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Need help getting models from Gamecube/N64 Animal Crossing
Hey I have had no luck in trying to get the models from the GameCube or N64 version of Animal Crossing (Also known as Animal Forest) Mainly all i want is the the villager model from the game as i am trying to just make a rigged model of it and have found no where on the internet where that model is available So a little help would be appreciated. I really just mainly want the villager or at least the specific one in the attachment if you could help in anyway shape or form that would much appreciated thank you.

       (The attachment)

P.S I am incredibly new to model ripping and have only tried ripping models from the GameCube version of animal crossing
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Hi Meme Boy! GameCube ripping can be pretty tricky, and requires a good bit of tinkering. While I don't personally have an Animal Crossing ROM, I've looked around in other first-party GameCube games, and it can be pretty overwhelming. Before I can help, what methods have you tried, and what files are you dealing with?
Thanked by: Meme Boy
(10-11-2018, 10:30 AM)Resistiv Wrote: Hi Meme Boy! GameCube ripping can be pretty tricky, and requires a good bit of tinkering. While I don't personally have an Animal Crossing ROM, I've looked around in other first-party GameCube games, and it can be pretty overwhelming. Before I can help, what methods have you tried, and what files are you dealing with?

Hey thanks for replying thought this thread was just kinda going to die off. Anyway the methods I have tried are: Using 3D Ripper DX (model comes out very warped) Ninja Ripper (Model is in separate pieces and of course it’s all flat like paper). As for the files Animal Crossing is kinda different than most games as all the files are not that easy to find, when opening up the iso with dolphin you don’t just get a list of model files and such you get a bunch of files that contain data for the game the only File I remember right now  is forest.arc I think. Also I have the textures I think I have the shirt the eyes (I think I have the smile maybe) the shoes. Now I don’t know if the socks and the shorts are a texture or just a solid colour. So yeah just let me know if I have to go into more detail. Thanks!

EDIT: I don’t know if I have the textures for the horn and also the file extensions are .rip and also blender files from 3D ripper
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Okay! I personally have never been able to use Ninja Ripper or 3D Ripper DX, but I can help you with extracting some of those ARC files! In most cases, these are archives that contain a good amount of game data and files, and probably where your textures and models will be hiding. I recommend ARCTool for decompiling and extracting files from these. To use ARCTool, you'll have to utilize the command line and Python, I "cd" to the directory of the file and use the following command to extract files from ARC archives: 


This will extract the files from the ARC archive to the folder you specified, and you can work from there with models and textures! However, based off of the lack of models on the site, they may be hard to decode... If you are able to extract the models and still need help, make sure to provide a sample file for me to help out with.

Best of luck!!  Smile
Thanked by: Meme Boy
Hey whenever i open up the arc tool is just opens and then quickly closes i have the recommended version of python and also my operating system is windows 10 thank you!
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Hi again! You need to use the command line in Windows for ARCTool to work. So, press your Windows key or go to the start menu and type in "cmd". The command line application should pop up, so make sure to click on it. Then, in the command line, use the "cd" command to navigate to the folder where ARCTool is. In File Explorer, navigate to the folder that is in and copy the directory in the top bar (see screenshot #1). Then, go back to your command line and type the following (see screenshot #2):


Make sure to press enter after typing that ^^^ in! Then, type the following, I'll explain the <> bits in a second:


So, let's see what all of that means (btw see screenshot #3 for my example). First, we need to tell the command line that we're using Python, so we type "python". Then, we need to let it know we want to use, so that's what we type next. Then, we need to tell ARCTool that we're outputing the files from an ARC file to a certain place, so we specify that place (in the example I used C:\TEST, a file folder in the root of my hard drive). Then, we feed ARCTool an ARC file to extract to the location we just specified (in the example I used C:\TEST.arc, an ARC file in the root of my hard drive). Make sure to press enter after typing all of that in, and if you did it right ARCTool should extract all of the files in the ARC archive into the folder you specified. Voila!

Screenshot #1 (Click the circled area and copy the address!):
[Image: riphelpmemeboy1.png]

Screenshot #2 (Type "cd" and then [Ctrl] + [V] or Right click>Paste to paste the directory, then press [Enter]):
[Image: riphelpmemeboy2.png]

Screenshot #3 (Type "python -o <OUTPUT DIRECTORY> <INPUT ARC FILE PATH>", then press [Enter]):
[Image: riphelpmemeboy3.PNG]
Thanked by: Meme Boy
Hey thanks it worked i got the arc files not sure if its the files i need sorry for not mentioning this sooner but there are other files while i was researching animal crossing modding as a whole I found that there are two programs Animal Crossing Model Editor and  Nintendo Relocatable Module Decoder I don't know how to use both as the guy who made it Cuyler hasn't made any guides and its really a mystery on how to use it i might just be stupid or something i will give both links if you want to try for yourself and also if you want the animal crossing iso its easy to find or you could just ask me and try for your self! The Nintendo Relocatable Module Decoder

Anyway here are all the images 

      (I tried opening it with the wrong program by mistake before realizing i dont even have the right program anyway)




And Finally Number #5

And If you need anymore information just ask!

And also thanks your a big help!
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Alright, I've gotten the game and both of the above tools. However, I'm having a bit of difficulty building Animal Crossing Model Editor. Were you able to build it in Visual Studio?
Thanked by: Meme Boy
(10-12-2018, 11:57 PM)Resistiv Wrote: Alright, I've gotten the game and both of the above tools. However, I'm having a bit of difficulty building Animal Crossing Model Editor. Were you able to build it in Visual Studio?

No I wasn't able to build it either sadly it says its missing a bunch of stuff though 

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Alright, looking into a bit more and found that most of the references do exist, I just double-clicked them in the References drop down in the project viewer. But, the project is still missing both Cuyler's GCNToolKit files (which I've compiled but don't know where to put) and ColladaExporter.cs (which I have no idea how to find). In his Discord server, someone asked where to find ColladaExporter.cs and he said something about NuGet packages...
Thanked by: Meme Boy
Ok im going to try and explain a NuGet package as best as i can basically its a package of code for visual studio and its a way of sharing code and such. a NuGet package is a single ZIP file with the .nupkg extension that contains compiled code other files related to that code, and a descriptive manifest that includes information like the package's version number. Now i Know must of it was word for word and there is an entire help guide on it i guess Link: I have no idea where to put the files for GCNToolKit im going to try and get in touch with Cuyler for somehelp. Any progress so far?
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Nope, no progress yet, but I just sent in a question in his Discord server and tried to get in touch with him on Twitter earlier. I'll let you know about any more updates! Smile
BTW, thank you for being so polite and working with me, I appreciate it!

Update: According to Cuyler, the version on GitHub is really outdated, but he's been working on an OpenGL implementation of it. I guess we'll just have to wait until he releases the new version for better documentation from him. But, in the meantime, here's the Discord server if you need to ask some more questions about it:
Thanked by: Meme Boy
Good News thanks to Cuyler we have the model of the boy the only thing that has to be done is assembling it because it's all disassembled because of the way that the game works.

.zip (Size: 27.35 KB / Downloads: 379) here it is courtesy  of Cuyler!
Thanked by: Resistiv
So I have tried assembling the model and it’s pretty wonky i might try it to play around with it for a bit more have you tried?
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I took a couple of looks at the models and tried assembling them, but couldn't quite figure out how they all went together...
Thanked by: Meme Boy

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