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TMX File Issue
(01-28-2016, 10:48 AM)puggsoy Wrote: I think your best bet is just what we figured before, just submitting the normal ones and the ones with black backgrounds. However if it makes it any easier, I can make my program extract both versions at once for you, from multiple .bins/.tmxs at once.

If you have the time, I'd appreciate it. Might come in handy if P4DAN is the same way. Otherwise I'll just extract the old fashioned way.
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Here you go! If you double-click on it it'll convert all the .tmx and .bin files in the same folder and put the resulting files in an "extracted" subfolder. Each file will have a "noalpha" equivalent where the alpha is ignored.
You're wonderful, Puggsoy. This is going to save me so much time; I think I'll be able to upload the bustups tonight and move on to P4DAN right away.
Thanked by: puggsoy
(01-28-2016, 10:17 PM)puggsoy Wrote: Here you go! If you double-click on it it'll convert all the .tmx and .bin files in the same folder and put the resulting files in an "extracted" subfolder. Each file will have a "noalpha" equivalent where the alpha is ignored.
Is it alright for me to share this tool if I credit you? This is a lifesaver!
Thanked by: puggsoy
Yeah of course! The more people this helps the better Genki ^_^
Excellent work, thanks Puggsoy! There's one TMX that gives me an error so far:
EDIT: Two more -

[Image: 48183c648a.png]

EDIT 2: Ok there's nothing wrong with these files, it's how many I feed into a single batch. The limit seems to be 171 input files / 342 output.
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I've updated it, try downloading it and see if that works. I don't have enough files to test but I did the only thing I could think of that might fix the issue. Otherwise you'll just have to do it in batches of 171 files, I guess.
Thanked by: Ehm
Successfully batched 500+ in a single shot. Thanks for fixing it!
Thanked by: puggsoy
Slightly related to the top at hand, at least in regards to "WHY IS THERE NO ALPHA CHANNEL THAT I CAN USE??????"

[Image: 1WnqHkP.png]

As you can see, Yu has a lot of black on him here. Even with the sensitivity turned all the way up, there is no way I can get rid of the background easily without taking out most of him in the process.

Are these files going to be okay to upload as is, or am I going to need to mess around in Photoshop some more?

(btw almost all of Dancing's 2D files are in .TGA format, easily opened in Photoshop. Unfortunately only a grand total of three images have an alpha channel I can use for transparency. Much annoying. Wow.)
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Is that Yu from P4G or something else? If something else, can you supply the file? It's possible something may be done.
If it's the same game, can you explain more? Does this happen with the version that does acknowledge the alpha channel?
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It's from P4DAN actually, and it's literally just a .tga file. I'm almost disappointed how easy it it to access everything from this game.

But yeah, it seems like him, Yukiko, and a few others have this problem, and this is literally all there is in the bin file for the bust ups. Whatever controls the transparency is either in another file or in the game script itself.
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Well, I can tell you one thing, the background colour does have its own value in the palette:

[Image: 0bRdt3r.png]

However, again we get the issue of alpha channels. Lots of the colours have a value of 0, seemingly randomly, so obviously it doesn't look great if you enabled alpha:

[Image: CdWo0Dh.png]

So, while we can remove the background, the sprites unfortunately won't be anti-aliased (as you can see with the first image). I'd personally say you might just want to upload them with the black background though, especially if they're not seen without it in-game.
Thanked by: Skyla Doragono, Ehm
Oh ho... well, if it has it's own value in the pallet, I think I can fake anti-aliasing with Photoshop. It won't be exactly like it is in game, but it would save the downloader some headaches.

[Image: ySEAERJ.png]

Well that took forever. I'll include the original .TGAs in case anyone wants to get closer than that.
Thanked by: Ehm
(01-29-2016, 10:33 AM)Skyla Doragono Wrote: Oh ho... well, if it has it's own value in the pallet, I think I can fake anti-aliasing with Photoshop. It won't be exactly like it is in game, but it would save the downloader some headaches.

Well that took forever. I'll include the original .TGAs in case anyone wants to get closer than that.

I posted this on the Amicitia boards.

I think this looks pretty good:
[Image: HJNj4hn.png]

I use Noesis to view and convert the TGA files. Don't use Paint.NET to convert them, it does not read the image properly. Just use the script or Amicitia to extract the TGA files, then open in Noesis. Noesis seems to get the alpha properly Cute
I feel so stupid that this program has been sitting on my computer and it handles all this no problem. You guys have any idea how much time I've been spending on these?
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