(05-14-2015, 10:12 PM)Ayumi Shinto Wrote: I'm sure it's not this, and just thinking from the top of my head...
Could it be one of the Tomagotchi games?
No. That's not it.

It's more of a medieval kind of game for the pc.
Edit: Aw I thought I had it! I stumbled upon a Magic School bus game that had drag and drop gameplay and thought I found it. I checked if there was any medieval magic school bus games and found Ms Frizzle's Medieval Castle. Problem is its a book.

Back to shattered memory lane! ("Shattered" because it feels like I can only remember parts of a whole when it comes to this game.)
Edit2: Okay. After some research I remember that Bugdom was also on the computer. I looked up what kind of computer it was compatible with and saw Mac OS 9, looked it up, and sure enough it's the same computer I played the game on. Which leads me to believe it's actually a Mac game.

Only problem is I found the console but not the game itself.

And every time I try to find a complete list of games released on the MO9, I keep getting lists that show ALL Mac OS.

Though I think I know the games genre(I think), Adventure/Exploring, none of the games I saw on the list matched.
