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3DS Ripping, Help. D:
Hi peoples, I'm sort of a newbie here. Sort of, as in, I've done Gamecube/Wii ripping in the past without too much trouble. (It's been a little while though.) I browse the site every now and then and such. Anyways, I'm wanting to learn how to rip models and such from 3DS games. Now, I'm not just asking blindly, I tried researching info for hours, but I eventually caved and thought I'd ask for help.

First off, I do have the Roms already. I've tried getting them in both .3ds and .cia formats. I'm assuming the latter is the unencrypted version. Second of all, I'm not able to use my actual 3DS, as it's version 9.7; nor do I have any flashcards other than a basic SD card, so that seems to be out of the question now. What I've gathered is that I need to extract the .romfs files, but that's kind of where I'm stuck. I don't know how all the coding and stuff works around the place that I've seen, it's all very confusing, but I'm willing to learn what I can.

I have Every File Explorer already downloaded, but I don't think I can use that quite yet. I've tried using the getromfs/xor application thingy, but I dropped that, after seeing I needed the system. My most recent try involved using the 3DS Hack Tools, I got the most results out of this, but I came to a standstill and wasn't sure what to do next. The ctrtool/extract thingy just gave me two parts, gamename.0000.00000000 and gamename.0000.00000001. In the video/guide I saw, this wasn't supposed to happen, and I couldn't find a solution. I followed all the instructions exactly.

So where should I go from here?  Embarassed  
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ok... let me explain this with full of details... I had the same interests like you... and I think I have the tools needed for ripping stuff from Nintendo 3DS... so here I go with the explanation.

Firstly... you must know that having only the roms and explorer isn't enough, just becuz you said that... You need the system... but hey... it depends on the version of the nintendo 3DS you want to get... normally a normal 3DS with a firmware version between 4.0-4,5 is needed for it... but with versions up to 9.2 you can perform a downgrade by using the most recent Gateway 3DS flashcart... and to connect to Eshop and play online... you only need to do that on Emunand... Wink
normally you need the rom's Xorpad to get the files... or else, you will have issues on getting them. you need the 3DS with the proper firmware version for it (4.0-4.5).

Of course... I have all the stuff needed... just need to downgrade my 3DS to 4.5 to get the xorpads... or at least this is the way for it... unless there's a way that doesn't require a downgrade... I need more info somewhere on the site... besides. I don't have space on my SD card to backup the sysnand... required before installing emunand or doing a downgrade...

Fortunately. The Xorpads can be found on 3DSiso... but only a few roms (Maybe a very few roms) at the moment... give it a try with those... Wink

BTW. you must know that several nintendo 3DS roms have different file formats to reverse engineer... so probably you might find some of those files to be possibly harder to get models than the formats you find in nintendo Wii/Gamecube isos... Just to make a clear example... Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance... that even today, NO ONE knows how to crack into those files... only MayBeePah seems to know some info about this... but as far as I know... I didn't get any news from him on both MR and Xentax... so sorry... I cannot guarantee a quick improvement at this process... and I tried to help on this on my own knowledge by just copypasting the info I got from Xentax... and only to abandon that post for over 1-2 months and forcing us to bump again and again... Sad

but of course... Examples like this you might find on several nintendo 3DS roms that aren't related to franchises like Mario, Pokemon and Zelda... so just I hope you get ready to do some hard reverse engineering and trying to make your own programs or plugins to get models from unknown formats... Tongue

Anyway... it's good for you to make this possible... so if you need my help on trying to rip something from some roms... just contact with me on PM. and let's see if we can do something together. ok?
Xcept for KHDDD becuz MayBeePah is in charge with it at the moment... Cute
Unless of course... he doesn't show any kind of life signals after a few weeks.
***Since the marine headquarters has been destroyed by unknown forces, we had decided to temporarily replace the actual rewards for a newer one... We are looking
for new criminals or updated rewards from the previous ones... meanwhile here will be no reward posting for some time.

if someone knows some important info of who is behind the attack on our headquarters, please contact one of our officials by den den mushi and will get rep+ and added as buddy, thanks for your contribution***

Akainu Sakazuki
fleet admiral from Marine Headquarters.

PS: I didn't lost my data for virus or hacker... it's just a funny joke... the truth is that my HD got damaged physically...  Cry
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Big Grin 
Thanks for your reply, much appreciated! Heart
For some reason, I never looked for xorpads, I guess I thought it wouldn't be so easy to find, so thanks for mentioning that. Haha. With that, and a bit more googling, I started over fresh and did all the decrypting and stuff the normal way. Turned out a success, and I was able to extract all the files from the game. Now I'm just going through everything, figuring out which is which. Lol. I'm sure it won't be as easy with some other games, but I'll deal with that when the time comes.  Tongue Also need to figure out how to convert the files for blender and everything, but I'll try that tomorrow. One step at a time. X3  
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