Image: Youtube.gif]DLBROOKS33
Thanked by: recme
In his defense, Sora's English voice actor was the same one used in all the English releases for the games. It's just that he had to wait until puberty before he sounds like the Sora we all know, which arguably sounds a whole lot better. I wish they could have redubbed his lines for the 1.5 rerelease since they improved almost everything else, but oh well.

As for that bit about the silence in some cutscenes, I never noticed that too much. Thankfully, most of the other cutscenes I can think of off the top of my head (particularly the ones that play a big role to the story) in that game have a bit of music going on (even if it's the world's default track), so that's probably why the silence problem never crossed my mind.

Also, I'm glad to see someone else who is getting tired of seeing Five Nights at Freddy's everywhere. It was okay to see it for a while and I respect anyone else who likes this game, but this is starting to become a little too much. Heck, even Super Mario Logan is riding the bandwagon when they released their newest episode of the Luigi's Mansion story. While Super Mario Logan videos don't always have the best stories and are overall juvenile, the Freddy characters literally have no reason to be in that episode and are just tacked on to artificially boost the scare factor.
(02-27-2014, 07:31 PM)Gors Wrote: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SUCK. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SHOW YOUR SUCKY ART. I think this needs to go noticed to everyone, because sucking is not failing. Sucking is part of the fun of learning and if you don't suck, then you won't own at pixelart

it's ok to suck, sucking is not bad, just try and aim to always do your best!
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I freakin' hate Killzone. Everyone seems to love it, but I never saw the appeal in it. It feels like yet another CoD/BF/MoH clone, except, "Ohhhh it's in the future!" And all of these PS4 owners are going on and on about how "amazing" Shadows Fall is, when really it's one of the blandest games out there.

Also, I really dislike Sonic Adventure 2. The speed levels control as if Sonic and Shadow are slathered in butter, the mech levels and treasure hunting levels are incredibly boring and irritating, and the level design is horrible (Final Rush, anyone?). But, I do enjoy the story and the soundtrack. Anyway, I like SA1 a lot more than SA2, because the speed levels don't control so badly, and using the other characters is optional unless you want 100% completion.

As for games that I love that others hate...

Madworld. Many people consider this to be Platinum's worst game, but I think it's one of their best. Definitely not as good as Bayonetta or Wonderful 101, but still excellent nonetheless. The gameplay is a lot of fun, and allows you to use a large variety of ways to kill your enemies, the Bloodbath Challenges are hilarious, and, just like all Platinum games, the bosses are very challenging and epic. Also, the soundtrack is great too, even if some of the songs do get pretty repetitive after a while. I'm gonna be honest, I enjoy Madworld much more than Vanquish, which most people consider to be the best Platinum game.

Kirby: Squeak Squad. I see many people saying that this is one of the worst Kirby games, but in my opinion, it's one of the absolute best games in the series. It has some of the coolest features out of any Kirby game and lots of great new abilities, the segments where you have to chase after the Squeaks are a lot of fun, there are tons of customization features, and overall it's a really great game. It was one of my first DS games, and still one of my favorites to this very day.

Cel Damage. The critics hated it, and all of these PS4 owners are like, "HERP DERP ITS DUMB BECUZ ITZ A REMAKE OF A 13 YEAR OLD GAME AND ITZ ALSO A BABY CARTOON GAME 0/10" But I think it's one of the most addictive and unique multiplayer games ever. Sure, it does have a lot of flaws, and it doesn't have as many features as other vehicle combat games, but what's there is a LOT of fun, and makes me want to keep coming back for more. Also, I am totally obsessed with Violet and Dominique. Totally obsessed.

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. I wouldn't say I LOVE this game, but I do like it. Yeah, it's not one of the best platformers, far from it, but it is a neat game. I like how you use different kinds of boomerangs as your weapon, and the levels are very fun to explore.
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Madworld = radular.

I just don't get the hate that that game gets.

For me, Majora's Mask. The only time I ever had fun in that game was being a zora, or playing the mini games.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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(01-01-2015, 01:49 PM)Mystie Wrote: Kirby: Squeak Squad. I see many people saying that this is one of the worst Kirby games, but in my opinion, it's one of the absolute best games in the series. It has some of the coolest features out of any Kirby game and lots of great new abilities, the segments where you have to chase after the Squeaks are a lot of fun, there are tons of customization features, and overall it's a really great game. It was one of my first DS games, and still one of my favorites to this very day.
Whoa I didn't know anyone else really liked it! It's my favorite Kirby game right next to Dream Land 2.

I also liked Mario Kart Super Circuit, but people seem to say it's the worst in the series. Though controls are a bit weird, it's still a very fun game to me. I liked that it had Super Mario Kart tracks, but the game's own tracks are great and had some of the coolest environments I've seen in Mario Kart(sadly, Nintendo likes to put the really Super Mario Kart-like tracks in the newer games). And once I got used to the controls, the racing was really fun.

But one game I don't understand why so many people like is Megaman 2; it's just not really fun to me. I even liked Megaman 1 better. The level design felt too difficult(Stupid QuickMan stage!), and Wily's Castle was basically unplayable to me.
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