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Anyone knows a quick way to convert AT9 to WAV?
Hi, I need help to convert about 15,000 sounds in AT9 format, in a quickly way. 
Does anyone know of any program that can perform the conversion with several of these files at once?
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Can you upload a couple of these?
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Here you have:
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OK, first off you need to download a program here. You don't need to extract the whole thing though, the only file you need from the ZIP is at9tool.exe.

Put this file in a folder with the files you want to convert. Make a new .bat file (called something like "convertall.bat") and put this in it:

@echo off

mkdir wav_out

for %%f in (*.at9) do (
   at9tool -d "%%f" "wav_out\%%~nf.wav"

Now run the .bat. Once it's done you should have a subfolder called "wav_out" with all the files converted to .wav.

Tell me if that works!
Thanked by: Sosfiro
This works perfect!
Thanks, puggsoy. You are the best!
Thanked by: puggsoy

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