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Yeah I'm enjoying this so far.

I do like that playing single-player gives you extra stuff to use in multiplayer, but I kind of wish weapon loadouts were more customizable. Having subs and supers tied to my primary is kind of silly, especially when I'm using a sniper and my super is throwing a bunch of short-range bombs.
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Check out this review blog thing I do! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch was the latest review!
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Bought it today, and played one online match. And once again, the team I joined kept getting our asses kicked. Still fun though.
Will try out more after later one. Seeing Age of Ultron today.

Sucks for everyone in the UK who preordered it from GAME. A whole freaking truck stolen containing the special editions and Amiibos.
[Image: sonamy_animtitle_by_retrobunyip-dbg86ov.gif]
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(05-29-2015, 09:56 PM)Dolphman Wrote: Bought it today, and played one online match. And once again, the team I joined kept getting our asses kicked. Still fun though.
Will try out more after later one. Seeing Age of Ultron today.

Sucks for everyone in the UK who preordered it from GAME. A whole freaking truck stolen containing the special editions and Amiibos.

I heard about that. That's super lame Very Sad

Also giant protip: Yeah you're gonna get your ass kicked because people have been playing the game a little longer. Grind up to level 4 and buy the weapon you're more comfortable with from the demo.

I was getting my ass handed to me earlier during multiplayer (and this game really, really pushes you into doing multiplayer. You basically have no choice but to do multiplayer if you want to get the most out of the game), and when I hit level 4 I got the Splattershot from Ammo Knights and now I feel like I'm actually carrying games [but probably not]

(if you still don't have the game: you start off which the Splattershot Jr. which shoots somewhat short-ranged, does little damage, but shoots paint really, really fast and unlock weapons from Ammo Knights, the weapons shop as you play more.)

It's weird because the Splattershot Jr's special weapon is a forcefield, so you can 1v1 better...but it's too weak to 1v1 most of the time at this point.
The Splattershot is a little slower to shoot but shoots farther and harder. I feel like a one-man army when I've got the Splattershot and can usually 1v2 people with it.

I got kinda bored of multiplayer after a while actually, and Gors asked me "but what about the single-player. is that any good" and I told him "i haven't tried it yet because this game really emphasizes the multiplayer. y'know what i'll give it a shot"
And honestly, I like the single-player campaign a LOT MORE, lol. A lot of you guys who really aren't into shooters (I'm thinking like...E-Man here) will probably love the absolute HELL out of the single-player, where the gameplay is almost completely different. It's a third-person shooter basically (in that your focus is on directly shooting enemies, covering the arena in paint is secondary and mainly used for moving around the level) but the squid/kid transformation plays a huge role where your "stealth" is emphasized.
I wanna say it's sorta like Sly Cooper if Sly Cooper was a squid and carried a paintball gun, but then I realized it plays almost absolutely nothing like Sly Cooper. lol

The two modes use completely different currencies though to unlock things specific to their mode of play, so don't expect to become Krelp McSwagdaddy by only playing single-player.

[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
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shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
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After playing a few rounds with the charger I've gotta say, while it has a learning curve that's kinda steep, it is super-satisfying once you nail it down. It's fantastic for laying down a long path fairly quickly to zoom along, and the infinite bombs super is actually more useful than I thought.

I love it.
[Image: StickerStageItems.png]
Check out this review blog thing I do! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch was the latest review!
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I really like the splat roller. I let others wrack up most of the kills and just go ham on painting. It's also pretty fun playing cat and mouse with people, hiding in paint and jumping people, or wrecking people by lobbing a bunch of paint at them. I feel like a gawt dang Samurai or Knight with a naginata/halberd. The guns are fun to use to but it always seems like people don't care enough to actually cover the area in paint and I enjoy having a huge ass two hander so it works out I guess haha.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
Thanked by: psychospacecow
I like how everyone on miiverse keeps making squidward posts
I've been using the paint roller lately and I agree with Gwen that it's a fantastic ambush weapon (I'd say it's comparable to the Pyro in Team Fortress 2 - don't W-M1 up to people, be clever with it), but really the only reason I'm using it is that it gives you the most points in Turf Wars, and I just want to level up really fast.

It would have been pretty nice if a streak of kills gave you points comparable to just being the guy who covers the map. Before I'd have trouble getting above 500-600 with a win, and now I'm regularly getting 900-1100 when my team wins.

Meh. It's fun to use but I wish the game rewarded different playstyles a little more.
[Image: StickerStageItems.png]
Check out this review blog thing I do! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch was the latest review!
Thanked by: Helmo
I usually use the Splattershot, but lately I've been put in lobbies where I'm paired up with level 15+ players.
I'm level 7.
Now it's not too bad or anything; I manage to splat the enemy and then paint their turf, but lately all I've seen is the Aerospray and the Krak-On Splat Roller.

After getting frustrated with the sheer amount of Krak-On players, I picked it and then went into a lobby, and ended up winning like five games in a row. It's free real estate once you hit ZR, and the Kraken special ability is just absolutely ridiculous. I 1v4ed the enemy who tried to ambush me with it last night in the skatepark level and survived. It also blows my mind how people just immediately freak out and don't even go into squidmode when they see you playing a roller. It's...
it's straight up stupid and overall the weapon just feels brainless to me. The actual original Splat Roller is nice; just this one feels like I'm being coddled with power.

w/e hopefully a balance patch comes soon that makes the both of 'em a little less relevant. It'd be nice if the Kraken ability wasn't straight-up invincible and was just really tanky instead.
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
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shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
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Zap gun confirmed.
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Thanked by: recme
This game is amazing. I only played multiplayer yesterday up to level 6, but I'm definitely hooked.

I actually had a run of 11 straight wins at first or second in the match every time, until I switched to the sniper rifle and then I lost bad. XD

The higher level players also seem to be tougher as I leveled up, which I like. I think my best kind of weapon so far is weapons that spray lots of ink. The roller style has potential, but I'm not as used to it yet, and I don't like retreat being the only option when I'm low on ink, where with other weapons I can push forward because I can shoot forward further.
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The spawn camping is becoming disgustingly rampant, I really hope Nintendo addresses it somehow, because I really love this game but either being on a team that spawn camps or playing against one really ruins the game. Was on a team and we won a game where the opponent got 5% and that was because the rest of the team punched through to the spawn zone of the other team and just kept spawn killing. Really ruins the integrity of a match and I don't see how anybody has any fun with it. Ugh, also people who play to stack their K/D suck, that's not the point of the game, help out and paint shit you dingus.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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Played my first ranked game. I won, was...alright. I think I'll stay out of ranked for now, though being it's too fresh and new for some people to understand there's more than one mode usually being played in ranked.

Came across Starpower in a game though! Did pretty good tonight and I'm level 11. I think. Level 10 definitely.

Also, the N'Zap feels like a scrubmagnet. It looks cool but unless you're in someone's face or you hang back just to paint everything up, it feels useless and you won't be able to defend yourself in a skirmish :/

(06-01-2015, 06:41 PM)Gwen Wrote: The spawn camping is becoming disgustingly rampant, I really hope Nintendo addresses it somehow, because I really love this game but either being on a team that spawn camps or playing against one really ruins the game. Was on a team and we won a game where the opponent got 5% and that was because the rest of the team punched through to the spawn zone of the other team and just kept spawn killing. Really ruins the integrity of a match and I don't see how anybody has any fun with it. Ugh, also people who play to stack their K/D suck, that's not the point of the game, help out and paint shit you dingus.

I haven't had this issue yet, though I did 1v4 a team near their spawn and then just felt bad about it the rest of the game (p.sure it was in the skatepark level and I've mentioned it eight times here).
If you're in the spawn though you actually have an autoshield until you leave the spawn point. Their only issue then is that if their weapons outrange yours.
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
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shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
Thanked by: recme
The spawn zone safety bubble isn't much help, they just wait until you have the guts to leave and then get gangbanged. Saltspray Rig is probably my favorite map since you can't really access the other team's zone area and you're forced to turf war it out.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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(06-01-2015, 10:06 PM)Kosheh Wrote: Also, the N'Zap feels like a scrubmagnet. It looks cool but unless you're in someone's face or you hang back just to paint everything up
You pretty much described my play style. I don't know if the aesthetics is enough to give up Jr.'s bubble shield though
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(06-01-2015, 11:01 PM)Sportoise Wrote:
(06-01-2015, 10:06 PM)Kosheh Wrote: Also, the N'Zap feels like a scrubmagnet. It looks cool but unless you're in someone's face or you hang back just to paint everything up
You pretty much described my play style. I don't know if the aesthetics is enough to give up Jr.'s bubble shield though

Oh, oops. Maybe I should have went into detail instead of just callin u a big scrub.

It's a reskinned Splattershot Jr. except it comes with Echolocator. IMO it seems like more of a support weapon - because you'll lose a firefight if you try to rush people down with it (you can with the Bubbler ability though) but now you've got that nice ability which points everyone out on the map for your teammates.

My playstyle's basically...splat sidepaths and then rush enemy territory afterward. If someone swims up to me I'll fight them (I use the regular Splattershot. You'll pretty much win any fight with it if you play smart and dodge a lot)

(maybe I'm the scrub cos I'm not even sure how to use my special to its potential)
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
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shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
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