(06-29-2015, 07:59 PM)MayBeePah Wrote: I meant upload to the models section of this website
I'm sorry... I didn't knew it was you MayBeePah.
Because, I normally grown accustomed to your Quasimodo's avatar from Xentax.
I believed it was one of the guys who requested a few models like the Dream Eaters or the few who requested the TWEWY/other characters.
I already know it's a fact everyone can change the avatar at will, specially having a different one in a different forum.
but if by any chance I wouldn't be bullied on YT like I was on year 2013, My avatar would be just a red fox... Not
a battlewolf...

and anyway... if that *censored* for brains, mexican fanboy of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers with no social life aside from posting nudity on facebook and fapping with Red Ranger kicking putty patrols butts, gets to find this, thanks to my nickname and starts insulting me... I will definitely commit suicide... I got tired of that idiot who ruined my life.

You have no idea who retarded is someone, when you get to see the kinf of all the retardness itself. that even is a hater of the Anime but yet is a fanboy of MMPR... without knowing that it was entirely based on Super Sentai franchise.
his hypocrisy IS OVER 9000!!!!
Just for that reason, I hate anyone who masks the facts or truths with lies saying I was impatient... when the truth was, I was desperated... thanks to a stupid user who wanted to do the model rippings in your place. I would waited more, if you just kept posting your progress. I know... you're busy... but just five minutes posting something wouldn't hurt you. isn't it?
Masking the truth, is as well as a lie... I mistakenly lied saying you was impatient... So... my apologies MayBeePah.
Sorry for confusing you with another user...