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Early/First game experiences
I was probably too young to remember the first time I held a controller. My toddler years are a blur of Super Mario Bros., SMB2, SMB3, Pac-Man, Sonic 1 & 2, Mortal Kombat, Balloon Fight, Dr. Mario, and just way too many Atari 2600 games.
[Image: Dexter.png]  [Image: Bubbles.png]  [Image: SNWzHvA.png]   [Image: SamuraiJack2.png] [Image: kQzhJLF.png]  [Image: Pikachu.png] [Image: tSCZnqw.png]
Thanked by: miyabi95_
One thing that I remember is those really crappy rgb plug and play consoles. My grandparents really liked buying them for some reason, and I have no idea where they got them as late as 2006. There was a nice (I suspect bootleg) Nintendo one at one point which came with Duck Hunt and the original Mario game. I wonder if we still have it somewhere.
[Image: k0OsVum.png][Image: NXpkf1V.gif][Image: psychicspacecow.png]
Thanked by: miyabi95_, Kriven
When I was young about 8, I played both on the Mega Drive (my first console) and the arcades, the latter quite a bit. Actually thinking about it, I was lucky that at a young age I got to play on the MD, PS1, N64, Gameboy Color and later on the Dreamcast playing some gems (Sonic series, Micro Machines series, Castle of Illusion, Desert Strike, Super Mario Land 2, Super Mario Bros. DX, Crash 2, Gran Turismo, Super Mario 64, GoldenEye, Metal Gear Solid, Rage Racer, to name a few with the rest mentoned on the memory music thread). Even played GTA 1 when I was 10 and Perfect Dark when I was 12!

Also my first emulators that I used were Callus (for the CPS1 games, Final Fight and Carrier Air Wing I remember playing) and Gens. They were on a disc that I still might have somewhere. Later on, I learnt about ROM sites and found a nice one that is still in use today.
Thanked by: miyabi95_
Flash Games on the internet when I was 6 years old, I think.
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Super Mario World was the first game I ever played when I was like, two years old.

Took me a good three years to figure out how to beat Bowser until my brother showed me how to when I was five.

And yet I'll still play that game every now and then just for the hell of it.

Other games I had included two hockey games, ballz, a PGA golf game, and super play action football. I no longer have ballz or pga but I still have the other two.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
Thanked by: miyabi95_
I played ALttP on GBA for about two years or so and didn't beat it until I was 9. Games were so complicated for my slightly autistic self back then, so anytime I had trouble with a game I'd hand it to my genius older brother lol. I definitely have the memory of beating Ganon and watching the credits.
[Image: ErbRIBqVkAUtE8F?format=png&name=900x900]
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Most of the games I played in my early childhood were educational games, and I did actually enjoy them a lot.
I would actually play them again, is that weird to anyone?

When my family and I moved, I started playing online games, from assorted sites. At the time, Niickelodeon wasn't crap, and their games were good, too. I briefly had a Nicktroplis account, but it got banned for an unknown reason.

I now primarily play web games on kongregate, and sometimes playtowerdefensegames
I used to play a lot of stuff on LEGO's site, but it just isn't the same with the focus on resource-hogging high-def flash games or (in my case, unplayable or glitchy to the max) 3d unity games, and all usually with very boring gameplay.

iirc, I actually started my online gaming with LEGO's site and the pbs kids site, though.
I forget all what happened that led me to the big game portals and such. Simple fact is, until probably 2009 or so (???) I didn't really know how to use the internet at all. I think I learned that on my own, and with friends helping along the way. My parents never taught me, nor did school.
Thanked by: miyabi95_
First game I actually played was probably Sonic the Hedgehog. My older brother got a mega-drive for his 10th birthday. It was weird, I had seen the Sonic cartoon (the one with Scratch and Grounder) but for some reason never made the connection until many weeks later (Robotnik - who took forever to get to back then - was simply known as 'the fat man').
[Image: randomimage.cgi]
Thanked by: miyabi95_
For me, it started with SNES, N64, and NES. Mostly N64 and SNES as the NES was not able to read games till I fixed it finally like 2 years ago. I remember being stuck trying to get to the 3rd level in ocarina of time. Majoras mask, well, was hard because I thought that by letting the moon fall let you progress further into the game. I got into PC gaming when I acquired a Windows 98 machine, and even more when my mom had gave me her Windows XP machine because she got Vista. Early PC titles I played was Teletubbies: Favorite Games, Midtown Madness, and some games on and pbskids.
[Image: cORuhSS.png]
Thanked by: miyabi95_
My First Playing Every SNES Emulators on this Computer, i was 11 years ago.
Hello, i am fan of Video Games, i'm ripping Sprites, Models, Textures, and Sounds.
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