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Introduction of M.E.R.255
Hi, my name is M.E.R.255 and I'm kind of a weird guy. =P I haven't said anything before, being a bit shy and all. ^^;

Anyways, I'm a Pixel Artist who loves editing sprites, rendering N64 images and turn them into Gifs, but mainly loves sharing my stuff with others. =D
Thought I could register on here and share some of my stuff on this site (repeated myself, argh), if that's alright with you. ^^; Probably just in the Custom folder, have no clue how to hack or extract sprites. =/

Ahem, but anyways... my favorite color is darkblue, my first language is German, and I like listening to video game music. =P
Um, maybe that's not very fitting to post in here, seeing how this website is more specialized in sprites and such... let's see...
  • I like editing Pokémon animations, by altering or adding features [Image: derplax.gif][Image: datpika.gif] 
  • Was also looking into making more Fakémon one day, like Virchu [Image: virchu.gif] (she's so cute and bouncy =D)

  • I used to do a lot of SMRPG edits like making a Koop out of a Terrapin and altering it. ^^
    [Image: tumblr_nk5v7gdQoL1unagj3o9_1280.gif]

  • Screenshotting N64 ROM footage from the emulator, manually remove the background, and place them together as animation like so:
    [Image: tumblr_nk7pdrwzyv1unagj3o2_75sq.gif]only bigger in a lot of instances, and so far I mostly do these with DK64 and SM64 ROMs ^^

  • Also would love to learn more about texture hacking one day, but maybe it's better if I don't know, seeing how weird my ideas are XD
    [Image: tumblr_nk5qjjmj621unagj3o1_250.png] "Get in my belly!"

  • I also like making smilies, like I've made these from scratch, so if you want me to upload some somewhere for you to use, feel free to ask =D (aren't perfect, but I like them ^^)
    [Image: shocked.gif][Image: sweat.gif][Image: valybounce.gif][Image: heart.gif][Image: pokedollar.gif][Image: huzzyblush.gif][Image: redsgeager.gif][Image: virvir.gif] [Image: merrypet.gif](last one's supposed to be me ^^)
If you think I can upload some of the SMRPG edits and so on the website (in Custom probably), I'd be happy to do so! =D (if I knew how XDDD)

So um, I hope this introduction was good enough. ^^ I could write down more, but that's up to you guys. =)
If you want to see more of the N64 Gifs and stuff, I have them uploaded on tumblr: 
Feel free to use any of my stuff, no credit required (but don't just steal them either =O) ^^

Oh hey! You guys use MyBB too? =D Wow... looks so organized compared to the mess I got going on. XDDD Really neat feature with the WYSIWYG message editor. O_O
[Image: tumblr_nk5xd5Osft1unagj3o1_100.gif]"You want it? Well, too bad! It's all yours now, bwahaha!"
Thanked by: puggsoy, Ton, psychospacecow
Welcome to the world of The VGResource!

my name is Omega, but everyone calls me Omega or Jazz.

And this...[Image: omegaprobertson.png] what we call a SPRITE.

This forum is widely inhabited by creatures known as SPRITERS.
We Humans live along SPRITING, at times creating sprites on own properties, and at times ripping already made work for others.
And sometimes, we just have fun making our own original work.

But as close as we are, not everyone knows about SPRITES.
In fact, there are still many, many people who don't know about SPRITING.

I do research to try and unravel those spriting mysteries, but that's enough about me!

Are you ready? Your very own spriting adventure is about to unfold.
Be courageous and leap into the world of SPRITING, where dreams, adventures, and friendships await.
[Image: JSW7XoM.png][Image: M9AUckK.png]
Welcome to the Resource M.E.R.255! Don't worry, it's totally fine to talk about your favourite colour, first languages, or music here. That's what the Discussion Boards section is for!

Hope you enjoy your stay Smile
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Welcoome to the Resource champ!
[Image: tumblr_mzx6bm02eC1s38z45o1_500.gif]
Anonymous Wrote:...the world is so much simpler if you just dont give a FUCK...
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@Omega: That reply was beautiful! =D I really love the reference you made there! No one has ever done that on my introduction, so wow! Thank you so much for doing so and for welcoming me! =D Sorry, but you just blew my mind with that reply. O_O

@puggsoy: Thank you! =D Ooh, Discussion Board, huh? I should check that out tomorrow (need to sleep soon ^^Wink

@BlueBlur97: Thank you, BlueBlur97! =D Aww, thanks for calling me champ, that's pretty nice of you! ^^
[Image: tumblr_nk5xd5Osft1unagj3o1_100.gif]"You want it? Well, too bad! It's all yours now, bwahaha!"
Thanked by: ~Axis~, psychospacecow
Not gonna try to top Omega's response, so I'll just say welcome to the forums! Tongue
[Image: 582217063e.png][Image: RWDCRik.png]

Thanked by: ~Axis~
beep, boop, hello MER

beep boop.

(btw, are the rumors true
are people swimming in amiibo figurines in Germany)
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
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@Shade: Haha, that's alright, I probably couldn't come up with something like that. =P Thank you for welcoming me still! ^^

@Kosheh: Being a robot, eh? That's cute! =D Hmm, truth to be told, I haven't been living in Germany for a few years now (moved out from Germany to support my dad in America and so ^^) so I'm not sure. ^^; But knowing them, they probably do. XP I remember the time where some adults demanded on radio to have Simpsons come on tv more than 5 times a week. XDDD They're the same people who worship soccer like it's the only thing that matters in life, so... I wouldn't doubt that they'd be all over Amiibos. XD
[Image: tumblr_nk5xd5Osft1unagj3o1_100.gif]"You want it? Well, too bad! It's all yours now, bwahaha!"
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