09-26-2015, 10:17 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-26-2015, 10:19 AM by Skyla Doragono.)
Skyla this isn't what taking a break looks like. Shhhhh; I already had all these ripped.
I've gotta give props to the guy that made Tinke; this program can actually read all of the graphic data properly, so now I can rip both the walking sprites and the battle graphics for this game without having to jump through hoops.
Also, just putting up previous stuff for the sake of keeping all my things to one thread:
And I immediately forgot about this thread. Go me.
Code Geass
Persona 4
Just updated this one with all the menus, effects, and area images missing from the previous sheet. I also just finished ripping a ton of other images from the game, so expect those soon.
Man, digging around the Persona 4 ISO's data has been actual fun.
Until I can wrap my head around the .EPL/.RMD files for the cut ins and all out attacks, I'll be going and adding the blinking animations to the character face sets.
10-09-2015, 10:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2015, 10:52 PM by Skyla Doragono.)
Hahahahahaha... I'm done. All revised character face sets for Persona 4 are either up or waiting review. Seriously some of those files had the worst organization on the game disc; Yosuke had so many duplicates. @_@
On that note, I believe this one won't be needed any more since every character in the zip file is under their own sheet. Is there a way to suggest it be removed besides saying as much on here?
Menus dump? Menus dump. Plus some extras.
Also updated the Minimap files to include some files that were missing. Apparently .SPR files can have more than one image like .BIN files! Whodathunk? Also Camp Menus and Fonts was changed to compensate for the other shop files being expanded.
DONE. Done and done and so done. That should be just about everything except for the little date change and weather icons, which I think are processed differently, since they don't appear in an .SPR or .TMX or .BIN file. But that should be just about everything. I'll move on and give P3 a similar treatment once I'm done over at tSoR.
...think I'll turn my PM notifs off though.
Yeeeeeeees; finally we have the sadistic secretary and her studs on tSR!
I still say that mask looks weird on her.
Also, have some story portraits.
These face sets are so big I can barely fit enough to be recognizable in a 148x125 space.
Just so you know, you are allowed to resize sprites to fit icons better. It doesn't always look great with pixel-y stuff, but with HD sprites, especially anti-aliased ones, it's totally fine.
Ah, wish I knew that for the face portraits; they're all done now. I did do that when I ripped the backgrounds though, because there was just no way to get something recognizable in those. I was crossing my fingers while doing it; glad to know it's okay.
You can submit revisions for the portrait icons to replace them. These are also fine of course, the combination of the name and what you can see should be more than enough, so it's fine if you can't be bothered remaking the icons.
10-17-2015, 08:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2015, 09:39 AM by Skyla Doragono.)
I'll get to it eventually; it's not very hard. Maybe I'll get to it before Dazz accepts the rest. ;P
EDIT: Aaaaaand done. Never underestimate the power of morning boredom. I may have been a little silly for the reason for one of them though.
...that moment when you've updated so much you forgot everything you've done.
There; that should be everything from this weekend. I think that might be the most I can do for P4AU, at least at the moment. Well, other than the returning fighters of course; I almost have Aigis finished right now.
I needed a break from all the writing I've been doing, so I ripped some things I've been promising.
Also updated the ones that were there since they were missing frames.
And... I admit, I never watched the English version of the show, and the last time I played the game was years ago. I had to look up the characters' English names, and I probably still got some of them wrong.  
12-06-2015, 11:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2015, 11:23 AM by Skyla Doragono.)
Looks like spending the day in bed was better than I thought it would be.
The last three of the named characters for this game are in queue to be approved, along with the first of the NPC sheets (and probably the biggest of them). And then there was Dazz.
On top of it, I found where the Knightmare Frames data was stored, so I'll be able to rip the battle sprites as well, and I figured out the offset data for everything else that Tinke can't recognize automatically.
If only I could get the YGO games to cooperate this easily.
Skyla, you're shaping up to be one of my favourite consistent submitters
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you