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Lovintendo's Sprite Temple
Tip number 1: read my last post.
Tip number 2: do not forget the black silhouette!
Tip Number 3: Compare my sprites with the originals.
Here are some more SMB HiRes sprites. The pose that I'm going to use for pixel art is that of hop, but I need to make the shading.
[Image: JCMuCxN.png]
[Image: EZ35VLC.png]
SMB3 custom Mario styled powers!
[Image: OiLlAav.png]
I need help with Mega Mario.
Helped by Mit!
New version:
[Image: dZStz4s.png]
In order: 4x, first version, Mit's help and final version.
Thanks so much, Mit! Here is a gift for you:
[Image: 9XZyYBI.png]
Thanked by:
[Image: PE5grYg.png]
Finished, but you should be missing out on the Golden / Ice / Metal Mario, but it's because I think I need help again with the shading. Look:
[Image: sOBMZHZ.png]
Thanked by: Ton
[Image: 9mYXMBL.gif]
Non-related to SMB:
[Image: J5OGX1n.png]
I'm in doubt about which pose I use:
[Image: aNbpKnJ.png]
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How about using both poses? One for the left direction and one for the right.
[Image: dariC.png][Image: tumblr_mlf109xOe81rmu6i5o1_250.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif]
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If I post sprites of my projects, are they safe?
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[Image: sYRxMae.png]
Hi, I'm back with news:
First, I made this head:
[Image: XDsTeaT.png]
And after, I made this pixel art:
[Image: E07UOIA.png]
What do you think?
Don't forget the feedback!
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Sorry for taking so long to post, my internet is over (I use mobile internet) but this delay helped me do a lot:

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