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(06-13-2018, 11:54 PM)Tabuu Forte Akugun Wrote: -I noticed Ultimate runs on Unreal Engine. Which means its guts might be ripped and datamined for me to look at if / when the files become available for modding. So up until then, I will work on content that does NOT entail desired stuff new to Ultimate. Check this: remember that it's just a rumor nothing really technical.
And personally, I doubt also that Nintendo internal development teams uses a thrid-party engine.
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09-29-2018, 08:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-30-2018, 12:06 PM by Kold-Virus.)
Okay! Bump time!
First of all I've thought about it, and I'm taking Super Smash Bros. Feud updates back to public! As long as I don't make a download available till Ultimate drops, I should be fine.
So speaking of Ultimate, there's a part of it I got VERY inspired by! Stay tuned for that!
Next up! I redesigned the game's title logo! As seen in the OP the blandness, gradients, etc are GONE and I made something more streamlined! The word "FEUD" is divided in half by a slash graphic, to symbolize two sides in a fight.
So now I'm working on restructuring and rewriting the code for the fighters. Now, all common stuff like walking, running, etc. will be in the main fighter superclass, and all fighters will use a subclass with their name on it with specific stuff like attacks / specials / attributes. The way I was doing it previously was starting to get too convoluted for even me, the coder, to read. Not good.
I've also started to implement my own programming for a collision detection / movement / physics system. The usual Rigidbody/collider system didn't meet my needs, so I'm using Unity's built in "Raycasting" system to code a custom system. There's a few kinks at the moment but for the moment it works as intended!
Next up, when I need a break from coding, I'm taking a step ahead and setting up models / textures / materials up in advance so that when I'm ready to start working on them, I can just drag and drop them back into the project in a jiffy.
While I will not comment on roster specifics at the moment, I CAN announce that 4 fighters have been cut from the returning roster of official games.
In case you're interested, I have a Facebook page and a GameJolt for SSBF! I will soon add these to my OP!
I also have new snapshots I will be adding to the Imgur album. Just bear with me!
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(09-29-2018, 08:49 PM)Tabuu Forte Akugun Wrote: Okay! Bump time!
First of all I've thought about it, and I'm taking Super Smash Bros. Feud updates back to public! As long as I don't make a download available till Ultimate drops, I should be fine.
So speaking of Ultimate, there's a part of it I got VERY inspired by! Stay tuned for that!
Next up! I redesigned the game's title logo! As seen in the OP the blandness, gradients, etc are GONE and I made something more streamlined! The word "FEUD" is divided in half by a slash graphic, to symbolize two sides in a fight.
So now I'm working on restructuring and rewriting the code for the fighters. Now, all common stuff like walking, running, etc. will be in the main fighter superclass, and all fighters will use a subclass with their name on it with specific stuff like attacks / specials / attributes. The way I was doing it previously was starting to get too convoluted for even me, the coder, to read. Not good.
I've also started to implement my own programming for a collision detection / movement / physics system. The usual Rigidbody/collider system didn't meet my needs, so I'm using Unity's built in "Raycasting" system to code a custom system. There's a few kinks at the moment but for the moment it works as intended!
Next up, when I need a break from coding, I'm taking a step ahead and setting up models / textures / materials up in advance so that when I'm ready to start working on them, I can just drag and drop them back into the project in a jiffy.
While I will not comment on roster specifics at the moment, I CAN announce that 4 fighters have been cut from the returning roster of official games.
In case you're interesting, I have a Facebook page and a GameJolt for SSBF! I will soon add these to my OP!
I also have new snapshots I will be adding to the Imgur album. Just bear with me! 
Awesome progress, looking forward for the new screens!!!
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I am actually looking forward to seeing the progress made on this and happy to hear you've streamlined your process a bit more, always a nightmare in any form of coding!
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(10-01-2018, 06:27 PM)JewyB Wrote: I am actually looking forward to seeing the progress made on this and happy to hear you've streamlined your process a bit more, always a nightmare in any form of coding!
Thank you!  Actually I have Mario (and all fighters, now, thanks to my new system) able to walk properly, I'm working on proper dashing/running movement and more stuff now. Sound Effect and Voice Clip calls are now also in the main code. Next up in gameplay functionality will be jumping, falling and landing. Attack animations are now able to be called too.
I also started making Common particle effects (landing, dashing, etc) and will later try applying them properly. Actual working stuff like hit / hurtboxes and frame data will come after most of that controlling code (stuff to move around and execute proper animations at the proper times) works to my standard. I actually have a good idea in my mind how to make that work.  \
Taunting is possible too, and character can make the grabbing motion but cannot grab yet.
DAMN I get excited sharing stuff about this game!
So yeah. I don't know if I'll keep my imgur pictures there, or just upload them to my GameJolt. And just use Imgur to host for here.
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Thats good to hear!
As an aside, i hope you have a proper formatting and note system in place now to avoid having to scroll through hours and hours of code later when you decide to implement one, always makes life easier. Also a logging system if you havent put one in place yet, but thats not ENTIRELY necessary!
Also, good luck!
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Oh, of course. And I INSIST on commenting my code in case I forget later. Uncommented code is a nightmare.
As for logging I always do that. When I have a problem, Debug.Log() is the best tool.
Thanks a lot. I hope I'll have yer support!
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Haha, thats good to hear, i am the same, not coded for a long time but i hated leaving it messy and uncommented. Unless it was work then i wasn't as interested, haha.
And you totally do, i'm always happy to give advice and feedback where i can, so i will be keeping an eye on this.
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Haha, I have the opposite problem: As far as SSBF is concerned I'm a workaholic XP I can't stop coding!
And I'll be sure to try and not disappoint!
Well, I'd better get on it! That run code isn't going to write itself.
Once I've made quite a bit of progress I might have a short test video up!
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Woah, a 3d smash fangame! Good luck on your project man, once you get something like a playable demo and if you get in need of beta-testers let me know!
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"It's been a long time, King Vegeta!" ~King Cold
In all seriousness, hi! The game is still in very active development! Since this pandemic started I've been working on it non stop!! For now I don't have anything "tangible" to show, but rest assured I've been slaving away.
I now finally have first jumps completely under control. Short hops and full first jumps are 100% possible. I have most of my FeudCMD moveset format figured out and implemented (I am considering just renaming it "AnimCMD" like the originals) and I am also currently starting work on particle effect implementation! Actual attack collisions come last!
I have rewritten my system for fighters again, this time I've separated most of the code into "modules". One for physics and collision detection, one for movement, one for input, one for external assets (such as portraits, sound effects, etc), one for particles, one for AI, one for attacking and the CMD interpreter. The base class, Player, now only holds basic functionality like turning metal, differentiating between player-controlled and AI-controlled, and switching to Final Smash mode.
The way I have written these modules makes it so that they can work with any character / object and not just fighters: Items, Assist Trophies, enemies, etc. It also helps to dramatically separate functions and the like to avoid having one massive, labyrinthine code file with tens of thousands of lines of code.
Next up, I have written a brand new set of shaders that handles Super Smash Bros. Ultimate-styled models and their texture maps. Which now means I can gradually encase fighters in metal, rather than doing a quick "switcheroo". It also handles the set of PBR maps found in "PRM" textures and uses them, as well as cavity maps found in the normal maps. Non-fighter characters have the same thing, but without the material blending features. I also have an Eye Iris shader that can switch between regular and "Golden" / Final Smash irises using a simple checkbox.
Also! Nope, I'm not done yet! Camera work has started! I have a camera set up to follow the number of fighters on stage properly, and can dynamically change its focus as fighters are added/removed when KOd, etc. I am also able to add other followable objects like enemies and assists.
The fighter roster, I'd say, is now 90% finalized. There's still room for some shuffling around and additions/cuts. I WOULD like to look at implementing Mii Gunner / Brawler / Swordfighter into the roster, using a custom Mii Maker in the game. For now they're cut, but I will definitely consider whether I want to / can do that.
Another thing I want to perhaps look at is online multiplayer. For now I'm focusing on the actual game to make sure it works, so I'll look at it later. 4-player local multi is already possible.
Finally, another idea I'm looking at is taking animation functionality away from Animator Controllers and figure out a way to load animation banks via Scriptable Objects, and dynamically take individual clips and play them back as I need them using a new Motion module.
So for now, this is all I'll write, and I will work on keeping this thread updated a little more regularly. lol. Take care!!
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OK time for a follow-up!
I've added a little more flourish to the test stage, downloading a stock photo as a background for it.
Since I spend a lot of time on this stage testing stuff, I figured I'd make it so much less plain. XD
Functionally, I also added attacking (jabs and down tilt for now), and the ability to teeter over ledges. Works on both sides of a floor. I added a box with an Overlap Capsule over it (neither rendered in the screencap, but yea. If it detects a pit in front of you, you will teeter. You can also act out of a teeter, but right now I have a small bug where I can't move on the X axis.
Next up, not tested yet, but I've begun implementing Specials stuff. I'm programming them as customizable script components that I can attach to everyone to tailor their specials. AnimCMD will also aid here.
I got the damage meters working again, 100%. Including animated percentages when you take a hit, and when you heal.
Soon enough I might just work on blast zones, since it's annoying to always quit and restart playmode each time Mario falls off stage because I pushed the stick too far lol.
I'm ALMOST ready to record a very short clip for GameJolt, which I'll also post on here through an unlisted YT clip.
03-05-2021, 06:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2021, 06:22 AM by Knowdice.)
(02-24-2016, 09:12 PM)Kold-Virus Wrote: The logo is not final.
I began working on a test stage and some animations. Later I'll start to work on my first character and his physics, collisions and actual attacks. Until I get an .OMO viewer for Smash Wii U, for some veterans, I will be using Brawl animations and recreating them in Unity. Others will have to wait, and a few veterans will get completely remade and will look nothing like their "official" counterparts. I began a debug menu, which I will port over to the new project. Just need to fix the music playback system and then get cracking on being able to spawn fighters, items and stages when needed / requested.
I had to restart the project because some things in the original one started to get buggy. I started this on Unity 4, I'm on 5.3.2p4 now.
I kept code and assets from the original files. In this "new" version (if you can call it that), I will import assets only as I need them instead of rushing to cram everything into the project right away. Maybe then, after I'm done working, if new assets I need are released / ripped / made, I can put them in later. I want to release a demo of this thing, and I'd like to pull a Sakurai and not leak content (as little of it as possible till I reveal it. 
I redesigned my test stage, and I'm showing it with lighting/shadows.
My plan is to whip up 5 fully-playable characters, 2-3 complete stages (not including the test one) and create the demo first, put it aside, then after more work, make a first trailer.
So until I have more, see ya!
Sorry for barging in with something completely irrelevant at this point but did you ever find a proper .omo viewer? I know there's smash forge but exporting is broken and the last commit was in 2016. They don't appear to be updating it anymore...