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Lemon + PT's Ranger Rips
(01-04-2009, 05:59 AM)Pikachu-Trainer Wrote: UPDATE! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD ICE WOOOO Thank you so so so so much for ripping him, I've been looking for a sheet of him for months! Great work on all of the sheets too!
The Go-Rock Quads [ICON]
Back at school tomorrow, so maybe not be able to do so many ... wait a second. Now I think about it, school won't affect how many I can do. HAHAHHA!
01-04-2009, 07:32 PM
Very nice. Love the Buneary & Lopunny.
01-05-2009, 05:49 AM
Amazing work, as usual.
PT, can you name the sheets as Lemon does? Makes it easier to save them ![]() Thanks! GREAT work ![]()
Awesome Rips as always
![]() Edit: also, I might as well make sure you know that Kingdra's also in the game ...If you already know, then you're obviously ripping him separately, in which case, forget I said anything =P
01-05-2009, 11:49 AM
Sorry, of course! I did the others and completely forgot because they're next to each other and all, the files in the game are orgainsed in National Dex order. I'll amend that ASAP.
01-06-2009, 11:35 AM
Nice one
01-06-2009, 05:04 PM
Very nice!
01-10-2009, 04:14 AM
Mr Kincaid [ICON]
Blake Hall + Wheeler [ICON] [R146-R147] Shuppet + Banette [ICON] [R239-R240] Cacnea + Cacturne [ICON] [R244] Torkoal [ICON]
[R082-R083] Kricketot + Kricketune [ICON]
[R126-R127] Mankey + Primeape [ICON] [R183-R184] Abra + Alakazam [ICON] [R203-R204] Jigglypuff + Wigglytuff [ICON] [R???-R???] Mudkip, Marshtomp + Swampert [ICON] had to mess with the Mudkip icon, sorry. And a little fact; Mudkip, Marshtomp + SWampert do not appear in SOA. Cool.
[R076-R077] Voltorb + Electrode [ICON]
[R134-R135] Doudo + Dodrio [ICON] [R187-R188] Koffing + Weezing] [ICON] [R234] Tentacruel [ICON] [R152] Muk [ICON] I've uploaded 15 sheets today and not one single comment. >_>
01-10-2009, 12:58 PM
Great job with all of the rips! You're going through the game really fast. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for commenting.
![]() This Ranger Union rip took ages. ![]() Ranger Union NPCs [ICON] [R234-R236] Omanyte + Omastar [ICON] Added Hero + Sven Icons |
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