I bought Megaman 2 expecting to have a bunch of fun. Took out my Tecmo Bowl cartridge for it, a few minutes later, it was back in and I was throwing deep bombs down the field.
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games you dislike that everyone likes and vice versa
Generally "unpopular opinion" threads lead to shitflinging and overall unpleasant disscussions, so I'd be wary of that
Anyway, I kinda like Zelda II the adventure of Link. Thanked by: recme, Phantom Killah
01-01-2015, 05:01 PM
(01-01-2015, 04:36 PM)Pik Wrote: I kinda like Zelda II the adventure of Link. Was this really popularly disliked though? I thought it's generally accepted as good but flawed. I definitely liked a lot of things about it, but the flaws kept me from getting through the whole thing. The top three being the difficulty spike at Death Mountain, the fact that you always have to go all the way back to the beginning after a game over, and the shitty butter knife attack range.
01-01-2015, 05:04 PM
(01-01-2015, 04:36 PM)Pik Wrote: Generally "unpopular opinion" threads lead to shitflinging and overall unpleasant disscussions, so I'd be wary of that yeah, i had this thought when i made this thread. i think the community is mature enough to handle stuff like this, so i think its ok. if not, a mod can just lock this thread when it gets out of hand. anyways, i dont like kirby 64 all that much. i mean, it has nice cutscenes and a really nice charm to it...but i just cant bring myself to play the game. kirby controls akwardly compared to other games and the level design makes me wanna quit the game :\ kirby and the amazing mirror was a great game though. its pretty much a nonlinear kirby game that can be played up to 4 players. idk why this game gets flak for being different than other kirby games. hell, everybody loved the great cave offensive, and that was nonlinear. so what gives?
01-01-2015, 05:32 PM
The whole Kingdom hearts series, i just dont get what disney and Final fantasy characters have to do together. My brain just cant process that Sephiroth and Mickey mouse can be in the same game. To me, its like having a Zelda game with teletobiz.You just dont do that. Plus, its an "action" game.
01-01-2015, 06:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-01-2015, 06:05 PM by MrYoshbert.)
I didn't have a fun time with Kirby's Dream Land 3 for a number of reasons. Kirby's movement felt very clunky and slippery, the level design has one too many "one and done" situations, it's nigh impossible to complete some the heart challenges since the game doesn't tell you the objective (unless you use a guide), and there are a bunch of sections where dozens of enemies are whaling at you left and right, with the aforementioned clunky controls and short post-damage invincibility time amplifying the frustration greatly. The only things about that game I can praise are the soundtrack, the visuals, the animal friends mechanic, and the co-op mode with Gooey.
With all of that, I have to say that Dream Land 3 is probably the only Kirby game that I have played (to date) which I legitimately do not like. I even think Dream Land 2 is the superior title. As for vice versa, Mario Party 9 deserves a mention. People seem to bash that game for the "everyone moves at the same time" mechanic and that mechanic alone, ignoring everything else... and that ain't really fair. I thought it was a pretty good game; the minigames were some of the best in the series, the boss battles were fun, and while I didn't like how the boards were linear, they were pretty elaborate and full of cool stuff to do. I didn't even mind the car and mini-star mechanics, as I felt that they made the pace of a game move a bit quicker and the results closer. Plus, after 8 or so Mario Party games using the same exact formula, the series really did need something new to shake things up. Thanked by: recme
(01-01-2015, 05:32 PM)daemoth Wrote: The whole Kingdom hearts series, i just dont get what disney and Final fantasy characters have to do together. My brain just cant process that Sephiroth and Mickey mouse can be in the same game. To me, its like having a Zelda game with teletobiz.You just dont do that. Plus, its an "action" game. I think it'd be fine if they actually had the models reflect the concept art style for all the characters. ![]() ![]() It all looks consistent and works well. I don't see why they didn't, because Dragon Quest has been adopting Akira Toryiama's art style in the models since 8, and they've been accurately capturing his art style. ![]() ![]() If Dragon Quest can capture Akira Toryiama's art style, why can't Kingdom Hearts capture the art style of whoever the concept artist is? Thanked by: E-Man
01-01-2015, 08:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-01-2015, 08:16 PM by Jermungandr.)
(01-01-2015, 06:03 PM)MrYoshbert Wrote: With all of that, I have to say that Dream Land 3 is probably the only Kirby game that I have played (to date) which I legitimately do not like. I even think Dream Land 2 is the superior title. I can agree with that. You all know that I'm a HUUUUUUUUUUGE Kirby fan, but KDL3 I never really cared for, try as I might. It just doesn't "feel" good. I'm not sure that game is actually well liked though ... I mean, I've never really heard anyone really praising it. Honestly I think most people who are not really big Kirby fans are unaware of its existence. (01-01-2015, 05:32 PM)daemoth Wrote: The whole Kingdom hearts series, i just dont get what disney and Final fantasy characters have to do together. My brain just cant process that Sephiroth and Mickey mouse can be in the same game. To me, its like having a Zelda game with teletobiz.You just dont do that. Plus, its an "action" game. I am not really a Kingdom Hearts fan either, but in its defense, it's probably not really fair to think of the games as "Disney + Final Fantasy". Final Fantasy characters really only play cameo roles in the series (unless something changed after KH2, as I've only played the first two games). The actual stories focus a hundred percent on the Disney worlds, with Final Fantasy characters playing small auxiliary roles. Try to think of it less as "what if Disney and Final Fantasy had a baby" and more like "what if Disney had a baby and Final Fantasy was an estranged uncle that we sometimes have to put up with around the holidays".
01-01-2015, 08:58 PM
Honestly KDL3 just feels slow compared to the other games.
As for me, never been a fan of Final fantasy, even through it's the mother of all RPGs I never could enjoy them, 2D or 3D. The flipside is I really enjoyed Sonys The Puppeteer for PS3 and named it my GOTY 2013, I can understand why most people don't like it due to the narrative taking center stage over the gameplay.
01-02-2015, 02:40 AM
Super Puzzle Fighter and Gem Fighter. The chibi art style really puts me off, mostly due to the female characters looking like lolicon.
Yeah i couldn't get myself into Kingdom Hearts either, never cared for Final Fantasy and even i reckon is should've been a Disney only game starring Donald and Goofy. Mickey already has a huge library of games, so why shouldn't his co-stars? Everyone mocks any game starring celebrities, but what are the ones any of you do like? Here's mine. Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City is an under-looked gem when you really play it. MJ has so rescue his team-mates from a mad scientist with an army of basketball themed mutants. His main weapon is basketballs with any power depending on the colour of one. Duke Nukem Forever. This game gets too much hate honestly. Every critic was expecting it to be like another CoD or BF. Those games have been ruining the FPS genre due to being the same tired soldiers in war everyone's getting sick of seeing. Duke is a parody of 80s action cliches, and so are the villains and other characters. Its's not to be taken seriously, just roll with it. It does have its flaws due to being made in an obsolete version of the Unreal Engine. But it still has the funny one-liners, pop-culture references and sexy women Duke Nukem 3D has. At least the expansion pack that brings back Doctor Proton from the very first game is helps it from being boring. Koh Wrote:If Dragon Quest can capture Akira Toryiama's art style, why can't Kingdom Hearts capture the art style of whoever the concept artist is? actually, since starting KH1 I've wondered why Kingdom Hearts' FF/original character models didn't capture the Disney art style. Don't get me wrong - Disney has a pretty unmistakable art style. Like, I feel like the game would have an altogether better vibe if they used Atlantis or Treasure Planet as as an art-yardstick for the Square Enix characters, instead of the same anime as heck look we've seen a million times. the excuse isn't "oh well they need to appeal to a Japanese audience" - no, the Japanese would have been like "Oh look at this fresh new take on Square characters looking like a Disney, I like it" instead we have the Pirates of the Caribbean world which is just a clusterfuck of character styles I don't know, I feel like it's like the anime is invading Disneys and weebing it up every time I play it. Thanked by: recme
I remember when Kingdom Hearts II was still in development and there was an interview where somebody from Square said "everybody" in the Pirates world "looks real, like the movie." That felt right in line with the other style-change worlds, so I was excited to see "realistic" Donald, Goofy, Sora (and part of me was hoping Pete would dawn the old peg-leg). I'm still disappointed they didn't do that.
01-02-2015, 10:39 AM
01-02-2015, 10:55 AM
I don't like Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.
01-02-2015, 12:00 PM
I love Earthworm Jim 3D as well as Star Fox adventures
apparently everybody else don't like change in gameplay and genre i love those games so much i beat both more than 10 times. plus there storylines for what they were are funny and zany. Thanked by: Gwen, Rosencrantz
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