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Members you felt sorry for.
I feel a little guilty sometimes and sometimes I pity certain members who never made it on this forum.

One time there was a new member (can't remember his name) who was obsessed with triangles.His username had something to do with triangles, his signature talked about triangles, his sprites were all based on triangular characters he made.

Well anyway, being the fan of Sesame Street that I am, he reminded me of Telly Monster who ws also obsessed with triangles. Finding the comparisons amusing, I posted a picture of Telly holding a triangle. The other members thought it was hilarious.

But I never meant to insult the guy, I just thought the similarities were funny. I never want to make new members feel unwelcome or uncomfortable. Maybe I'm just paranoid but after that he left the forum and I felt somewhat responsible. That and many other things have always bugged me.

Well do you guys have memories of members that you felt sorry for?

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I feel sorry for a lot of members that we end up banning, because I appreciate how things build to those conditions that make them act the way that ultimately makes us ban them.

I may come across as heartless at the end phase of it all, but I understand that there was a reason people joined, there's a reason people want to come back, and there's a reason people don't leave the site after they're banned sometimes. A huge quantity of banned users make alt accounts to try and get back into the community.

I don't think we're the most awesome bunch in the world. but we do all communicate on a regular basis, and we are a community. And people like knowing they're part of a community. I don't hate or necessarily dislike the users we ultimately ban, but they lack understanding of the situation and aren't aware of how to conduct themselves... Sadly, the only way for them to learn sometimes is to be outcast so that they won't act in that manner in the future.
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
Wow, that's a very deep way of explaining the essence of banning members.

Anyway, a member I feel sorry for is Nate. I honestly thought the guy had a lot of potential. Sure, he was annoying at times and acted no different from a spamhaul user, but after he was harshly punished, I was thinking he was starting to behave himself. It pains me to see that he more or less lost his chance to become a part of this community.
(02-27-2014, 07:31 PM)Gors Wrote: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SUCK. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SHOW YOUR SUCKY ART. I think this needs to go noticed to everyone, because sucking is not failing. Sucking is part of the fun of learning and if you don't suck, then you won't own at pixelart

it's ok to suck, sucking is not bad, just try and aim to always do your best!
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I feel sorry for the adminstration for having to put up with my shit, and sorrier for Koopaul because he actually had to make a topic where we pity the actions of other members that never really did well on an internet forum.


(01-23-2015, 04:22 AM)Dazz Wrote: I may come across as heartless at the end phase of it all, but I understand that there was a reason people joined, there's a reason people want to come back, and there's a reason people don't leave the site after they're banned sometimes. A huge quantity of banned users make alt accounts to try and get back into the community.

You're actually...not a heartless monster? Even though some of us mighty say some bad shit, you're an alright guy who usually has the community's best interests in mind. However, some of the choices the administration makes are sometimes downright weird...
People keep coming back because it's actually an alright community (which is why cool users like Omega, Pik and Des came back), but there's also some easy targets on this forum which is why you have the trolly members coming back. :/

But on topic, I actually feel sorta bad for Lilothestitch. I'm...not really sure what his problem was at all. I assume he thinks that internet forums are like posting in chatrooms, and that responses to topics should come instantaneously. Like, he actually sits there and refreshes his posts looking for replies, and then he didn't even read them sometimes (which is what really got me)

What actually bothers me though is that he came back (and "changed his mind" - he actually was just tempbanned is all) and said "Okay I'll change" and as we're giving him pointers, he doesn't even last ten minutes before saying "This is so hard! I can't do this! Please ban me again. Goodbye, everyone." He...didn't even try, and that's just heartbreaking ):

...did you permaban him, Dazz? I really hope he's just tempbanned so he can try to come back and actually improve. I mean, Blueblur joined and totally bothered the administration, and then something just clicked. Now he's a decent member. :/
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
I permabanned Lilo because he hasn't changed since joining, and shows no intention of even trying. I felt different regarding Nate, as I believed he would actually make attempts, but he simply failed to follow through. It's often obvious when a member is capable of change and when they aren't.
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
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I feel bad for Gors. He made a bunch of fantastic sprites and music for TFR, and I left him high and dry. I don't know if I ever apologized, but if I didn't, I'm sorry dude.
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
I feel sorry for the admins and mods here. They have to deal with all the crap that we give em, both new and old members. I know I act like a spammer sometimes so I want to say I'm sorry guys. You guys are very pacient with us. Thank you.
[Image: tumblr_mzx6bm02eC1s38z45o1_500.gif]
Anonymous Wrote:...the world is so much simpler if you just dont give a FUCK...
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I'm sorry for the short post but
(01-23-2015, 08:04 AM)Dazz Wrote: I permabanned Lilo because he hasn't changed since joining, and shows no intention of even trying.

This really bothers the everliving shit out of me.

Not you permabanning him - but how he wouldn't even bother trying. Like, as if actually trying caused horrific physical pain.
If anyone else is reading this and doesn't feel like ever trying...please, for the love of god, please try. Not bothering to try to do something is just plain depressing, I don't care what your excuse is.

I'll laugh though if he comes back as an alt a few years from now and turns out to be one of VGR's best members, posts about it in a thread and we're all like "no fucking way! you were SUCH a lousy poster!!" and he was like "I KNOW!!!"
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
Thanked by: E-Man, Pik
I probably don't feel sorry for anyone. While this kinda sounds assholish and egoistical at first, I know I do my job of guiding people and being a nice guy all around. If people act like shit towards me I will not hesitate to punish them, be verbal warnings and actual forum warn. I don't need to take shit from anyone, I will not act kind or be empathetic to those who don't deserve.

It kinda sounds harsh, but notice how well the community runs, and how many people support me. I'm not being an overpowered moron; I'm just doing what I'm supposed to while respecting my own rights.

I really enjoy this community and I like and admire a lot of people around here, I really can't feel sorry towards anyone.
Spriter Gors】【Bandcamp】【Twitter】【YouTube】【Tumblr】【Portifolio
If you like my C+C, please rate me up. It helps me know I'm helping!
[Image: deT1vCJ.png]
I feel sorry for the mods, especially Dazz after he permabanned that stubborn fella. When I joined my first forum back in 2006, I thought mods were just dicks on a power trip. But I realized, especially after I reread some of Lilo's posts, that they have a tough job, especially when idiots join forums.
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I really feel bad for Robbydude

He just got a bad deal. :<

In all seriousness, I do wish Quotient/SLAPBADMINE?? could have not blown up like he did. He most definitely had some potential in the spriting department.
[Image: 582217063e.png][Image: RWDCRik.png]

Thanked by: Gwen, BullockDS, Thor, ~Axis~, Keychain
(01-23-2015, 10:35 AM)Gors Wrote: I probably don't feel sorry for anyone. While this kinda sounds assholish and egoistical at first, I know I do my job of guiding people and being a nice guy all around. If people act like shit towards me I will not hesitate to punish them, be verbal warnings and actual forum warn. I don't need to take shit from anyone, I will not act kind or be empathetic to those who don't deserve.

It kinda sounds harsh, but notice how well the community runs, and how many people support me. I'm not being an overpowered moron; I'm just doing what I'm supposed to while respecting my own rights.

I really enjoy this community and I like and admire a lot of people around here, I really can't feel sorry towards anyone.

I'd have to say that I'm more or less the same way.
In most cases, by the time anyone actually gets to the point of a ban (or in some cases just warning) it's generally after a long string of behavior in which I/we decide to ignore the person doing what they're doing so as not to seem too harsh, meaning that when the ban/warning actually comes we're pretty done by that point.
I mean, of course you don't want to come across like a dick and be too authoritarian and yeah sometimes it does feel kinda bad to discipline people in whatever way but there's a lot of discussion between us that goes on behind the scenes that regular members don't see where we make these kinds of decisions and of course sometimes the decision that needs to be made is "X needs to go."

I guess it sounds kinda harsh, but in the majority of cases the person deserved it so there's nothing to feel bad about.
At some point you have to stop allowing the person to step on your toes.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
I don't really particularly feel sorry for anyone.

This is the one forum I've actively been apart of. Ever. I've been active here for over a decade now too, so I've seen a lot of people come and go. I'll keep in touch with the friends I've made, but whether or not they are apart of the community or not anymore isn't much of a concern for me.

If you decide to leave then it is your choice, if you get banned then at that point it's kinda your fault.

Actually I take that back, there are two members I feel sorry for. Dazz and Keychain.

Dazz gets way too much flack, he is actually a really cool and funny guy if you actually talk to him for any period of time. He sometimes acts without thinking, but in the end he just wants to do whats best for his community.

Then Keychain because of the whole topic of who she really is. I don't really think I need to delve deeper into that, except for this one point- A lot of people have started to say that Dazz is Transphobic because of it. I can tell you from personal experience that he isn't, not only does he respect my pronouns and treat me no different then before (besides calling me he/him), but even for people he doesn't particularly care for like Sengir, he refers to Sengir by her proper pronouns regardless of how he feels about her. I honestly think that says a lot for his character.

Also Dazz, I feel as if Lilo wanted to change and wanted to try, but didn't understand what trying meant. Which is weird, but some people just have different issues then others.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
Lilo's profile said he was 17, but I was getting a 12 year-old vibe. Things just went over his head and he didn't "get it", and he often acted innocently stupid for a lack of a better term

And what was with his icon? such an odd pic to represent yourself

[Image: 2014-11-19_1823.png]
Thanked by: Kriven, Danganronpa24
Look at his DA page, he seems to draw in that style.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
Thanked by: Danganronpa24

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