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A Basket Of Lemons
Sorry about lack of updates, Photobucket has broken, and I'm having to use rubbish Imageshack.

[Image: zzz-1.png]
[Image: peppericon.png] [Image: angryhamieicon.png] [Image: shopkeepericon.png] [Image: travellingmerchanticonrx6.png] [Image: arniesbroiconax9.png]
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(01-30-2009, 12:35 PM)Lemon Wrote: I'm having to use rubbish Imageshack.
Eh, imageshack is awesome, okay?

Oh, nice rips by the way. :]
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Thanks, although we'll just have to agree to disagree. It's okay, but I liked Photobucket better. Sad Cute

But yeah, I like the style of sprites.
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More Hamtaro rips up soon.
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[Image: liberthamieiconfg4.png]
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Organised them. The way the game sees it, anyone with a name is a main character, so yeah.

[Image: hamchataiconxb9.png]
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Lemon, use TinyPic. It's Photobucket's version of imageshack and it's much better.

Imageshack is awful.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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Meh, I only like Photobucket. I hope it works again soon.

[Image: hamchatdiconsb4.png]
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Yay! Hamtaro! Nice!
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[Image: pokemoncobaltforumsbanner2.png] [Image: overlordhavenforums.png]
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[Image: hamchatvicongi7.png]
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Man you are ripping good stuff. Keep it up.
Pokemon Cobalt Forums_____________________________Overlord Haven Forums
[Image: pokemoncobaltforumsbanner2.png] [Image: overlordhavenforums.png]
Thanked by: Lemon, Lemon
Thanks, positive comments keep me going.

[Image: hamchatjiconcy9.png]
[Image: bossiconwr2.png]
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[Image: texticonmu7.png]
[Image: mapiconwj9.png]
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[Image: rubrubtwinsiconqk1.png]
[Image: funlandinticonlf6.png]
[Image: sunnycaveiconox5.png]
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Nice stuff :]
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