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Game Vs. Game! This week: SA1 Vs. SA2
(05-03-2015, 06:48 PM)Goemar Wrote: Adventure 2 was awful. The Tails/Robotnik and Knuckles/Rouge levels just sucked. Yes the music was awesome (to the point that it made the final boss good even though it sucked) but it was a really disappointing sequel.

I think a lot of people love it because they picked it up on the GameCube and it's cool edgyness made a big impression on their young minds.

Or the Chao garden. And I fucking hate Chaos.

*Goemar slowly closes his eyes, crosses his legs, and picks up his cold cup of coffee from his computer desk as he spins around on his swivel chair to prepare himself to give an incredibly descriptive and legitimate answer to such a personal question that was on the computer screen infront of him...*

"Which game do you like better? SA1 or SA2?"

*Goemar opened his eyes and uncrossed his legs. He put down his cold cup of coffee back on the desk as he began to calmly utter his answer.*

"ADVENTURE 2 WAS AWFUL!" Goemar yelled at the computer screen.

"THE TAILS/ROBOTNIK AND KNUCKLES/ROUGE LEVELS JUST SUCKED!" He spat out bombarding the computer screen with saliva and coffee in the process.

"Yes the music was awesome, to the point that it made the final boss good even though it sucked, but it was a really disappointing sequel." He said somehow calmly.

"I think a lot of people love it because they picked it up on the GameCube and it's cool edgyness made a big impression on their young minds." Goemar said in disgust.

"Or the Chao garden." He continued...

*Goemar chucks the cup of coffee at the wall. It shatters as it makes contact, spraying cold coffee everywhere. He looks at the computer screen menacingly, as his eyes are blood shot with rage. He says in a frightening, calm tonality...*

"And I fucking hate Chaos."
[Image: tumblr_mzx6bm02eC1s38z45o1_500.gif]
Anonymous Wrote:...the world is so much simpler if you just dont give a FUCK...
Thanked by: E-Man
I gotta talk, colored wods ae had to ead o hee. ...
[Image: k0OsVum.png][Image: NXpkf1V.gif][Image: psychicspacecow.png]
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Sonic Adventure was fun when you were playing as Sonic, Tails, Amy (To some extent) or Gamma. Sonic you have the classic GOTTA GO FAST bullshit that basically makes Sonic well, Sonic. Tails had you race against Sonic and the theme it had going in the story where Tails is trying to rely on himself more than sonic was actually a cool idea that really played out well alongside those missions and it came down to him going up against Eggman. Amy, while the game play was slower you had to make it to the balloon before a Robot could kidnap you for the most part, which gave those levels some sense of threat you have to deal with. And then you have Gamma, shooting missions where you had to kill your brother robots before your batteries died which gave a real sense of time to force you to complete the level without screwing around too much. Knuckles felt like a chore because honestly, his levels were obnoxious fetch quests to get the shards to his precious Master Emerald, and Big's levels were just something that made me question absolutely everything.

Sonic Adventure 2 on the other hand was only really fun when you were playing as either Sonic or Shadow because you were always ROLLING AROUND AT THE SPEED OF SOUND FOLLOWING YOUR RAINBOW. I would have enjoyed the Tails/Eggman missions if the levels you were playing on didn't feel unnecessarily long because of the speed each character goes and it should have had the race against the clock kind of thing that Gamma had going for in Sonic Adventure 1 and the Knuckles/Rouge levels suffered the same problems that Knuckle's missions had in Sonic Adventure 1.

If you only give a damn about the main game in the adventure series you're more inclined to enjoy Sonic Adventure 1 because for the most part the game required you to keep on moving.

For the games as a whole though I choose 2 over 1, there's more to like about SA2 in terms of content. Better Chao Garden, Multiplayer, Minigames etc. And those things made up for the flaws that SA2 had because of the main game alone.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513

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