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[Tutorial] Ripping from Unity Engine games.
I can’t find the folder for my game. Is there a way to find them? I’m using an IOS and I can’t find the folder in files.
"It's nice to meet me, the pleasure is yours"
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You have to have a jailbroken device in order to access files as root. Otherwise, you can't rip them. (That can't be discussed much further on here either)
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Ah, that’s too bad. It’s fine, I don’t need to.
"It's nice to meet me, the pleasure is yours"
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is it possible to extract data.unity3d with utiny

some games have combined mesh root scenes and they are stuck in data.unity3d files, is it possible to extract those and get the scenes
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Sorry to bump this old thread, but there's something I wanted to add to this tutorial specifically regarding rigged models.

Unity exports sometimes have an issue where in some programs the mesh will be rotated outside the skeleton. In order to fix this so it's consistently aligned correctly in all programs, you gotta make sure the origins of the models are rotated correctly. It's really easy to do this in Blender 2.8+

1. Select all in object mode
2. Upper right corner "Options", Check "Origins"
3. Object -> Transform -> Align to Transformation Orientation

Took me forever to find a solution to this and it's only Unity stuff I find it happens to, so hopefully this should help someone Smile
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But The Mesh dont have Textures how i put textures? (my model is tinky tank from slendytubbies 2)
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Can you import it back in?
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When I extract models from Unity Games like Life is Strange: Before the Storm or Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, their models are so tiny. I wonder why that is?
[Image: 33426ca52b.png]
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It's probably how AssetStudio exports them. It usually happens to me as well.
If you can't handle the heat.
You can't handle the Neutron Style.
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Solution for people searching, which I haven't seen anywhere:

I had an .obb file for a Unity game, I wanted to load into Asset Studio.
Asset Studio GUI wouldn't recognize a Unity game file, if loading the obb directly. Nothing happened trying to load the renamed zip.

Attempting to Unzip the archive cited:

Headers Error

Unconfirmed start of archive
There are some data after the end of the payload data

Most of the data was missing in the unzipped folder.

For whatever reason, if I instead just double clicked on the zip archive to view inside it, all folder and files were visible that wouldn't simply extract.
So I just copied the Assets folder directly from inside the zip, and pasted it into the main folder. It worked perfectly. 
I then loaded the folder I pasted into Asset Studio just fine for viewing.

Don't know why this was an issue, or why copy pasting from inside a zip was somehow different from just unzipping, but it worked and I couldn't find anyone talking about this. I saw people with similar troubles, but no solutions given. 

Current Issues:

Able to extract specific assets. I can see a non-accessible filepath in Asset Studio, original file linking to a .ab asset bundle. 
Trying to find out how to extract it in whole at the moment. Found the character model sheets, but not yet sure where to view their animations. Comparison to other games suggests the hidden character folders might each have a .json, .dat, and .atlas.prefab associated with the model sheet.
Goal is to have a viewable character sheet / animation set, so I can mod the characters.
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Trying to unpack some .bundle files, but this guide doesn't say what to do with them. Like, it says to open with a hex editor to see if it's UnityWEB or UnityFS, and i did that, but uhh...
Quote:Some games have their assets compressed as .unity3D / .assetbundles / .bundle / .asset /, or in a "StreamingAssets" folder, and sometimes without a file extension open the asset up in a hex editor to see if it has the "UnityFS" or "UnityWEB" Header then you can continue.
Continue with what? Why do i need to know if it's UnityFS or UnityWEB? What do i do with that information? It's not explained in the original post of the thread and i can't follow the next bit of instruction because I don't have a folder in LocalLow labeled unity, altho i do have folders for the devs of various games i have downloaded. I just have no idea how to proceed from that. If someone could advise me, it would be much appreciated~
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Okay, i could do it with Asset Studio, but now i do it faster with AssetRipper.
But there is a certain game that gives me huge problem, and I dunno if it is because it is encrypted or something similar.
Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 for mobiles is the name, and in some 'images' and 'sprites' that are saved as png in Texture2D this happens:

As you can see, is like if the image loses a layer (i know it is the green one, see my older post here, where i comment this errors too.) AND THAT LAYER IS LIKE MINIMIZED AND SQUISHED INTO THE RIGHT.

There are some 'textures' 'sprites' or 'whatever you want to call it as they are UI from the game mostly' that don't show this problem, as:

Any idea how to overcome this problem? Is it encryption?
There are some games like Dragon quest tact that don't show this problem. Only this one.
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I was trying to rip models from Toree 3D, but whenever I do, The bones don't move with the model and the origin point is screwed up. Am I doing something wrong?
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When i try to load a .assets file or whatever its called, it says "Process Assets..." at the bottom, and it dosen't do anything. Did i do something wrong?
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When i put the FBX into Noesis, It reads the whole hierarchy leading up to the model as bones. How do i fix this? Need to fix because the beginning of the hierarchy is turned into the model's root. This might be a simple fix and I'm just stupid. Also the model's armature get's scaled down really small, making animations play funky and breaking the entire armature.
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