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Final Fantasy I (NES)
I've looked everywhere, and I just can't find the sound effects from this game. (I'm really surprised of all the titles out there, this one hasn't been done yet.) The only option I'm seeing here is to figure out how to rip them myself. I've tried several different programs from zohpars, and I just cannot get this down. Help, anyone?
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These have actually been ripped and submitted, just not approved yet. Unfortunately that's my fault, there's a huge moderation queue on the Sounds Resource that I've taken responsibility for but have yet to clear up.

I'll go ahead and moderate this game's sounds right now, chances are they'll be approved and you should see them on the site soon enough. I'll also try and get myself back in the groove of regularly moderating so that the efforts of our great rippers here can actually be shared Smile

EDIT: Hm, the pack only seems to contain two. Is that enough or should there be more? The technique J-Sinn uses has something to do with directly extracting from the drivers but most of his submissions seem pretty complete.
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(02-19-2015, 03:29 AM)illumina3 Wrote: I've looked everywhere, and I just can't find the sound effects from this game. (I'm really surprised of all the titles out there, this one hasn't been done yet.) The only option I'm seeing here is to figure out how to rip them myself. I've tried several different programs from zohpars, and I just cannot get this down. Help, anyone?

Those two are definitely of the variety I am looking for, but yes a lot are still missing. All of the battle SFX, Menu SFX, and the majority of the map SFX. Off the top of my head these are all the SFX I can think of that come from the game:

Opening a dialogue box
Closing a dialogue box
Door opening
Cursor Moving
Cursor Selecting
Cursor Unable to Select
Switching Member Position
Stepping While Poisoned
Stepping While in Lava
Map Transition
Battle Transition
Hero Damage
Enemy Damage
Cast Animation (May be the same as one of the ones listed)
Orb Restoring Sound
World Map Transition Sound

...I think that's all of them. A lot less than I thought, but I can't really think of any others.
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