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Ciao Ciao
Never thought that I would make a post here...

Even though throughout the years, it has been more here and there in terms of content getting less and less as time goes by. It has got towards the point of saying goodbye publicly. Not just on the forums but to tSR in general, even the Internet from the looks of things.

Firstly even if I stayed on, the place has changed just too much and feel out of place with the majority. The newer generation are basically a different culture following YouTubers on YouTube or livestreams, going on Discord or other social media places and people want... how to put it lightly... thinking and saying stuff instantaneously without thinking. A different era compared to when people used forums, PMs and old messaging services that no longer exist. People don't tend to use forums as much these days and only a matter of time until they will soon enough close... even with the resurgence. Many people who use the site now weren't even born when I was at my most active. Within tSR, outside of the original staff and not even original original staff perhaps one of the last of the old guard who knew what Pixeltendo was. There's barely anyone that I know anymore... It's a different time and feel more of an old man. Literally so since a lot of people who come here are kids with different interests and completely lost me.

This also reflects in terms of gaming, over the years have been slowly losing interest. Both in retro and more so modern. Barely follow the latest in gaming, no interest in online only/online focused games, no interest in the latest consoles, even got rid of more games than have played, haven't played on an emulator just for fun for years, no FOMO here as they say... (Typing that is not like me...) Thought that the PS4 got the spark but considering not having much luck and barely touched the Switch that I had for about seven years before getting rid of it. Considering that gaming was one of my interests over the years, it is to say that it just feels tiring. It end up being selected racing games and very few that I can play. A far cry from the past. Then pretty much nothing at all...

It's not just that but also health issues that have been developing over the years. A couple of private issues that have been mentioned in the past but in terms of public, keratoconus affects my vision, my nerves are getting bad, my neck squeals/crunches and various complications physically, mentally and physically that causes damage to mentally. These health issues have been getting worse to the point of affecting day by day as well as my other interests (had to step down from the Lupin III Wiki being another thing that I didn't really want to do but had to). Starting writing this back in 2020, it's getting worse in 2023, slightly better in 2024 and 2025... All I can say, lucky (or unlucky) to survive. These issues affected my sprite ripping as well. Declining vision even with glasses, meaning that I have to zoom as much as 1000%. Why I dropped out of Spectrum ripping because of squinting between what's part of a graphic and what's garbage, why some sheets where a couple of pixels is a sprite took so long. There were moments of fatigue taking 10 hours what people can do in 10 minutes. If you wondered why... I have many sprites that were going to upload to here however they weren't finished, some as far back as years ago. Chances of getting them finished are slim. There was also a curveball that started in November, day to day is just stress. It got to the point now where sprite ripping really became stressful and when you're time poor, it can easily eat days without much progress especially when you get stuck. When you get no help and looking around gives you no results (not just here but for the entire Internet). Then on February 16, 2025 7:25pm. What little hope that I had, completely gone...

Just to throw this out of here. This is nothing to do with the new site at all, in fact I'm very supportive and wishing them the best. It'll be much better in the long run. I've been planning to leave for a few years and this decision is not one that I've made lightly, it's only now where it's getting viable to do so due to life. It was true that I had a brief retirement back in the 2010s but came back as there was so much to do. Was hoping to stay here for around another two years to get as much done but chances are may not be around by then.

Well... I hope that you enjoyed looking at my sprite rips over the years. Maybe even used them. Even though by the end, the ceiling is getting too high. Things sure are more technical than they were...

Giving shout-outs to Random Talking Bush (RTB), Ton and Dazz for everything over the years or even decades. The help they gave me was really valuable. Also thank to a smaller extent Petie, Shade, Ultimecia, Dolphman, Barack Obama, Magma MK-II, Superjustinbros, Deathbringer for various things. I'm sorry if I forgot someone or if I caused any problems here.

So ciao ciao everyone 
[Image: lupinpt3end.png]
Sad to see you go man, thanks for replying in my threads to keep them active.
Fēng shén yīng jié chuán OST
Friend Code for Super Bomberman R-2: 04-288-8899
Nintendo Switch FC: SW-6972-0414-2706
I support #Letsgetphysical, cuz physical games matter!
[Image: Forums-Icon-For-Pixiv.png]
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I'm not going to pretend to understand what you're going through so I'll just say that I wish you all the best and that prioritizing your own health, both physical and mental, is never something to be ashamed of.
Thanked by: Barack Obama

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