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Yawackhary's Last Chance Saloon Ripping Gallery
Thanks. Often when deciding what to rip I'll try to be varied because variety is a spice of life.

When I was younger, I tried to go for games that I did like (Lucky Dime Caper, Point Blank, Special Criminal Investigation, Pang, Out Run, etc), the well known stuff (Streets of Rage series, Wonder Boy series, SMB2, even Sonic 2 at one point) or a popular media IP but gaming is more than just the stuff you like or what's popular. Probably due to being more of a Sega not-just-Sonic ripper than a Nintendo (or nowadays PC as well) ripper, it was easier to go down the rabbit hole. Starting off the Master System and Genesis going beyond the basics, then when it got tricky moved on to uncharted territory with Amstrad/Spectrum/C64 with some arcade games along the way. Had I been younger, maybe have gone towards the Japanese computers as well e.g. MSX, Sharp X68000. It might have been Superjustinbros and shadowman44 since they tend to rip more obscure games. Saying that did do a fair few GBA, SNES and GB games, even NES... Sometimes to help out on projects, sometimes to get more of the library on tSR.

Probably might have guessed but my NES and Spectrum rips don't tend to have much passion. It might be psychological since they were the most popular in the 1980s. Anyway enough rambling... 

  • A well known classic, sometimes ripped from more than one version. I try to avoid the well known games these days just because there are far better rippers out there that can go into detail, know the game off by heart or smart enough to make tools. Avoid anything Sonic because I do not have the level of Super OCD that some of the fan base has.
  • A well known classic but the version might be a bit more obscure.
  • A well known cult game, usually known for one quality e.g. some C64 games were sprite ripped because of the soundtrack even if the game itself is forgotten.
  • A well known bad game. I was aware of Renegade 3 and Human Killing Machine for years (even though personally Renegade 3 isn't that bad, if it was called The Time Traveller Fighter or something it wouldn't have been as slated. It was more of a typical only have a few weeks to make this game type of thing with 3 people.) I don't tend to do too much of these...
  • A real obscurity and ripping for the sake of preserving forgotten gaming history. This is where the bulk of the past 5 years have been. Anything from Super Speed Race to the first plug and play mahjong machine to pre-Rayman Ubisoft games.
  • Relating to that, some times prototypes. They are a part of gaming history.
  • Sometimes I see a game on tSR and if doable for me to expand the content. This is kinda rare and mainly like title screen stuff.
  • The game is easy enough for me to rip. Again doesn't happen often.
  • I don't tend to do modern games, mainly because that's covered by more competent rippers who know what they are doing (and in the case of the latest Nintendo game, I DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE). Did that before with Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber back in the day and personally it should be re-ripped, my latest game in terms of release date still remains the DS Lupin game. Do have a couple of PSP games that have been in the pipeline for a while. So yeah, most of the rips are comfortably in the 8 and 16-bit eras (3rd/4th gen) with a few 32 bit (5th gen/GBA).
  • Believe it or not there are games that I do like to rip but can't... Many Amstrad Ocean games.  F1 Pole Position 64 and especially F1 World Grand Prix 2 on the N64. The PSP Inspector Zenigata pachinko game. Even though I have been ripping for a long time, not smart enough to do any programming. Fixing GB headers with a guide is probably the most that I can do. Like wise there were some games that I had to abandon... While some have been put as WIP on here, others haven't and are rotting away.
  • In some cases, I actually like the series/games. Hence why some of the games that I rip, I get to rip multiple times or an IP that I REALLY like. e.g. Bugs Bunny, Simpsons, Lupin III, Batman. (also applies to characters too)
  • Within the past year or two, there has been more focus on racing games so they tend to get ripped. It along with a few platformers are more or less the only genres that I can play, even then only selected games.

Bearing in mind some games that I do decide have been in the backlog for quite a long time e.g. Congo Bongo C64 Disk in May, Double Dribble C64 in April while others are on a whim (but less these days). Some like Motorcross Racer on the C64 was planned but took until early-November before I could find a disk copy.

Just a few rips due to losing interest in gaming... No Amstrad this time.


Motorcross Racer

Was struggling with the Blades of Steel rip (ripped the players and the referee but... not the fight mode and can't access the player vs goalie mode) so I thought of ripping something easier. As for the game itself, feels very Atari 2600 like just with better graphics.

Dalek Attack
The Doctor
The Doctor

Unlike the Spectrum version, this wasn't the last commercial C64 game (think that was Lemmings, late 1993/early 1994) and contains a shmup stage. Due to an upcoming series of a doctor who goes on adventures, this rip has been fast tracked. The Doctor looks more like a detective than anything and despite the flyer for the game calling the companion Ace, it doesn't look like her either from what I've gathered.

I looked into the C64 original of Airborne Ranger but it only loads whatever sprites are on screen...


Emilio Butragueño Futbol

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(breaths out)oooooooooooool! Another Spanish game, this time a jerky moving clone of Tehkan World Cup that was really popular at the time. Weirdly Ocean were co-credited so I do wonder whether they were going to rebrand this game outside of Spain (maybe as a licensed version of Tehkan World Cup?) but plans fell through or whether they were able to get to the rights of the player. Ocean didn't publish this game since most releases in Spain from them were published and distributed by Erbe. There was also an Italian C64 game that had Ocean's name on them as well...

Speedboat Assassin
Assassin Class Assault Speedboat
Assassin Class Assault Speedboat

This seems to be a rip off/inspired by Off Shore Warrior... That wasn't released on the Spectrum. There's not many chase view games where you play as a speedboat but when they did, they all came out roughly the same time! (Off Shore Warrior, this game, Live and Let Die, even Butcher Hill with one of the levels. Then there's Aqua Jack and Hydra where you're on a hovercraft.)

Continental Circus

Dalek Attack
The Doctor
The Doctor

Was going to wait until it was my last Spectrum rip (as it was the final commercial game released around 30 years ago!) but with a certain show returning, it has been fast tracked. The Doctor and Ace were ripped on July 24 2022 making them one of my earliest Spectrum rips, only a bit of fixing was needed.

Some bad news, having problems ripping Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan. The enemies from what have been done is okay and almost ready but Freddy himself, I cannot find the sprite boundaries for all the sprites. Tried experimenting but only got to half way. Then again it is VERY common that Spectrum games have their graphics in strips.

Not much left on the Spectrum... Just mainly fighting in the streets and Operation Mansell.
Thanked by:
Now that my gaming collection is down to the literal bare minimum (literally just a few Mario games, racing games and if you can class them as games VNs), it'll mean that I have more focus to finish the rips. Yet... the rips are taking too long, struggling with whatever rips that I have and even playing the games themselves is like climbing a mountain these days.

Originally considered splitting the racing games to their own project however felt that it would have been a burden considering how many are yet to be ripped and the ways things are going, it probably be best to leave them here until that day comes...

So yeah... Just a small amount...

Out Run
Ferrari Testarossa Spider (PAL)
Ferrari Testarossa Spider (PAL)
Ferrari Testarossa Spider (USA)
Ferrari Testarossa Spider (USA)

I've lost count how many times I've ripped this classic game...

Top Cat Starring in Beverly Hills Cats
Top Cat
Top Cat

A bonus purple palette is provided since in game TC wears a grey coat rather than... you know... his purple waistcoat. He doesn't wear that in the Beverly Hills film either what the game is supposed to be based off.

Smiths Super Champs

Rally Cross (Anco)

Rally Cross (Codemasters)

Believe it or not this was Codemasters first rally game, way before the Colin McRae Rally and DiRT series (not to mention the recent WRC game).

Would have done more but there are issues with the rips including a certain doctor...


Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror
The Doctor
The Doctor

A quick rip, mainly because there aren't many sprites. Also I couldn't rip the items, they are either glitched or not in the graphics viewer...

Very rare that you get a game not too far from where you live or grew up in. Unless you either live in a place known for developers e.g. California, Montreal, Vancouver, Tokyo/Osaka/Kyoto, historically Manchester, live near a studio or you live near the developers that you keep contract with (at least with indie/demoscene type). In this case where I grew up, there was a publisher called Micro Power who mainly focused on BBC Micro games and were one of the two main companies for the computer, the other being Superior Software. I recently discovered that the home computer versions of Star Wars was also done not too far away, within a bus ride. There were a few other games that I knew as well e.g. Bill's Tomato Game and ResQ (Genesis, both unreleased), WipEout 3: Special Edition, HardWar. Game companies don't seem to last long...

This looks very close to the BBC Micro version that was considered by the company to be the main version. Said version was also why Micro Power had financial problems and was their downfall due to the needed expansion ROM chip (that the Amstrad and later BBC Master versions don't, also affected the unreleased Spectrum version as it was done before the 128k adoption and the approach was similar to Saboteur on the C16) and the marketing costs, probably licensing costs too. This game was considered AAA and a price to match, like paying $70 for a PS5 game. Especially when most games were generally less than £10 or £15 if you got it on disk (the disk version did price drop though). After this they only released a few more games (including a Chess game) and that was that... By the time I got to see where they were based, it became a windows and doors company.

It's a bit strange, two of the leading companies that published games on the computer were close to each other, you would think that I would grew up using a BBC Micro? Nope. When I was at primary/elementary school, only thing that the school had was an Acorn computer with Badger Trails being the only thing resembling a game and funnily enough, was one of the few people who got to go on it because people weren't as interested in computers back in the late 1990s. It's not like now where nearly everyone has a computer, phone or tablet. By the time that I was leaving school, it had just started to move to Windows (and there was only 1 Windows based computer at the entire school on my final year). There might have been a BBC Micro unused somewhere but this is over 23 years ago. That's enough of that memory...

Yogi Bear & Friends in The Greed Monster
Yogi Bear
Yogi Bear

Despite the name, you only play as Yogi and was a quick rip. The name is linked to Yogi's Treasure Hunt where the Greed Monster is one of the characters in the show.

Ruff and Reddy in The Space Adventure

Again, you can only play as Ruff (Reddy only shows up on the Loading Screen & the HUD). Speaking of Space Adventure...

Crystal Bowie / Salamandar
Crystal Bowie / Salamandar

Yep, the French loved Space Adventure Cobra so much that this was the first game of the series before the Japanese did the adventure games on the PC Engine.

Err... Did you rip this game before? Not on here... Besides the original Cobra rip was from January 27, 2018 and felt that it could do with a re-rip plus rip the enemies, Crystal Bowie, Dominique and that Lady is actually a recolour of the android enemies that pop up so she's not on the graphics viewer. As an extra note, the game runs on Mode 1 (4 colour mode) so the sprites are baked into the blue background.

Daley Thompson's Super-Test
Giant Slalom
Giant Slalom

Finally something from this game.

Leader Board

Not having much luck... The Spy Who Loved Me is partially compressed (enemies and when the Lotus spins out on a oil slick) so that can't be done. Iron Trackers is half way done but it seems that the screen size isn't right with half of the screen missing. Still there's a surprise...


Lupin the Third: Shijou Saidai no Zunousen

It's December 25 and people this time of year celebrate an important birthday. Yep, one Inspector Koichi Zenigata.

[Nearly December 26 because I'm too slow ripping... Sad]

(Oh and in case anyone is confused why Zenigata has so many sprites for what is an enemy. That's because Lupin can also disguise himself as Pops, it's a series trademark usually seen in Part 2 but has popped up in other series, films and TV Specials, even the manga I believe... There's even a moment in Part 2 where Jigen and Goemon were also disguised as Zenigata.)

Also to add on top of that... The game must have been rushed out because internally it doesn't seem to be cleaned up for release. Duplicate tiles, nearly entire sprites being duplicated (Zenigata and Zenigata_2 share sprites, only the animation positions have changed) and as mentioned before, early sprites of Lupin are still in the game. Doesn't help that viewing the animations causes Tinke to crash or doesn't display the poses. Probably why it also explains why this never came out of Japan and surprisingly didn't get an Italian release like a couple of the PS2 games (Lupin was not popular at the time to justify an US release, a different story now... this just happens to be the LAST Lupin game on a console).

Going to do something a little different in a couple of days time...
Thanked by:
December 30 has passed and now have been ripping for 17 years. Some of my rips here are getting closer to legal drinking age and many of them are older than some people who go on tSR!

For some stats and facts:
  • My first game on tSR is The Lucky Dime Caper and this sheet is the oldest surviving on the site done around December 30, 2006. There was this version of Donald Duck in the archive but the one on tSR is newer. In the future, the oldest sheet will highly likely be Bugs Bunny from Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle (NES) around February 8, 2007.
  • The first attempted rip was actually Dr. Robotnik from Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine on the Master System. My reasoning was because his character design resembled more like AoSTH compared to the Genesis version. AoSTH also happens to be one of my favourite cartoons.
  • Nearly 3000 rips on the site (technically close or more if we count removed ones like the old Sonic rips) at the time. Now way over 3000.
  • As a guess over 500 rips had to be abandoned at some point due to various issues
  • At least 4 sheets are completed but have yet to upload on tSR (Super Monaco GP arcade rival, Fujiko from The Castle of Cagliostro, Ferrari 300 from Bburago Rally and the Referee from Blades of Steel C64). There are a few more but have to rummage through the hard drive.
  • At least 120+ sheets are WIP
  • There are enough rips in the backlog to cover 2024, maybe even 2025.
  • According to tSR; the most games come from Amstrad CPC (259) while the most sheets come from the Genesis (715). The most genre ripped is Racing (231 games, 602 sheets) and will increase. When the retirement comes, there will be roughly 300 Amstrad games and the Mega Drive will still be somehow No.1.
  • Least amount of rips are Visual Novels (just the one and it's an error message) while there are many systems with just the one rip (Virtual Boy, WonderSwan, PS1, Neo Geo, Micom Mah-jong, PS2 doesn't count as it was technically ripped by Dazz). PSP at the time of writing is 1 but is likely to increase.
  • 1 sprite rip got lost when it nearly finished due to a computer crash. Speed Duel on the Spectrum. The game is cursed...
  • The oldest game I ripped is Sprint 2 (November 2, 1976) and the latest game is Lupin the Third: Shijou Saidai no Zunousen (February 11, 2010).
  • The earliest sheet that's still WIP is Simulador Profesional de Tenis on the Amstrad CPC. Any earlier sheets are lost.
  • My earliest appearance on a tSR update was done by Toadkarter on January 4, 2007. My first name drop was later. While I cannot recall it happened on the older sites as it was usually Dazz and co posting lyrics or what happened in their life, the earliest known one is when the current site updated for the first time. You know, the one where Shade goes back in time every year... That one. For the younger members, believe it or not name drops were really rare. You had to do something really outstanding to achieve a name drop.
  • In the old tSR pre-current design site, Yawackhary had never made it to the Top Spriter section. Personally I'm not bothered, I'm not that good Tongue Even now, there are way better rippers.
  • The first critique came from Dolphman regarding the Title Screen from SegaSonic the Hedgehog. (IMO it should really be re-ripped now...)
  • There were a few co-rips. RTB and I helped out on The Simpsons arcade rips (he did most of the characters while I focused on Homer and Homer + Bart/Lisa/Marge). Misselaneous10 and I ripped Lucia from Psychic World on the Master System however... I may have actually ripped the entire sheet or re-ripped it and she just got credit. The memories are fuzzy but I believe that she started to rip Lucia, then there was some sort of issue. It was an attempt to teach someone to sprite rip but it didn't pan out... The others that are on tSR people just added on any missing sprites and are not co-rips or at least intentionally.
  • Many of the anime/manga rips I was embarrassed ripping them, enough to use an alias. Also applies to the SD Valis rips as well.
  • Most of the rips I used GraphicsGale in some form. The exceptions are any that got converted and the Zenigata PSP title screen using GIMP for the first time. Mainly because GraphicsGale seems to have some transparency issues. A majority of sheets are also compressed via PNG Gauntlet.
  • My longest gap between starting the rip and finishing the rip is Bin from Dynamite Dux (arcade). Originally the sheet started when you had to take screen captures from MAME (as no ripping tools existed), then it got abandoned then completely redone when System 16 Graphics Viewer got made. Since the original WIP is lost, it is around 11-12 years. It's one of those sheets that was glad to rip from.
  • My most stressful rips from what I can remember was during a period when I was ripping RBI Baseball 94 on the Genesis and Sailor Moon R on the SNES. Those were gaming development crunch levels of sprite ripping all down to something that was going to happen politically but it later didn't. Had Metallic Madness 1 from Sonic Mania on a loop... If anyone wondered why the comments were a bit strange on those sheets. Had to abandon a WIP sheet of Sailor Mercury and portraits from RBI.
  • Multiple health issues affected various periods of ripping. At one point struggled to even rip 5 sprites from Fire & Forget on the Amstrad CPC.
  • The very first rips you can tell because they have Yawackhary in them except the first ironically.

(Yes, I know we're getting into April now... My backlog is THAT behind...)

I can't remember why The Lucky Dime Caper was my first rip on here or why I chose it but there is a bit of background info. I used to play the game on my Game Gear and it was one of the earliest that I could get far on. For a platformer developed in the early 1990s it was unusually accessible; no time limit, health upgrades not too far away, slower paced, two forms of attack (sometimes games back then, if you had a weapon attack you couldn't jump to attack enemies), some stages even have alt routes. I did try to do a few sprite rips, the odd sprite or two for SMS Power and even tried contacted The Shy Guy Kingdom to upload a complete sheet. Since there was no reply and this was when the website was still active, posted on... gulp... Pixeltendo. For a vast majority of people who go on tSR now, Pixeltendo was the OG forum and tSR was a section on that forum. You pretty much had to have "balls of steel" to be on Pixeltendo but the tSR section was different. The rest was history. There were very few Master System/Game Gear rips in 2006, even less if you remove the Sonic games. Even then I was surprised that there were barely any Sega in general rips, many iconic series didn't have a single rip. No Alex Kidd, No Wonder Boy/Monster World, No Fantasy Zone, No Shinobi, not even Out Run and Space Harrier, I don't think there were many Streets of Rage rips either...

Then you're reading and thinking "what do you mean about the first rips having Yawackhary in them?". Aren't you Yawackhary? This is where it gets complicated. Before I was on tSR, I used to be on Sonic Vegemite and SV was one of the first communities that I was on. The name as it is, is based off yak, wacky, and the obscure game Zwackery because it was different than favouritething/character+numbers or name+the+animal as a typical username might be. You also had to have some persona when it came to the hoaxes, most people there had Sonic OCs as it was the case of the fan base back then. It started off as a recolour of Bin & Pin from Dynamite Dux and evolved from there. The Yawackhary sprites that you can see were edits from Sonic Advance (I can't remember which Sonic character it got edited from). There were a few more of them that are lost to time... Can recall one of them was an edit of Woody Woodpecker but not a sprite and sprite edits based off Land of Illusion. In my early years on tSR, I called myself Mr Yawackhary to differentiate between myself and Yawackhary Duck (the character). It was planned to be more than just something that appeared on SV and old rips; wrote ideas, characters and scenarios. Due to complete lack of talent, it never got anywhere and now the character is a relic from a different time. Saying that... Other people did have an interest in the character, he did appear in fan fiction (a prototype form before it evolved with Yawackhary having his own pals and rivals, saying that one thing did kinda happen a case of fiction becoming reality...) and fan art was drawn. It also when someone stole the character and tried to pass it as something else for people to draw fan art of him (look at the commissioner). That was when the Yawackhary dream died and became the man who sold the world...

This isn't just about stats, facts or old memories, it's about the rips.

Firstly The Lucky Dime Caper had an anniversary clean up, the title screen, Stage Select, Sega Logo and font have been added. The cutscene sheet is re-ripped as it was missing much of the ending and the game uses a programming trick! The misc sheet has been split up (Dialogue/Stage Icons, Items, Huey, Dewey & Louie, Scrooge is now in the cutscenes sheet) and will be retired, technically these have been re-ripped too.


Warm Up

I think that's why top down racers (with a few exceptions such as the Micro Machines series) have gone out of fashion. Mainly because of control issues, handling and if they are too fast, it becomes more like having fast reaction times and memorization since the view is pretty restricted on what you can see. They are more like a dodge 'em up really. Even later Micro Machines games and games within that type (Mashed) could at least zoom in and out, they weren't top down either...

Kellogg's Tour 1988

More or less Milk Race 2 with joystick waggling... Now I just need a bowl and a spoon...


Lucky & Wild

Was ripped nearly 5 years ago but forgot to upload it until now.


Classiques Volume 1

Did you know that Titus in their early days did clones of classic arcade games putting them in compilations before it became a thing? Strangely enough, they are actually fairly decent versions of the game even if Pac-Man runs too fast. I'm actually surprised but I think they might have got into some legal bother since the Amstrad only got 2 of these Classique collections while 4 was advertised overall. On the flyer, Centipede, Berzerk and Dig Dug were shown coming on Volume 3 that wasn't released on the computer. A later flyer showed off Q-bert and Frogger too. By the end, think only the Thomson computers got all 4...

Fruity Frank

Since the CPC didn't get Mr Do! (not even a modern homebrew port), this clone became famous especially for an early title. As per classic arcade graphic design, the graphics are designed around the black background. No... hacking the palette won't fix this...

Game Boy

Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge
Roadside Objects
Roadside Objects

Racing Damashii

Just a bit from the unofficial racing game project. Unofficial as in no thread but generally rip from racing games these days... GB wise see if I can do Lamborghini American Challenge and Roadsters (the sequel to Lamborghini). Maybe even some more from International Rally, Suzuki Alstare, Le Mans 24 Hours, V-Rally, the Top Gear Rally games and the F1 games. Possibly even Ethan Hunt from Mission: Impossible and that blooming Three Lions game for non-racing, fingers, toes and arms crossed. Bearing in mind that Suzuki Alstare, the Top Gear Rally games and Mission: Impossible have the sprites done in layers as a colour enhancing trick, similar to the MSX/MSX2. (This also means that I would have to re-rip the existing cars too in Top Gear Pocket to reflect this)

Game Gear

Last Action Hero
Jack Slater
Jack Slater

F1 World Championship Edition
Roadside Objects
Roadside Objects

Scratch Golf
Course Type A #01
Course Type A #01
Course Type A #02
Course Type A #02
Course Type A #03
Course Type A #03
Course Type A #04
Course Type A #04
Course Type A #05
Course Type A #05
Course Type A #06
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Course Type A #07
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Course Type A #18
Course Type B #01
Course Type B #01
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Course Type B #17
Course Type B #17
Course Type B #18
Course Type B #18

Yet another golf game. Not keen on this one even though the name is interesting and the graphic style is quite nice for miniature size...

(As a footnote, the game can only count up to 9 as after the first 9 holes in a course, it resets back to 1 rather than 10. The manual says that there are only two courses in the game so...)

Currently working on Cliffhanger, Kawasaki Superbike Challenge, Clutch Hitter and Power Drive. Emulicious has problems with some of the games in particular the World Series Baseball games due to the unsupported RAM chip. I'll see if there's any more but from the sounds of things, that might be it for me for the Game Gear.

"King" GBA

Sega Rally Championship
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII
Subaru Impreza
Subaru Impreza
Toyota Corolla
Toyota Corolla
Ford Focus RS
Ford Focus RS
Peugeot 206 WRC 1999
Peugeot 206 WRC 1999
Lancia Stratos
Lancia Stratos
Lancia Delta
Lancia Delta
Toyota Celica GT-Four
Toyota Celica GT-Four

A surprise! I expected this game to use models like some 3D GBA racing games but this uses pre-rendered sprites. Pre-rendered sprites that are only 16 colours! Even though some of them end up being broken and it's like this in all three versions of the game.

(It took longer than it should as by the time that I discovered a shortcut in YY-CHR to display the cars in their correct alignment to assemble it faster, the rips were nearly over with just the two bonus cars from the OG Sega Rally left. The shortcut involved making a layout that's 8x8, one that I'm not surprised offered as a default setting...)

Yes, I did also rip GAME OVER YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smuggler's Run

Top Gear GT Championship
BP Kraft Trueno
BP Kraft Trueno
Cusco Subaru Impreza
Cusco Subaru Impreza
Daishin Advan Silvia
Daishin Advan Silvia
RE Amemiya MatsuKiyo RX-7
RE Amemiya MatsuKiyo RX-7
WedsSport Celica
WedsSport Celica

Another one with pre-rendered sprites but uses a single 256 colour palette. Originally started ripping this in the same layout as Sega Rally above but then decided to re-rip it via the shortcut. Sadly can only go so far because I don't know the names of the other cars in the ROM... Can guess the Castrol one is a Toyota.

I did look into some other GBA racing games that are not on the site and in terms of vehicles to rip from the ROM. Inspector Gadget Racing seem doable but will take a while. The rest are either compressed and don't seem to be the LZ77 one, is the LZ77 one but in pieces, use a completely different way of viewing the sprites like V Rally 3 or really do seem to be textures and models. Personally I can't see many more GBA rips coming from me. There's one from a certain actor known for appearing in movies that had Blu-ray releases from 88 Films, Eureka and Warner Bros that got himself a cartoon, said actor also had games that I previously sprite ripped a long time ago.

Oh and as for King GBA... In the past, GBA used to have the most rips and views on tSR. Also some of the earliest rips on the site come from the handheld, some that are nearly 20 years old!

As it stands right now:
- Have been documenting some stuff on the wiki. Anyone ripping might find these useful.
- Trying to get the Master System project as far down as possible. Already have Woody Woodpecker, California Games 2, Gangster Town (possibly dropped), Shadow of the Beast (possibly dropped) and Sensible Soccer as WIP. Not doing the SG-1000 mode games outside of the WIP Flashpoint, the title screen of Sherlock Holmes due to language barrier and maybe FA Tetris (also the only SG-1000 game that is still WIP is Monaco GP).
- Trying to get the CPC games down due to the recent news.
- The ripping list is going to get frozen soon just because of both lack of time and retirement from gaming all together. Yes I have mentioned some new games to rip but really getting to the point of having enough...
- There might be some DS getting ripped but have very low expectations... I have been checking the ROMs to a few games out of curiosity (Corvette Evolution GT, Ferrari Challenge, Touch Golf, PES 6, Race Driver: Create & Race). Also declared Ducati Moto, Burnout Legends, Tiger Woods PGA Tour and Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith to be undoable for me, especially having its own custom formats. Only a small amount of Point Blank DS can be done (the doors). Tinkle claims Tiger Woods to be 94% recognisable but that's a lie...
- Expect to see some Genesis and 32X stuff within the next 6 months. Again have low expectations...
- My progress is behind by at least a year due to health issues and struggles. Too many games, not enough time... It's making me stressed...
- The backlog on the C64 games is rather high so expect to see some in the future including some from a few acclaimed games (Grand Prix Circuit, Out Run Europa, Turbo Charge with the first two already extracted some sprites).
- Ripping tutorials of Commodore 16 and 64 are WIP.
Some of the cars in Top Gear GT are listed in the manual:
[Image: lhjFt57.gif][Image: sX7JK6W.gif][Image: 4BB3IOO.gif][Image: qHY3ZCP.gif][Image: oCiv6RT.gif][Image: RNSMdiR.gif][Image: gx5wm3G.gif][Image: ld7rSgS.gif]
Thanked by: Ton, Yawackhary
In all honesty, have been losing interest on top of health issues.

So much so that WIPs of Lotus Turbo Challenge (Genesis) and the Woody Woodpecker Master System game ended up being ripped by others who have done a great job. Plus it can take me over 12 hours to do a title screen rip. Just more recently as in the past few weeks had a push to finish some rips especially from the CPC, a case of getting it over and done with.

Lupin III: The Legend of the Gold of Babylon (MSX2)
Lupin III
Lupin III

Yay! Wrong colour jacket though...

TZR Grandprix Rider (MSX)

Yeah, The Zpriters Resource...

Master System

Global Gladiators
Mick & Mack
Mick & Mack
Ronald McDonald
Ronald McDonald


No good at the game at all. Had to be done...

Super Kick Off

Now it can be kicked off.

Game de Check! Kōtsū Anzen (JPN)
Driving Eye
Driving Eye
Speed Sense
Speed Sense

Rare educational game that teaches road traffic safety. Some places class this as a prototype however more realistically it is a non-commercial game that can be rented, apparently 200-300 copies were produced and only a few still survive today. A Japanese insurance company is credited for publishing and probably one of the only cases on the Master System that this happened (this is more common with the Atari 2600 or the Spectrum with non gaming companies releasing games).

From this point, these rips were done/finished with a non-working Down key...

Back to the Future Part II
Mission 2 Enemies
Mission 2 Enemies
Mission 4 (Sliding Puzzle)
Mission 4 (Sliding Puzzle)

Even a simple rip like this is taking ages now...

Castle of Illusion
Rolling Demo Graphics
Rolling Demo Graphics

In the olden days before the likes of trailers (unless you was lucky to see an advert on TV or on a promo tape), companies had done non-interactive demos known as rolling demos. Sometimes like this one, it had different graphics than the final. On home computers like the Spectrum, you might get these on magazine tapes and they considered second class compared to actual playable demos while others like consoles up to the PS1, they weren't for the public but you might if you're lucky see it in a store. This probably would have appeared on the likes of CES or a trade show.

Amstrad CPC


The last of the Sega arcade ports but not the last US Gold game. Just the last commonly released game and most copies seem to bundle the Spectrum version too on the same tape/disk. Like with Grand Prix 500 2 (still WIP), the game is 128k only just because the graphics are stored in that extra RAM.

(Had to do a bit of hacking capturing regarding the Intro. The graphics for the ZEEK blueprint are not in the graphics viewer so I captured the two blueprints via screenshots then to make sure that it is the correct size, went into the Gate Array Registers. This is what I usually do to make capturing Loading Screens easier by changing the border colour to a different colour but... This game is stubborn when it comes to changing palette for that scene, it is hard locked for those five colours that already breaks Mode 1 restrictions. Mode 1 is 4 colours but many games do break this with rasters. e.g. The Living Daylights is Mode 1 but has 8 colours in game and 12 on the menu. So had to change it to Mode 0, took a screenshot as it shows the correct size yet not the right mode then using THAT cropped the other two screenshots so the graphics are the right size. Sometimes ripping what appears to be easy such as title screens and stuff aren't always easy. Done palette hacking and ripping layers when it comes to Genesis title screens.)

Westphaser / Steve McQueen Westphaser
Apache Kid
Apache Kid
Belle Starr
Belle Starr
Big Nose
Big Nose
Billy Kid
Billy Kid
Jesse James
Jesse James
Saloon Cowboy
Saloon Cowboy
Saloon Friendlies
Saloon Friendlies

One of the only two games that supported the Lorciels Phaser and was originally bundled with the gun but later got a re-release with the Steve McQueen name (who isn't really well known for being a cowboy as much compared to say Clint Eastwood or John Wayne) and added joystick support. Shouldn't really be ripping games like this or any game with flashing... Luckily it's just finishing off Operation Wolf and Thunderbolt in terms of the sub-genre.

Wacky Races
Mean Machine
Mean Machine
Wacky Racers
Wacky Racers

Despite being similar to the NES game, it's not a port... The Gruesome Twosome and Prof Pat Pending aren't in this game.

Out Run Europa
Jet Ski
Jet Ski
Power Boat
Power Boat
Road Traffic
Road Traffic
Water Traffic
Water Traffic

Completely forgotten about this one... At first glance, this looks like the Master System/Game Gear version but not quite (won't be surprised that the Spectrum/Amstrad/MS/GG versions share something due to the Z80, I know C64 is its own thing). This game uses a "blocky" engine as in all of the graphics are made up of tilesets and feels like it. Still working on the C64 version.

Livingstone I Presume
Henry Morton Stanley
Henry Morton Stanley

Yeah, this does have some right outdated stereotypes as the enemies even for its time. According to the release dates, this is the original version alongside the MSX version (MSX 1 version, not sure when the MSX2 version was released but notable for being one of the very few non-Japanese, non-homebrew MSX2 games) while Opera Soft later did the Spectrum, Atari ST and the C64 versions, the latter was bugged and can't be completed until 2023 when a YouTuber of all things fixed the bug. Unusually for the UK release, Alligata actually put an infinite lives cheat in the manual. No joke.

Livingstone 2
Henry Morton Stanley
Henry Morton Stanley

Can't even get past the first part of first level and the icon shows... Ripped last year but forgot to upload until now.

Grell & Falla
Grell / Bjorn Grellenstone
Grell / Bjorn Grellenstone
Falla / Falanthriel Peaseblossom
Falla / Falanthriel Peaseblossom

One of the last Codemasters games released on the computer and ironically as it turns out one of the oldest WIP games that was in my backlog! ‎Started way back in February ‎2018 and a case of coming full circle, started what was my new laptop is now my soon to be retired laptop with a non-working down key. (Did have a Windows hybrid tablet during this time so probably would have been ripped from that) Started ripping this when I used WinAPE but then changed to CapriceForever about two years ago, both times were about half the sprites. After the first attempt of Return of the Jedi shortly after this, there were no more CPC rips until World Series Baseball and that would have been when the graphics viewer was added in CapriceForever (if you look carefully, some were ripped from WinAPE and some were ripped from Caprice just by the different palettes) plus WinAPE is increasingly difficult to run on modern computers. As it turned out, the tape was not backed up on my laptop and got lost in the shuffle hence why it took so long. Anyway... Grell & Falla themselves got completely re-ripped on October 1 2024. Then the enemies/objects progress got lost due to a mistake...

Yes, Grell reminds me a bit of Wario...

Highway Patrol / Highway Patrol II
Criminal Car
Criminal Car

Basically if Microids did Test Drive (before they released Gear.Club Unlimited) and ironically actually plays better than the Amstrad port of Test Drive 2. Sadly Highway Patrol II is almost the same as the first game just removed the cutscene with the officer, even the loading screen is the same! The only change was the criminal car (and some internal changes making it harder to rip)... Looking around it might be a re-release rather than the sequel just so it can use the same box as the Amiga and Atari ST versions otherwise it is literally the laziest sequel ever made. Yep, beating the likes of roster update sports games, Crazy Cars 2 C64, Olympic Hockey 98 and even bootlegs. At least those change the title screen...

Les Aventures de Pepito au Mexique

Back to ripping from brands, this time a character who appears on French biscuits.

Game Over
Planet Carcel / Hypsis Enemies
Planet Carcel / Hypsis Enemies
Giant Orko
Giant Orko
Giant Robot
Giant Robot
Imperial Palace / Planet Sckunn Enemies
Imperial Palace / Planet Sckunn Enemies

Was going to save this to last for obvious reasons but it was fairly easy to rip from.

The Games: Winter Edition

Some of these graphics are just ugly... Cross Country Skiing sprites (one of the two best looking events along with Luge) even had shadow masks for Mode 0. Why?! You only need shadow masks if it was in Spectrum format... It's like either pushed for time or just gave up half way through development.

Going to do something that I have never done before... Giving Olympic Gold and Winter Olympics some praise because those two games are US Gold's only "good" athletic games overall, with the ports of Summer and Winter Games being the best on the Amstrad (done by Choice, who usually are with Ocean) even if the C64 versions are best if you count the Epyx ones and not US Gold... Thinking about it, it gave me the idea to rip from Olympic Gold (Genesis version) and the current WIP sheet of the Athlete had to be re-ripped costing precious time...

WEC Le Mans

Finally! One of the best Amstrad racing games and still somewhat playable today despite the lower frame rate. It's been in the backlog since January ‎2022 and the loading screen was ripped back then. This game stores the car the same way that some Spectrum games do with its 8 pixel sprite column then 8 pixel mask yet ironically completely different graphics compared to the actual Spectrum version and is native Mode 1 (rather than storing at Mode 2/Spectrum format). Despite taking two years, just could not find the dust sprites in the graphics viewer at all... Squinted though looking for pixels, blanked out the other sprites and that for some reason has the in game screen 15 times mixed in with roadside objects! Nope... so sadly had to take the old route...

Titus the Fox
Titus the Fox
Titus the Fox

The Hit Squad

Not the infamous Ocean budget range (even if some releases are far from budget these days if you're collecting) but rather a Codemasters release that kind of is like a 1 player version of Quartet. Then again something tells me that another publisher possibly Pirate Software considered, they went bankrupt and Codies got the game last minute, enough for an Amstrad version but not C64 as this was originally a Spectrum game. I'm lucky to get past the first level and even then it's luck since it's very easy to drain energy in this game, the icon is as far as I can go... This was actually part of the backlog years ago but forgot about it until fairly recently.

Just couldn't find those weapon effects anywhere...

4x4 Off-Road Racing

A case of started to rip the Spectrum version but ended up doing this version instead. Funnily enough all four trucks have the same sprite.

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones
Sophia Hapgood
Sophia Hapgood

US Gold had no confidence releasing this despite having adverts and only got a release in France, this was US Gold's last ever Amstrad game and one of the last games from the commercial era (yeah, you can tell its getting closer to the end of Amstrad ripping...). It was so obscure that the only English review back in the day was 1 paragraph in a French magazine. I don't think it's finished and feels like a beta version...

Also found a secret in the intro!

Dick Tracy (GX4000/Plus)
Dick Tracy
Dick Tracy

The world works in mysterious ways since Titus put a lot of effort into this version, more than finishing off the C64 version. Completely new graphics, music in game and scrolling! Had it been any other console, the game would have been average at best but because the GX4000 flopped (the Plus range just a bit less) and many of the games were just literally the same as the Amstrad CPC version maybe with a palette change and changing the loading screen to a title screen, it meant that it was one of the better ones that took advantage of the hardware. Not on the scale of Burnin' Rubber, RoboCop 2, Navy SEALs, Pang, recent homebrew such as UFO Robo Grendizer or the upcoming SonicGX though.

(Also can only get to the start of Stage 3 even with a trainer version with infinite health and bullets once the weapons are collected. Meaning the bosses aren't ripped.)

Also some bad news... This is the last GX4000 game that I'm ripping and others had to be dropped due to various sprite viewer issues with CapriceForever from when they first got included (sprites are the incorrect 128x64 but shows up as 127x63 as the window border bleeds into the frame with the sprite leaking into the frame with lots of blank space, Burnin' Rubber relies on layering too) and they even happen in the latest version but in a different way (fixed the empty space but 4th sprite in a row is cropped, size is too big and combining any character into 3 sprites meaning Dick Tracy cannot be arranged). I can't rip with broken sprite viewers...


Had to use a map and cheats for infinite lives and nitro if I can to explore the game to get all the palette variations. First thought of two different palettes but it seems that the map at CPCPower might have palette glitches. Tried the original Artic, the Americana (US Gold) re-release and even the French version, the palettes were the same.

Archon: The Light & The Dark
Dark Side
Dark Side
Light Side
Light Side

Was going to do Street Sports Basketball as it was on the list except... In game the players are surrounded with an outline, the problem is that the shadow mask (the graphics themselves are in Spectrum format aka Mode 2) is not displayed at all in the Graphics Viewer except for the ball itself. This means that without it, the sprites are broken and don't want to rip knowing that... Tried to see if there was an alternative way but nope... Another one was Cycit, a lost motorbike game from 1986 only just been rediscovered. The disk was preserved on September 21 2024 and looked at the 28th so literally would have been quick except... Could only do the traffic lights and some but not all the signs because the graphics viewer shows a mess on the bikes, don't know whether its compressed, just only showing some parts or both. Then checked Jack Nicklaus Golf and that seems to be garbage in the graphics viewer no matter the setting, looks like runs off a framebuffer.

So that leaves Xyphoes Fantasy, Grand Prix 500 2, Operation Wolf/Thunderbolt (half way!), the Nigel Mansell games (nearly there!), a couple of stranglers in terms of Spanish games, a few that weren't ready in time and Game Over 2 left before sunsetting the Amstrad CPC. Just felt like I've done enough...

Street Fighter

Another one ripped ages ago but forgot to upload. From the looks of things the rest of the Spectrum rips have been dropped...

Kung-Fu Master

Nearly it for beat'em ups... At least this is a classic...

(Also glad that trained versions exist otherwise I would struggle getting past the first enemy!)

1000 Miglia

An Italian developed racing game where the only versions that I can find are old scene releases that are a bit broken. It's one of those games where yes, it could be better especially when it comes to selecting options and what appears to be random breakdowns during a race but not as bad as it is made out to be as there are far worse racing games and disappointing ports on the computer. Just an average game really...


Ohh dear... Despite the praise from C64 fans, it reminds me of those Japanese developed top down F1 games (e.g. F1 Grand Prix, F1 Spirit, F1 Circus, F1 Dream, etc) where they are so fast that they are hard to see what's ahead and have to be quick to react. Not my kind of game but can see why it is praised by its speed and presentation. Also happens to be one of the last Codemasters published games on the C64 before they moved onto consoles and PC.

Super Cycle


TOCA World Touring Cars
Fiat Marea
Fiat Marea
Ford Taurus
Ford Taurus
Lincoln LS
Lincoln LS
Mitsubishi Galant
Mitsubishi Galant
Mitsubishi Lancer
Mitsubishi Lancer
Alfa Romeo 156
Alfa Romeo 156
Audi A4
Audi A4
Volvo S40
Volvo S40
Lexus GS300
Lexus GS300
Mercury Sable
Mercury Sable
Renault Laguna
Renault Laguna
Ford Mondeo
Ford Mondeo
Saab 95
Saab 95
Toyota Camry
Toyota Camry
AC Superblower
AC Superblower
Audi TT
Audi TT
Bentley Hunaudières
Bentley Hunaudières
TVR Cerbera
TVR Cerbera

Just wanted an easy rip due to a problem ripping Pocket Rockets (thought that it was done, pixel differences with the bikes that I didn't detect due to my vision and only when palette comparison that it was picked up, only half a bike got ripped and there are four bikes). Just like Top Gear GT Championship, all cars share the same 256 color palette. There are a couple of pink focused cars such as the Ford Taurus and there are a few pinks in the palette similar in value. To prevent the risk, changed the background to a more familiar green that is not in that palette. The other cars aren't affected and keep its original palette.

Crazy Taxi: Catch a Ride
B.D. Joe
B.D. Joe

Ya ya ya ya ya! I'm surprised... The taxis are just 16 colour pre-rendered sprites. Nearly everything else (outside of HUD stuff) is 3D rendered including the shadows and when looking at the background or tile viewer, it's stored as a framebuffer...

Top Gear GT Championship
Castrol Nismo GT-R
Castrol Nismo GT-R
Unisia Xanavi Skyline
Unisia Xanavi Skyline
Castrol TOM'S Supra
Castrol TOM'S Supra
cdma Cerumo Supra
cdma Cerumo Supra
Endless Advan Supra
Endless Advan Supra
Raybrig NSX
Raybrig NSX
Calsonic Skyline
Calsonic Skyline
Esso Ultron Tiger Supra
Esso Ultron Tiger Supra
MatsuKiyo TOM'S Supra
MatsuKiyo TOM'S Supra
Takata Dome NSX
Takata Dome NSX
Denso SARD Supra GT
Denso SARD Supra GT
FKMassimo Cerumo Supra
FKMassimo Cerumo Supra
Loctite Zexel GT-R
Loctite Zexel GT-R
Mobil 1 NSX
Mobil 1 NSX
Super Autobacs A'PEX MR-S
Super Autobacs A'PEX MR-S

Sadly the manual didn't help much for Top Gear, it just says play the Championship mode to unlock the cars. That I ended up doing just to know which car is which... Also had to create save states because of how the game actually handles the cars compared to the manual. The first class is the same as Quick Race but Classes 2, 3 and 4 are different. In Class 2, you choose your car, a different selection than 1 but after completing that Class, you get a different selection plus the car that you previously raced in. Even when you complete a game, you only unlock any cars that you chose during Championship so you're in trouble if you choose the same car throughout for the later classes...

Not much for me now on the GBA...

PC Engine / TurboGrafx CD

Road Spirits
V8 DOHC (Ferrari F40)
V8 DOHC (Ferrari F40)
V12 DOHC (Lamborghini Diablo)
V12 DOHC (Lamborghini Diablo)
V6 SOHC (Porsche 911 Carrera Speedster)
V6 SOHC (Porsche 911 Carrera Speedster)
Citroën 2CV
Citroën 2CV
Renault 5 Turbo
Renault 5 Turbo
V6 DOHC (Honda NSX)
V6 DOHC (Honda NSX)

Believe it or not there was a time when Arc System Works worked on racing games and not just fighting or beat 'em ups, usually uncredited for Sega and usually on the Master System/Game Gear though. Yet another get out of the way rip despite being in the backlog for over six years and was going to do this about two years ago.

As for why the car names in brackets, in a prototype version the cars do have their proper names but in the final or REV2 build, it got changed due to not getting the licenses for the cars. Also the Renault and Citroën 2CV were made unlockable with codes and no longer appear on the car select, they still in game as traffic though.

Can't see me doing much more on the console though... Half of the racing games are what I mentioned are just like Slicks, others are compressed in the ROM, only load 1 sprite in the viewer, that black background issue with the tiles (with no fix) or all. Did manage to do portraits from a F1 manager game though, not that there's much graphics due to the genre in question yet slightly more than expected and of course... the language barrier being a bit of an issue.

Game Boy
Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing
LA Beach
LA Beach

One of those games that uses layering and managed to get the racing game backlog down a bit.

Now Something Completely Different

The Catch Lupin the 3rd Game
Background Elements
Background Elements

A Lupin flash game, done when Pioneer/Geneon had the rights to Part 2 (the Red Jacket series that was on Adult Swim in the US, famous for its dub and memes). This is my first and most likely my last Flash game that I will be ripping... JPEXS has way too small text and I have extreme difficulty reading tiny text. Also had to use different exporting tools as GraphicsGale is no good for transparency (doing the usual icons yes, importing stuff that is ALREADY transparent nope so used SpriteSheeter to sheet the rips and the icon was done via GIMP).

Still can't say no to more Lupin.

Shockwave Hockey

Back in high school a loooooooooooong time ago, this was one of the few games that I did play along with Rampage, Spy Hunter, Tamala Loco: Rumble in the Desert 2 and I think a couple of the Nabisco flash games (recall a Newton's bike game) but not as much as those four. Didn't really play many web games. Well considering Internet Explorer was the main browser, mostly stuck to "proper" websites rather than dubious ones that could cause malware...

A strange fact, the players are encoded in Flash format meaning that they are in a higher resolution than the rest of the graphics!

Now it's mainly going to be along with finishing Amstrad:
- Finishing as much of the C64 backlog, mostly racing games (e.g. Out Run Europa, Super Monaco GP, Grand Prix Circuit)
- Hopefully the two remaining Lupin games (Cagliostro and the FM Towns game unless there's any 2D art in The Shooting/The Typing).
- A few Master System and Game Gear games to mop up, more of the latter due to shadowman44's excellent rips on the Master System. Had I been good at RPGs, would have tackled the Phantasy Star and sorting out the big mess that's the Shining Force Gaiden games (the rips on tSR had merged all three games with just one, confusingly only Part 2 got an official English translation) but alas...
- A few MSX games such as City Connection, not much on the computer though as I don't like its layering.
- "Jackie"
- A fair few title screens, fonts, low key rips to beef up some sections
- A few re-rips here and there without any fanfare
- A couple of low key Genesis rips so expect LOW expectations and not popular games or indeed a popular genre...
- Might fight evil in moonlight to quote an old song...
- Will have a surprise
- Most importantly will try to get as much of the racing game backlog done (a few Game Boy, Arcade mainly Lethal Crash Race, maybe even finishing the Saturn version of Monaco GP). A few Genesis ones even seem promising (Quad Challenge - port of Four Trax, Mario Andretti Racing, Test Drive 2) but Road Riot 4WD would have to be ripped via TileGGD due to not using the typical Genesis format or as I call it MD racing format as Outlander, Road Rash series does the same.
Thanked by: Ton
Amazing stuff! I'm always happy to see new rips from you!
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Thanked by: Yawackhary
Thanks Ton, it means a lot to me.

Well... Sprite ripping is really stressing me out and under intense pressure especially right now. In some cases, still up past 4 am trying and failing to get a sheet done even when getting up early. Even cutting down to easier to rip and mainly racing games hasn't helped, it eats up too much time especially when you get stuck on a rip due to some issue.

Just running out of time... No, I can't leave it for another day or have a break. There's too many games that exist, too many that haven't been ripped since many systems on tSR are something like 1-2% in terms of rips if that, keep finding old sheets on the site that are just too poor in quality (this is an example, had to do a title screen rip) and often feel like the only one ripping regarding certain systems with zero help most of the time on top of health issues with vision, fatigue and movement and that I really do struggle playing most games now. Also don't have the privilege to go out for a better quality of life because it's even more miserable outside (no access to countryside and had really bad rain). Enough writing in pain, let's go straight to the rips.


Firstly been looking at disk images via DirMaster to see if I could rip directly rather than from savestates and loading up SpritePad. The only success for me were two loading screens (Simpsons Copy Protection screen was close but it had a palette issue) so... have to do it the usual longer way. Anyway let's get this backlog down:

Human Killing Machine


An early scrolling platformer from 1983. Yep, this was before Pac-Land never mind Super Mario Bros. Also it's really hard because all it takes is to fall into a tiny pit to lose a life.

Max Torque

Ended up re-ripping this one twice, it was one of my earlier C64 rips. Only ripped it due to being the closest game to Hang-On on the C64.

After Burner (PAL)
F-14 Tomcat
F-14 Tomcat

Why PAL? Two completely different versions of the same game with two different regions.

Also an interesting fact, the Activision versions of After Burner were the first to have the melody versions of Final Take Off and After Burner as heard on the OST in game (even though these were technically covers by Adam Gilmore and Dave Lowe). The original arcade version and most other ports were incomplete, the only other ones that had the melody versions were the PC Engine/TurboGrafx, Saturn and the 3DS versions. The Master System version does have it too but it's cut down in length.

Winter Supersports 92

Had to fast track this game in the queue (technically this is one of my last games in the backlog since it's nearly frozen haha, well that's not going to be a title screen/font rip). Another fact, according to the disk it goes from Event 5 to 7 so there's an event missing. Just like Sonic CD with its missing stage.

Also didn't notice until after ripping that the bobsleigh graphics were recycled from Winter Olympiad 88 (aka Winter Challenge but not the same Winter Challenge as on the Genesis).

Super Monaco GP

Super Bowl Sunday

Miami Chase
Lt. Don Ferrari
Lt. Don Ferrari

F1 GP Circuits

Gameplay Sprites
Gameplay Sprites

Sadly there are no blades in this game... Basically air hockey, only a lot more fiddly to control. Also I have no clue what the other sprites are, I know one is the paddle and the other is the puck. Tried looking at screenshots but people struggle just as much as myself with the game and changing difficulty but doesn't show up. This version seems unfinished especially when you assemble the sprites, it looks like the more detailed Spectrum version.

Congo Bongo (Disk)

This version is very mysterious. We don't know the developer apart from his first name, the publisher or even the correct year (estimated around 1985) but we do know that it only came out on disk and is similar to the Apple II version. Compared to the more common cartridge/tape version that we do know was published by Sega in the US and US Gold in the UK, it's a complete different port resembling more like the arcade. The other version looked like an Atari 5200/8-bit port with a 2600 look on the player and only had 2 levels. More confusingly the disk version that US Gold published in the UK had screenshots of the common cartridge/tape version suggesting that it was that version yet the disk dumps that I can find were all this version.

Due to the confusion, used the Pepto NTSC palette as it is likely to be made in the US and the use of the disk format around this timeframe suggests that. The programmer's called Ken but little else... Ken Jordan possibly?

Pitstop II

Montezuma's Revenge
Panama Joe
Panama Joe

Blades of Steel

Just as surprised that there was a version of this game on the C64, it's more known on the NES and the arcade. Couldn't rip the fighters sadly...

Lethal Weapon
Martin Riggs
Martin Riggs
Roger Murtaugh
Roger Murtaugh

One of the last Ocean games on the computer and the case where the budget re-release on The Hit Squad (no relation to a game that I ripped from) is worth quite a bit of money. Technically this is also my final C64 game to rip from as the others were either exported, partially exported or already WIP. Yeah, I'm too old for this sheet...

Out Run Europa
Jet Ski
Jet Ski
Water Traffic
Water Traffic
Road Traffic
Road Traffic

This makes it the 3rd version of the game that I ripped from and the longest in development. The loading screen is from an era when it was also known as Out Run Europe (US Gold's planned sequel to Out Run until Turbo Out Run, was already in the process of changing it to Europa in the leaked screenshots, footage and a 1989 advert). Hence why it has the more Out Run feel compared to the actual game and other loading/title screens in other versions.

Also happens that the C64 version is one of the best versions just on the grounds of frame rate and not having a blocky feel in the controls. It does suffer from palette glitches though and the title theme only sounds correct on models made before June 1987 (there is a hardware fix though that some have made).

Mean Machine

Stick with the Vinnie Jones film, you get more enjoyment than this game...


The handling in this version is pretty bad making it easy to miss powerups. Yeah, sticking with the Genesis version of this classic.

Bburago Rally
Porsche 356B
Porsche 356B
Ferrari 250
Ferrari 250
Ferrari 300
Ferrari 300
BMW 636E / BMW 738G
BMW 636E / BMW 738G
BMW 840-AS
BMW 840-AS
Porsche 190E
Porsche 190E
Porsche 911
Porsche 911

A nice looking Hungarian racing game that's been in the backlog since November 2023. It's one of those where it got a physical release but when it came out in 1995, it would have been pretty hard to find since the commercial life of the C64 had finished. The original version happens to be completely undumped so the only thing around the Internet are either hacked versions that have English translations (there's one common version floating around where someone hacked in the Lotus music select screen) or a partially dumped version that crashes needing Disk B.

Oh and it's not licensed from the actual Bburago company from what I've gathered...

Regarding Pocket Rockets, managed to rip the roadside objects but dropping the bikes. Also did "Brooklyn Plumbers". It might be the last time that I'll ever rip from that series sadly...

Sadly had to drop a fair few games... Tour de France, the layering was doing my head in... Couldn't even rip from the Test Drive games. Battle Valley was also dropped. After exporting the helicopter and tank sprites but yet to resize and crop (like with every game with SpritePad), there were a few notable sprites that are completely missing and not in the savestate at all! The rotor for the helicopter, the bullets and the rope when lifting the girders, might be more... Basket Master was dropped due to assembly issues. Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror was dropped due to what appears in a savestate and what is displayed in game, the sprites don't match! Also Power Drift seems glitchy (loading screen and graphic corruption, reused sprites like when I lost it came up 1st due to someone else using the Jason sprite) and I don't know whether its the tape or it's meant to be like that... Tried a disk copy and it crashed on the opening credits screen, both in PAL and NTSC.


Race 1-4 Car
Race 1-4 Car
Race 5+ Car
Race 5+ Car
Race Girl
Race Girl

Forgotten racing game by Midway that hasn't even appeared in their collections, Spy Hunter 2 uses the same engine [ha!] as this game.

Super Dead Heat

It took exactly 5 years! Literally from when it first got added to MAME. Had to find a palette that had 16 unique colors though due to the black on a black background thing. Also yet another game that I can't play...

I did look into Lupin the Shooting but GD-ROM Explorer couldn't detect the converted GDI. Everywhere uses .chd due to MAME but the downside is that NAOMI/Dreamcast uses GD-ROM format and couldn't find a gdi. As mentioned tried to convert a .chd to .gdi using chdman but it didn't work...

Amstrad CPC

Clearing the backlog...

Motor Massacre

Half driving, half top down shooter with clunky controls and a bit of Gauntlet/Mad Max inspiration. Had been in the backlog for ages. Couldn't rip the enemy cars because they change per city and I really did struggle even with cheats just to get to the arena of City 1.

Simulador Profesional de Tenis

Took 6 and a half years to finish... The game icon was already done back then.

(Oh and in case people are wondering, why doesn't it have a SPN tag on the site? That's because there's an English version of the game that appeared in the Multi Sports collection, said collection had Spanish, English, French and Italian text on the box. The translation does have typos but is understandable. Judging by the DOS version, I think there was suppose to be an English release on its own but by 1992, the Amstrad CPC was nearly done in terms of the commercial era. Plus it could confuse people with the Codemasters game when the title gets translated into English...)

Grand Prix 500 2

Amazing how technology advances compared to the first game. This is a very good looking 8-bit racing game. Not just on the Amstrad but period (only some PC Engine/TurboGrafx and a few arcade racing games look better in terms of 8-bit systems). Framerate is actually decent by Amstrad standards and has good controls too. The only issue being for having good graphics and a decent frame rate, yeah you have a small playing window...

S.T.U.N. Runner

This game hurts my eyes... Also yet another Domark game that feels like a prototype that got released (APB see below, Skull & Crossbones), the weird placement of the map screen being the only place with music, the original UK version even has an unfinished loading screen!

As of writing, it was my 3,333rd sheet on tSR and that would have been enough for me. Sadly there's still some more rips to do...

Star Driver

While a certain game was the last commercial era game, there was a brief time when indies were trying to save the system. Radical Software (not to be confused with the other Radical) were an indie company before the term even existed and yeah, the name is as 90s as you can get... So how do you release games that you self publish in the days before the Internet? Adverts and mail order. Radical Software weren't the only ones doing this, the Spectrum had text adventures where you could mail order.

They didn't last too long, their DOOM styled game never came out and their fighting game was in development hell, apparently 80% coded but only 20% of the graphics were done. Funnily enough some graphics from that game were examples in a paint tool... Literally when Amstrad Action stopped publishing and they gave them massive support during when there were no games at all coming out, it was finished for any interest in the computer (at least for a good long while), their WIP games were destroyed and their finished games ended up in the public domain. So yep, a sprite rip without any moral dilemma.

Also it seems that I cannot play the 1 player mode, the graphic of the car is glitched and it crashes [not that crash] not too far in game with a trippy effect. 2 players fine though.

Xyphoes Fantasy
Level 1 Enemies
Level 1 Enemies
Level 2 Enemies
Level 2 Enemies
Level 3 Enemies
Level 3 Enemies
Black Warrior Aran
Black Warrior Aran

Hey there guys... Wait this isn't the Amstream... and I'm not Xyphoe... 

Anyway... It was fairly impressive at its time to the point where you could say that this was like the Amiga having Shadow of the Beast or the Genesis having the Sonic/Zyrinx games but like Shadow of the Beast, people don't like this one anymore... It's hard to class but called it Action because Level 1 is an action platformer with visual cues from Shadow of the Beast, Level 2 is a shmup on a horse (before Shinobi 3), then it goes to a Barbarian styled fighting level (due to Barbarian was VERY POPULAR at the time especially in the UK, mainly for having model Maria Whittaker on the cover and in France where they still call it one of their favourite games on the Amstrad), Level 3 is similar to 1 but with worse graphics, more linear level design and you can kick. The final boss... Cannot be accessed on the version that I'm playing but apparently you have to collect every item in the game...

Also despite been doing Amstrad sprite rips for about 6 years, I don't think that I ever got mentioned in the community... Don't recall any shout outs on Xyphoe's channel, any mentions on various Amstrad forums or places. Then as soon as I've done Black Warrior Aran (that took a rainy day), it turned out that nearly all the graphics were ripped on CPCPower...

(Yeah, it should be Xyphoe's Fantasy but the developers were French and part of the demoscene so...)

Roadside Objects
Roadside Objects

Been in the backlog as long as Simulador Profesional de Tenis. Actually... This port is quite good considering the hardware. Miles better [ha] controls and graphics than the C64 version, and a better palette than the Genesis version but I imagine that someone can do a color hack for that one because it's a really good port. The main issues being the missing stage select, missing advice and there's some input lag/control response issue. It's not as bad if you control via the keyboard but more noticeable on the joystick option. Also could do being a just little bit faster but this is the Amstrad, it could be worse.

Officer Bob
Officer Bob

This game is so buggy and crash prone, not the funny kind either... How it got high reviews, not from magazines but from the community, I never know... It really is an unfinished game and shouldn't have been released at this state.

It's been in the backlog for over two years despite being almost finished then and a thing to note. In the arcade original, there is clear info on which criminal uses which car and what vehicles aren't used by the criminals. Not in this version! (That's why it took over two years, just gave up...)

Off Shore Warrior

This game strangely enough is connected to the Fire & Forget series and not just Titus worked on the games, the manual even says after the events of Fire & Forget 1, the world got reunited and decided to host a speedboat contest. Also you wonder whether Speedboat Assassin was either inspired or in the case of the Spectrum version planned to be a port of this game. The game is too jerky for me to play...

Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix
Roadside Objects
Roadside Objects

Yet another backlog entry, this time from August 2023. What took so long? Those tiny graphics of the cars and signs while nearly everything else was ripped back then. This is the earlier Nigel Mansell game, not the other one. I've ripped more from the moustached driver than the moustached plumber. Tongue

Part 1 Enemies
Part 1 Enemies
Part 2 Enemies
Part 2 Enemies
Bartender Boss
Bartender Boss
Mariachi Band
Mariachi Band

More stereotypes! Even though the game uses Mode 1, both styles of game have a different graphical style. Also EVERYTHING is trying to kill you meaning that I can't get much further than the start on either part. It meant that I ended up watching a longplay video just to make sure, it's why it got updated, thought one sprite but turned out to be something else.

This was taking waaaaaaaaaay longer than it should, all down to Gonzzalezz's hammock. The missing foot on him was driving me crazy and managed to find it, the graphics were mixed in with the playing screen that appears to be garbage in the graphics viewer. Sadly I couldn't find the Native American Chief NPC where you could have a peaceful smoke...

Mundial de Fútbol

Operation Thunderbolt

Finally... One very lesser known fact about the game. No, not because the GX4000 version has a different palette that's too dark to see anything or that it actually got a proper dev cycle compared to the rushed out in 12 days C64 version but rather there IS indeed a cursor in this game. Taito in their short sightedness decided to make the cursor a POWER UP in the arcade original, this affected nearly all conversations (the SNES version is a different game). Meaning Ocean had to add dust graphics to show roughly where you shot. Andrew Deakin had secretly made the cursor a 4 pixel line but because TV and monitor resolutions/clarity were rather poor in the late 1980s, you couldn't see clearly and one Amstrad Action review gave the game 20%. It's only playing via emulation that you can see it and automatically this makes the game a touch easier. A touch because it's still very hard even if you slowdown the game just because of the amount of enemies on screen.

By the way, had to use a level skip cheat in this game and made a savestate so it only uses Disk 2 rather than swapping disks after the loading screen. Also because I cannot complete Mission 8 with speed set at 10%, it means one of the boundaries may not be correct on two graphics so I used best judgment on the enemy throwing. It's only one blank line...

Operation Wolf
Cursor & Powerups
Cursor & Powerups

Finally... Just took too long in the backlog... I think this version is either based on a bootleg or a machine with faulty copy protection rather than a Taito original since it's missing the boss and hostage at Stage 2 plus "The Enemy Has Located You!" stages, those that were also missing in MAME until the copy protection chip got emulated. Said machine must have also had a glitch where if you take out the enemies, it takes AGES for a helicopter or a tank to show up. A couple of graphics were also glitched in the graphics viewer and had to verify in game.

Probably in my younger days, would have ripped the arcade originals of Wolf and Thunderbolt.

VMAX Twin Turbo Interceptor
VMAX Twin Turbo Interceptor

Found a complete sheet while uploading various loading screens.

Game Over 2 / Phantis
Major Locke
Major Locke
Commander Serena (SPN)
Commander Serena (SPN)
Part 1 Enemies
Part 1 Enemies
Part 2 Enemies
Part 2 Enemies

Technically my final CPC game to rip from. Also a case of regional differences. In the Spanish original, you play as Commander Serena. Outside of Spain because it's too much playing as large breasted woman, got completely changed to the armoured Major Locke (made you look?). Apparently the original got too much for Spain too since later releases that came out got Locke too. Apart from that, the loading screen and the name, the rest is the same or is it? Nope, since Locke and Serena are different in size they have different hit boxes and Serena waves at you at the Phantis title screen. Phantis also has an extra enemy too.

Grange Hill

The adventure game where EVERYTHING is literally trying to kill you from parents to paving stones. Very cynical and while it was before I existed, the actual TV show wasn't this cynical just a typical drama really (but got praise at the time for being a bit more mature themed than the usual children's TV, now it's mainly a drama just in a school setting like sooooo many TV shows and anime, definitely not for me just by the setting alone)...

I know what you're thinking, this was ripped after Game Over 2 right? Technically there was a font rip done a couple of years ago and the loading screen was taken then.

Daley Thompson's Super-Test
Pistol Shoot
Pistol Shoot
Ski Jump
Ski Jump
Tug o' War
Tug o' War

Wanted to finish this one off by any means. Since many of the graphics in particular the backgrounds aren't in the graphics viewer and improvised.



Horrible controls to put it very lightly, unplayable is what I would use... Adventure controls do not work in this style of game... Only reason why it even got ripped outside that it was in the backlog was simply because the original game on the Amiga/Atari ST was done by Psygnosis.

Return of the Jedi and Pub Games also got ripped as well, the former about 6 years and the other just over a year in terms of backlog. The Billiards game from Pub Games had to be abandoned though as a fair amount of graphics are missing (the cue, the table, text, strength bar) and can't exactly cheat. Some were unlucky... Was doing Hunchback 2 but it's coded pretty badly, it needs to be run on a 464 otherwise the tape doesn't seem to load claiming files are missing... Meaning that it wouldn't work on any of the disk drive computers but... it was later released on disk as part of the 6128 pack. Even if it could load, it's hard getting the right boundaries as the game is far too glitchy. The only reason why was apparently Spectrum legend "Joffa Smiff" worked on the game. The other being Iron Trackers, it needed the smallest sprites and the crashing of the quad to rip and wanted to finish this off from last year but... the game is broken on emulation and tried two different emulators (one the screen was broke and the controls refused to work in both). So that had to be scrapped. Various other games had to be scrapped too (Vindicator, Street Gang, Infernal Runner that was done by the Another World dev, The Games: Summer Edition, Arachnophobia, Golden Basket).

Just one certain game now and that's it for me!

World Championship Soccer 2

Remember when I said about LOW expectations? Yeah, it's a sports game and this one was done by Sensible Software, meaning yes this game is connected to Sensible Soccer but you can't tell by the graphics. Probably the only football game where the players look like Ian McShane just like the C64 Match Day where they all look like Daley Thompson.

Game Boy
Top Gear Pocket / Rally
Type-40 (Ferrari F40)
Type-40 (Ferrari F40)
Type-CE (Toyota Celica)
Type-CE (Toyota Celica)
Type-ES (Ford Escort)
Type-ES (Ford Escort)
Type-IB (SEAT Ibiza)
Type-IB (SEAT Ibiza)
Type-IP (Subaru Impreza)
Type-IP (Subaru Impreza)
Type-LD (Lancia Delta)
Type-LD (Lancia Delta)
Type-LS (Lancia Stratos)
Type-LS (Lancia Stratos)
Type-LE (Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V)
Type-LE (Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V)
Type-MN (Mini Cooper)
Type-MN (Mini Cooper)
Type-PG (Peugeot 306 Maxi)
Type-PG (Peugeot 306 Maxi)
Type-PU (Pickup Truck)
Type-PU (Pickup Truck)
Type-VP (Dodge Viper)
Type-VP (Dodge Viper)

While others have ripped from the game before, they didn't realise that the cars have two layers due to palette limitations. So sorry Quirby64 and HeavyShell for re-ripping your sheets... At least all 15 cars have been ripped, plus their "real names" and some kind person also identified Type AR too...

Top Gear Pocket / Rally 2
Type-FO (Ford Focus)
Type-FO (Ford Focus)

Unlike the original, this takes far longer mainly due to the layering isn't as easy with the alignment and finding the palette of the CPU cars. Sadly didn't have time to do all 17 cars.

Chase H.Q.
Porsche 928
Porsche 928
Ralph the Car Thief / Tyrone the Wanted Criminal
Ralph the Car Thief / Tyrone the Wanted Criminal
Carlos the Jewel Thief
Carlos the Jewel Thief
Andrew the Industrial Spy
Andrew the Industrial Spy
Antonio the Foreign Terrorist
Antonio the Foreign Terrorist

This is just like RoadBlasters/Max Torque on the C64 with better handling, at least it was a fairly quick and easy rip. Plus there are all sorts of goof ups regarding the enemy cars. Stage 1 when you arrest Ralph, it shows Carlos' sprites. On Stage 2, Nancy shows Antonio's car rather than Carlos, then when it comes to arresting, it's Ralph's sprites! Then on top of that, Nancy says arrest Andrew but you already arrested Carlos... Oh geez... Due to the confusion, just call the enemy that appears in game.

In terms of versions, outside of the arcade original only the FM Towns is on par regarding ports and think the Saturn version was okay. Spectrum and Amstrad versions come close for their system limitations. Every other version though... PC Engine/TurboGrafx has dodgy collision detection and the usual go to port of the Sharp X68000 is instead apparently a fan made "amateur" clone that got turned into an official port, the rest are even worse including this version. Honestly, have played more on Special Criminal Investigation...

I did look into the FM Towns version but just found glitchy backgrounds.

Chase H.Q. Secret Police
Stage 01 Boss
Stage 01 Boss
Stage 02 Boss
Stage 02 Boss
Stage 03 Boss
Stage 03 Boss
Stage 04 Boss
Stage 04 Boss
Stage 05 Boss
Stage 05 Boss
Stage 06 Boss
Stage 06 Boss
Stage 07 Boss
Stage 07 Boss
Stage 08 Boss
Stage 08 Boss
Stage 09 Boss
Stage 09 Boss
Stage 10 Boss
Stage 10 Boss

This was the game that nearly killed the series and killed it on consoles. While the series was on a decline compared to the height of the first two games, ports aside was still decent. Having side scrolling action platformer and quiz spin offs were fine. A game where you spend much of the time controlling a basic crudely drawn map isn't. It's a game that sounds nice as an idea regarding a strategy based racing game but the execution sadly isn't and has poor collision detection too. Even a recoloured version of Super Chase H.Q. would have been a better option (the only decent one of the 3 Game Boy games).

About a 1/3 of the ROM but less in the European version is also blank space. The EUR ROM containing a language select that ISN'T used! Offset 0F5020 if anyone is interested. Also due to the game using the link cable, I cannot verify the palette on the small playable characters. Tried mGBA but it crashes.

Re-Volt (Prototype)
Bertha Ballistic
Bertha Ballistic
Candy Pebbles
Candy Pebbles
Col. Moss
Col. Moss
Dr. Grudge
Dr. Grudge
Dust Mite
Dust Mite
Evil Weasel
Evil Weasel
Genghis Kar
Genghis Kar
Panga Touring
Panga Touring
Phat Slug
Phat Slug
RC Bandit
RC Bandit
RC San
RC San
Sprinter XL
Sprinter XL
Volken Turbo
Volken Turbo

A prototype that is barely functional. As in graphically, it's getting there but gameplay wise it had only just begun as the powerups don't collect and you're always at 4th place. It seems that fans for this game are REALLY dedicated since they were the ones who identified that Race Time uses some graphics and code from this game (how? That game had compression while the graphics are uncompressed in this game), on top of that identified which car is which as a few of them in game have the same name and one swapped the names around.

I've also included the Game Boy palette because it still technically runs but is visually glitchy regarding the backdrops. I'll imagine that had it come out, a GBC only message would have popped up.

Super Chase H.Q.
Porsche 928
Porsche 928

There, all 3 games.

Lamborghini American Challenge
Lamborghini Diablo
Lamborghini Diablo
Traffic / Police
Traffic / Police

Roadsters Trophy
Clandestine Sports Car
Clandestine Sports Car
Traffic / Police
Traffic / Police

Now its colorized version/sequel of the above and was in the backlog for 2 years. Much of the sprites are the same but there were some changes though (Diablo, portraits, map). Still it's better than what Titus did consider with Digital Eclipse doing a top down racer...

Did a bit of V-Rally but don't like tile aligning. With games like this and especially San Francisco Rush, you can see why back in the early days people didn't bother with sprite boundary boxes. Also looked into various racing games in the past. Formula One 2000 is WIP, taking longer than it should. F1 Championship Season 2000 has compression issues. Nigel Mansell's World Championship (yet another version of this game) doesn't have any sprites in the ROM hinting it might be framebuffered, there are maps in 1bpp mode though. Jeep Jamboree uses the same engine as Nigel Mansell. So yeah, a racing game left for me on the GB/GBC plus maybe more from TGR 2.

City Connection
Gameplay Sprites
Gameplay Sprites

The Spectrum version is definitely better and probably the NES version too... This is really cut down... Only 6 stages, barely any sprites and missing features/gameplay mechanics. Plus really bad sound... It also shows one of the weaknesses of the MSX, due to that its harder to do scrolling a lot of games just change the screen when you get to the border or make it one screen. There are scrolling games on the MSX but usually they are vertical as it is easier to do (only the MSX2+/Turbo R has the hardware capabilities for a horizontal scroll without resorting to tricks, even then only a very few games supported this e.g. Space Manbow, Laydock 2).

There are a few sprites that I don't know whether they're used, checking the arcade original they are but not on the longplay video of this version.

All I can say, the plans have really cut back now...

Do have one question though... What do you do if a sprite or an image is natively a jpg file?
Thanked by:
Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch...

Counter Run
Player Car
Player Car

A Sega published game that can be ripped via MAME yet the game itself doesn't work due to unemulated protection. The only working version is a bootleg (but it was ripped from an original). The game itself is like Head On but two of the enemies are F1 cars (Williams and McLaren).

Lethal Crash Race
Police Car
Police Car

Drift Out
Lancha Deleta
Lancha Deleta
Masda Familio
Masda Familio
Mitsuboshi Galent
Mitsuboshi Galent
Toyata Celca
Toyata Celca
Fard Siara
Fard Siara
Subaro Legagy
Subaro Legagy

(tries to play game, felt disoriented/sick by the rotating and sort of seizury) Ohh... This is no good for my health... Only plus, it was quite an easy rip. The BWM had to recolour since the palette was not exported over and the Subaro isn't with the other cars (late addition?).

F-1 Grand Prix

One of those where it starts off simple but when you get further along, not as simple as it looks... This one reuses tiles and the tyre/edge sprites are only for the Ferrari so you basically have to rip twice for the other teams. Oh and this one does a bit of a Street Fighter where the second driver is like a head swap but not very cleanly done compared to say Ryu and Ken. There is also the fact that you can only play 6 teams with the rest being CPU only... By comparison, the SNES version is really cut down on its animation.

The portraits rip was done 6 years ago but the rest of the rips were done recently. I don't know whether the cars were considered back then. Then again just prefer the two N64 F1 World Grand Prix games, was actually disappointed playing the SNES version a long time ago along with the banana skin slippery PS1 version.

Alex Kidd also got a well needed re-rip.

Some bad news, quite a lot had to be dropped. Cute Fighter has in game flashes so only a partial rip of Typhoon was done, the backgrounds are also incomplete due to missing some background elements/floor in the tilemap viewer. Also tried Tail to Nose (prequel to F-1 Grand Prix) but all that could output was black when MAME gfxsave is used as only the first 24 palette entries get ripped. From the looks of things Final Lap would have to be (re)-dropped again.

Amstrad CPC
Outside of re-rips, loading screens, another version of a game and one sheet regarding Livingstone that has really outdated stereotypes, it's just these:


Might as well finish it off after re-ripping the commando.

Grand Prix
Grand Prix

Titus' take on Pac-Man, Monaco GP, Pengo and Nibbler.

Chase H.Q.

Fitting how the ending is technically my final proper Amstrad rip.

Nigel Mansell's World Championship
Driver (128K Disk)
Driver (128K Disk)
Driver (64K Tape)
Driver (64K Tape)
Rival (128K Disk)
Rival (128K Disk)
Rival (64K Tape)
Rival (64K Tape)

No more Amstrad CPC rips... This was the final commercial era retail game on the computer, anything after this is more or less indie or homebrew.

Interestingly the 64k tape version has different cutdown graphics than the 128k disk version. They are even stored differently (disk version is Mode 1 meaning 4 colours while tape version is Mode 2 aka Spectrum format) meaning Gremlin really went pardon the pun the extra mile for its last game. Since the tape was 64k, I wonder if a 48k Spectrum version was even considered (bearing in mind the Amstrad CPC takes up more memory on the screen size than the Spectrum even for Speccy ports) but scrapped due to development issues mainly lack of memory.

Atari ST
Peter Beardsley's International Football

Sadly the only Atari ST game that I managed to rip from that wasn't a loading screen. Didn't get far in terms of Super Hang-On (THE one that I wanted to rip from), Out Run, Super Monaco GP has compression and some bitplane confusion on Enduro Racer.

Monaco GP
Gameplay Sprites
Gameplay Sprites

Finally finished this classic and it took 5 years. Had this one on a multi-cart when I had my Game Gear where it was full of SG-1000 and early Master System games, oh and Sonic Triple Trouble and Mortal Kombat II.

Mega Drive Family
Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars

Another that's been in the backlog for two years and really... This game is more forgotten than it should be. Sure NHL 94 will always be the go-to hockey game with NHL 96 being second but this is basically arcade hockey and you can make it turn into a fighting game. It might not have the powerups like other arcade sports games but give it a try.

Joe Montana Football

Mario Andretti Racing
Indy Car
Indy Car
Stock Car
Stock Car

The IndyCar was the final rip of 2024 and the Stock Car was the first in 2025.

The Duel: Test Drive II
Porsche 959
Porsche 959
Ferrari F40
Ferrari F40
Lamborghini Diablo
Lamborghini Diablo

Quad Challenge

Dynamic Country Club (JPN)

An obscure port of an obscure golf game.

Virtua Racing Deluxe (32X)


Star Wars (Prototype)
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Han Solo

Also ripped from Sega Classics Arcade Collection (the data for Super Monaco GP IS actually included in the earlier 4 in 1 that the US and Japan got but is unused), Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, Space Harrier (32X), T-MEK (32X) and F1 Super License (ugh).

There is a big rip coming and will be a surprise, the only hints are that it was the kind of rip that I used to do for the console and one that has good reception.

Also did look into the recent City Connection port but the ROM is a bit messy with some light compression on some graphics, backgrounds are easy to do via BizHawk if anyone wants to give it a go. Not ripping it through due to respects of the developer plus it's a really good arcade port made with passion, best non-emulated version. Something seems slightly off with the controls but on the other hand, the music is better than the arcade original with a few abrasive instruments being replaced by smoother ones.

Pang Returns

Nicky Hayden GP

American Racing / Scott Dixon Racing

Fisichella Motor Sport
Player Car
Player Car

David Coulthard GP
Player Car
Player Car

Williams F1 Team Challenge
Player Car
Player Car

Subaru Rally Challenge
Subaru Impreza (128x128)
Subaru Impreza (128x128)
Subaru Impreza
Subaru Impreza

Team Vodafone Racing

Lotus Challenge: City Racing
Lotus Elise mk1
Lotus Elise mk1

Chase HQ
Porsche 928
Porsche 928

Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf (J2ME)
Pebble Beach
Pebble Beach

World Rally Championship (2D)
Citroën Total WRT
Citroën Total WRT
Subaru WRT
Subaru WRT
Munchi's Ford WRT
Munchi's Ford WRT
Stobart VK M-Sport Ford WRT
Stobart VK M-Sport Ford WRT
OMV-Kronos Citroën / Skoda
OMV-Kronos Citroën / Skoda
Ghost Car
Ghost Car

I don't know why but I have a feeling that the developers used GraphicsGale as the transparency on the cars had no problem unlike 99% of my rips. On most of the cars, the spacing is slightly expanded compared to the originals for a bit of breathing space. Also weird how internally one of the cars say Skoda yet say OMV-Kronos Citroën in game...

High Performance Car
High Performance Car
Hot Hatch
Hot Hatch
Speed Coupe
Speed Coupe
Sports Saloon
Sports Saloon
Turbo Tourer
Turbo Tourer

Colin McRae Rally 2005
Subaru Impreza
Subaru Impreza
Subaru Impreza (208x208)
Subaru Impreza (208x208)

MotoGP 3
Valentino Rossi
Valentino Rossi
Valentino Rossi (128x128)
Valentino Rossi (128x128)
Alex Barros (128x128)
Alex Barros (128x128)
Alex Hofmann (128x128)
Alex Hofmann (128x128)
Makoto Tamada (128x128)
Makoto Tamada (128x128)
Neil Hodgson (128x128)
Neil Hodgson (128x128)
Sete Gibernau / Colin Edwards (128x128)
Sete Gibernau / Colin Edwards (128x128)
Troy Bayliss (128x128)
Troy Bayliss (128x128)
Rivals (128x128)
Rivals (128x128)

Sega Rally (2D)
Peugeot 207 Super 2000
Peugeot 207 Super 2000
Grande Punto Rally
Grande Punto Rally

The Italian Job
Mini Cooper
Mini Cooper

Carlos Sainz Rally

This was developed by Zigurat, they did the Amstrad Carlos Sainz Rally and the World Rally games. Sadly controls aren't great and the 128x128 version suffers from broken transparency in terms of the car sprite.

Midtown Madness 3 Mobile (2D)
Majestic 12
Majestic 12
Mini Cooper
Mini Cooper

Tileset (208x208)
Tileset (208x208)

For some reason the 208x208 version has the sprites inside a .res file while the other versions had it out in the open.

Autobahn Raser / A2 Racer: World Challenge
Backgrounds (Low Resolution)
Backgrounds (Low Resolution)

Blooming Davilex! For those who don't know, they were a Dutch company infamously releasing the same game or at least the same engine under a different name as a form of "localisation", then eventually some licensed games based on those games and by the end an uncredited Polish studio ended up making games for them until about late 2005. It wasn't too bad on the mobile side (even then I don't know if London Racer: World Challenge did get a release, do know A2 Racer: World Challenge [Dutch but weirdly in Czech] and Autobahn Raser: World Challenge [German/English] exist) but is pretty bad on PC, PS1 and PS2. The mysteries of life on how they got popular in the early 2000s. London Racer sold really well, even I had a copy of that. Autobahn Raser even got a film and yes... that got a game adaptation too... I'm surprised that it took this long for tSR to have anything from the company.

(Also yes, low resolution really is that low.)

Victory Lap!!!

Sadly the game is glitched only loading half a map plus error messages popping up. Probably emulation/incompatibility issues.

To cut it really short, uploaded a couple of old rips during the time when I left tSR for Sprite Database* and mostly racing rips.

Regarding mobile ripping, both 7 years ago and now, tend to go for the highest resolution version that's out there. Usually the Sony Ericsson K800i if a certain model and usually 240x320 if available, Sony Xperia X1 in the case of Tiger Woods 2009 but have ripped from lower res too. It doesn't apply to Chase H.Q. or Lotus Challenge: City Racing as they were made early on even though weirdly Chase H.Q. can run at a higher resolution in game but looks funny and makes the game much easier, Tiger Woods [02] even runs at a VERY LOW resolution of 96x65 as it was for the earliest colour Nokia phones and is also the most basic in the ENTIRE series. Grand Prix Formula is the same. WRC 2D goes as far as 208x208 but that might be because of the 3D version for the more powerful phones and later games were in 3D. Unless there's an unknown 240x320 version that got made...

Not every game had assets out in the open... Williams F1 Team Challenge and Subaru Rally Challenge where the developers changed the engine [ha] compared to the other TraceBit games stuck everything in .lib files and had to use DragonUnPacker. Lotus Challenge: City Racing, Chase HQ, Colin McRae Rally 2005, MotoGP 3, Sega Rally and Carlos Sainz cannot be extracted from files but got them from Memory View, same for the holes in Tiger Woods. For Lotus even have to play the game to unlock the cars (that for 2003 J2ME standards is a lot) but cannot unlock anymore... I couldn't get the 128x128 version of Colin McRae to extract as it always crashes on Memory View... Plus couldn't get the rival cars at Sega Rally as only your car shows up in the Memory View and Autobahn Raser couldn't run at all saying Incompatible Model in French... Tiger Woods 09 also wouldn't run as it was too advanced for the emulators.

Oh and back then some games really cram all the sprites into one sheet but in such an illogical way that you still have to assemble/arrange them. So for Autobahn Raser, Pang Returns, Williams F1 Team Challenge and a few others, it's not 1:1 in terms of the raw files but... it is far more easier to read and easier to use.

One funny thing to point out was that MotoGP 3 was broken for me where you can only play a second or two then it finishes.

*- The only reason why I stopped was down to the start of the health issues otherwise would have continued doing both. Also finding an image host that's not imgur is also hard work.

Miami Chase

Turbo Charge is the last biggie but have doubts that it'll be done. Grand Prix Circuit should be done soon.

Dizzy Down the Rapids

Started ripping the Amstrad version but then realised that it was a bad Spectrum port so scrapped what little was done and started again. Both versions have the same graphics anyway so if you want the Amstrad experience, just use the ones that's assembled but not layered.

Nigel Mansell's World Championship

Before there was Operation Rainfall, there was Nigel Mansell. Yep, the moustached driver strikes again!* What happened was that the Spectrum market was dying and publishers were pulling out if they hadn't already collapsed, Ocean and US Gold as the big two already went by 1992 to focus elsewhere leaving a few companies and indies left, even Codemasters left by 1993.

Your Sinclair contacted publishers for any interest and launched a campaign like Operation Rainfall for this game where if you wanted interest you sign a form and send it in. The other game that they wanted to get James Pond 2: Codename Robocod, US Gold just wasn't interested as they lied saying that it was the developers themselves but didn't stop US Gold commissioning Master System/Game Gear ports from Tiertex. Apparently something similar was done for the Amstrad version where people wrote to Amstrad Action but have a hunch that it might be just for the UK market due to getting a French release. Due to the success, it ended up being the penultimate full price commercial game from a publisher on the Spectrum. All it is missing were C64 (was in development), Master System and Game Gear versions for it to be on EVERYTHING at the time.

*-Tempted to see a Mario hack or a RPG with Nigel Mansell.

The rest of the Spectrum rips (Video Olimpic, Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan, Galaxian, Angel Nieto Pole 500, Overlander, Super Hang-On and yes... the surprise... Street Fighter II) sadly are dropped. Street Fighter II requires both a .TAP version and TileGGD to rip from as I believe it runs off a framebuffer in game, considering health and life it would take about 5 years to finish. Only Ken's movements, victory and hadoken were done.

Formula One 06
Circuit Select (EUR)
Circuit Select (EUR)
Circuit Select (JPN)
Circuit Select (JPN)
Driver Select
Driver Select

I'm surprised that the JP version changed a bit and not just changing it to Japanese with Truth (aka JPN F1 theme) playing. Also the original European version has a bug regarding the hidden Jerez track.

In terms of the PSP also ripped from Colin McRae Rally 2005 plus, Test Drive Unlimited, Midway Arcade Treasures and two of my old favourites Burnout Legends and OutRun 2006. TDU even included the smaller icon from the files. Since I didn't get an answer of what to do if a file is a jpg, at least in this case included it as part of the sheet but the others, still don't know what to do.

This is going to sound weird considering all these years ripping but a majority of my childhood and much of my gaming life, I played more 3D games than 2D. Plus again a lot of the games that I ripped was either before I existed, was just too young (Genesis was my first console yet literally at its final years but moved to the PS1 and N64 pretty quickly) or not in the ecosystem. This would have been a sample of what was eventually going to be shifted towards had life been different and was well enough. The five years ripping Amstrad games and heavily declining skills really did knock any chance of that happening.

A long time ago did think about ripping the likes of TOCA (the menu with the cars especially), even Gran Turismo. I believe that I did experiment ripping textures from Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit but it might have been a few menu rips around the same time that I did FIFA 2000 (before tTR existed), also experimented ripping World Racing on the GameCube.

Game Boy
NASCAR Challenge

Turns out that Morning Star hacked Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge like Rocket Games hacked Sensible Soccer and Tip Off, except the latter was an unlicensed company and not from a licensed publisher/developer. Says something when only "Color Programming" is credited removing the original credits and disgusting that Hasbro and Morning Star could do that. The ROM has a lot of empty space too.

Le Mans 24 Hours
Marcos Mantara LM600 GT2
Marcos Mantara LM600 GT2
Konrad Motorsport GT2
Konrad Motorsport GT2
GTC Competition GT1
GTC Competition GT1
Panoz Esperante GT1
Panoz Esperante GT1

There's just one pose that cannot seem to trigger in game. Some cars aren't affected since they fitted into the tiles neatly but others... Yeesh... Cannot rip anymore as two of the cars need to be unlocked to use the pits however there are no cheats or saves for the game at all.

Motocross Maniacs

After Kikstart but before Trials in terms of the genre.

Super Kick Off

F1 Pole Position

Yeah... That's pretty much close to it for me on the Game Boy outside of any re-rips and maybe a couple of sports games. Formula One 2000 (Sony, yep!) may be dropped like how Hollywood Pinball was dropped...

Game Gear
Super Golf
Iron Lewis
Iron Lewis
Cindy Thomson
Cindy Thomson
Olympus Alexander
Olympus Alexander
Patty Austin
Patty Austin

Sadly couldn't find the Japanese names of the golfers as finding Japanese Game Gear manuals that aren't Sonic are pretty much non existent online and nothing on the wikis.

Fred Couples Golf
Golfer 1
Golfer 1
Golfer 2
Golfer 2
Golfer 3
Golfer 3
Golfer 4 (Fred Couples)
Golfer 4 (Fred Couples)

The golfers are actually background graphics, technically the only sprites are ball related. Oh and Allgame doesn't know what they are talking about. The 4th golfer is Fred Couples (why else would there be a player with an all 3 star rating?) and one of the caddies is also him, so you can have two lots of Fred Couples in a round of golf.

Championship Hockey

Believe it or not this is actually a port of EA Hockey aka the alternative version of NHL Hockey. Also a very poor version of it too, same for the Master System version as well.

Madden NFL '95

Super Drift Out
Subaru Vivio
Subaru Vivio
Australia Leg 1
Australia Leg 1
Australia Leg 2
Australia Leg 2
Swedish Rally Leg 1
Swedish Rally Leg 1
Swedish Rally Leg 2
Swedish Rally Leg 2
Swedish Rally SSS
Swedish Rally SSS
Safari Rally Leg 1
Safari Rally Leg 1
Safari Rally Leg 2
Safari Rally Leg 2
RAC Rally Leg 1
RAC Rally Leg 1
RAC Rally Leg 2
RAC Rally Leg 2
Tour de Corse Leg 1
Tour de Corse Leg 1
Tour de Corse Leg 2
Tour de Corse Leg 2
Tour de Corse SSS
Tour de Corse SSS
Acropolis Leg 1
Acropolis Leg 1
Acropolis Leg 2
Acropolis Leg 2
1000 Lakes Leg 1
1000 Lakes Leg 1
1000 Lakes Leg 2
1000 Lakes Leg 2
1000 Lakes SSS
1000 Lakes SSS

The first four courses used Time Attack as I'm unable to complete a lap within the given time in the main mode. The rest had to resort to using a debug mode cheat. Interestingly the first one in game (Australia) was actually the 5th. The original order went RAC, Swedish, Safari, Tour de Corse (Corsica), Australia, Acropolis, 1000 Lakes, Monte Carlo and the 3 SSS courses. This was an unplanned rip too and sadly... no... no plans to rip the World Rally inspired Drift Out 94 or Neo Drift Out...

Exhaust Heat
Player Car
Player Car
A. Seth (McLaren)
A. Seth (McLaren)
N. Manson (Williams)
N. Manson (Williams)
A. Proteus (Ferrari)
A. Proteus (Ferrari)
N. Pious (Benetton)
N. Pious (Benetton)
S. Nakada (Tyrrell)
S. Nakada (Tyrrell)
A. Chester (Jordan)
A. Chester (Jordan)
I. Capys (Leyton)
I. Capys (Leyton)

Been in the backlog for nearly 3 years as it was a case of starting but was too ill to continue at the time. What was done was re-ripped with bsnes-rawpalettes and the rivals were ripped during a night.

There was also a SNES game that got ripped but cannot say on the grounds on the unusually strict copyright notice that would make certain companies blush.

My plans have been changed yet again to the point where I don't know what rips will be here next... There were quite a fair few dropped ones (including The Castle of Cagliostro, even the almost complete Clarisse rip might not be right as the palette was guessed and unable to play the game to reach her). As you could guess, I'm not technological competent and literally codeblind. Any programming, scripts, decompiling or anything like that is too complicated, even GameMaker is gibberish to me.
Thanked by:
Aw, was hoping for a Neo Drift Out rip. But maybe we could have rips from the other Neo Geo racers?
[Image: lhjFt57.gif][Image: sX7JK6W.gif][Image: 4BB3IOO.gif][Image: qHY3ZCP.gif][Image: oCiv6RT.gif][Image: RNSMdiR.gif][Image: gx5wm3G.gif][Image: ld7rSgS.gif]
Thanked by:
I did look at Thrash Rally, looked doable but didn't get far. Didn't get to look at SNK's Super Hang-On Riding Hero or Over Top, the latter probably would have been tricky...

The Final Countdown... The Last Chance Saloon... (in case people wondered why my thread has that name) Outside of really basic rips and a few re-rips, these are some of my last rips. Due to life, it ended up going out on a whimper...

Lupin the Third: Shijou Saidai no Zunousen
Enemy 1
Enemy 1
Enemy 2
Enemy 2

More Lupin! Just to finish it off in terms of what I can do.

Ferrari Challenge
Challenge Cards
Challenge Cards

Played this one back in the day. Usually I don't really do zips but because of the design (60 cards, backgrounds and menu elements for the mode, all in vertical [TATE!] mode as it is played by rotating your DS), it would be hard to sheet. At least I cropped the empty space that Tinkle exports the sprites as it always assumes to be 512x256. Would have done the Frontend too except it is missing palettes for 3 files (practice_top, records_top, versus_top) and none of the other palettes fit. Another game further down will also be zipped, again by the design.

Super Monaco GP

Took 6 years to upload the sheet, just forgot about it. I think this was done around the same time that I did the TCRF article on the game.

At this point any rips that were finishing off or were doing were done at an extremely bad and really upsetting time...  Very Sad Cry

Mega Drive Family
Street Racer
Surf Sister
Surf Sister

Didn't realise that this had no rips. Back then this was compared to Mario Kart but... it feels like taking a bit of inspiration from Power Drift too especially with Biff being the "Jason" and a bit of Road Rash for hitting the players.

Two things to note technically. 1: Frank's sprites are all over the place in the ROM compared to the other characters so it took longer (even though Biff and Sumo mixed a bit). 2: Had to re-rip four drivers due to duplicated palettes for the tyres causing a lost gradient wasting three full days of progress, made worse Hodja, Surf and Suzulu were virtually complete... Thankfully YY-CHR saves via palette index bmp and not all sprites were affected so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

ESPN SpeedWorld
New Jersey
New Jersey
New York
New York
North Carolina
North Carolina
South Carolina
South Carolina

Summed up as NASCAR at home. This is more closer to Days of Thunder than Daytona in terms of stock car racing game quality and the game feels like an elastic band, not to be confused with rubberbanding (where the CPU are close to you). Sony Imagesoft were known for publishing crap (with a few exceptions) and probably the best thing for them was to reinvent themselves as SCEA that conveniently got the dev team from this to make some better games, I think this was the final game before the changeover. While not being from the US, apparently ESPN Extreme Games and NFL Game Day were big hitters on the early days of the PS1 yet don't remember them. Ridge Racer, Tekken, WipEout, Formula 1 were the early big hits from what I can remember instead. Any sports games were like ISS Pro, Actua Soccer, Actua Golf or PGA Tour 96 or something...

The best part of the game really are the menus especially the "Jerry Punch" screen even though it does fail in terms of highlighting options otherwise you'll think that there are only 3 tracks and no option to change your car colour.

Also how strange that this version has the ESPN name, Sony and Sega heavily featured throughout the game but the SNES version, the one that was promoted cut back on this. The box even had SNES screenshots!

Fastest 1
American GP
American GP
Australian GP
Australian GP
Belgian GP
Belgian GP
Brazilian GP
Brazilian GP
British GP
British GP
Canadian GP
Canadian GP
French GP
French GP
German GP
German GP
Hungarian GP
Hungarian GP
Italian GP
Italian GP
Japanese GP
Japanese GP
Mexican GP
Mexican GP
Monaco GP
Monaco GP
Portuguese GP
Portuguese GP
San Marino GP
San Marino GP
Spanish GP
Spanish GP

Both this and the original PC Engine version F1 Triple Battle make their consoles feel weak with its 64p gameplay screen size. At least Human learned their lesson for the F1 Pole Position/Human Grand Prix series.

Was going to do the PC Engine version however BizHawk has cut off 28 pixels horizontally in terms of the Background Viewer, this also means that I couldn't rip Road Spirits backgrounds either...

Joe Montana Football

Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Prototype)
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones

I know what you're thinking... Huh? I can't find this game on any gaming website... Well this is one of those ROMs that have been lurking on the Internet for a very long time and one that most people ignore... A case of a rarity from Wikipedia linking the subject by accident. This game was featured in Mega Play magazine, Issue 11/August 1992 issue and it might actually be the same build as it does match up to this prototype. That same issue also has the Auto Demo of Sonic 2 Game Gear, a mockup screenshot of Emerald Hill Sonic 2 Genesis, an earlier version of Streets of Rage 2 with a different title screen (after the earliest prototype but before the Japanese/PAL final), the cancelled B-Bomb, some differences with the Genesis version of Batman Returns and some cancelled Sega CD titles.

This game eventually became Instruments of Chaos nearly 2 years later, a long time for gaming development back then and the game was almost completely revamped with only a small amount of graphics mostly the tilesets, the idea of Indy going to India and basic gameplay mechanics that got kept. Indy, the enemies, most of the background got completely changed plus adding a gun. Also unlike the above, it has compression meaning that it cannot be ripped and since it's a really bad licensed game with high difficulty to boot...

Road Trip: Shifting Gears / Gadget Racers

Started this nearly 3 years ago but forgot until now... For some reason after pausing and repausing, the game slows down to a crawl in game to 20fps even when resetting. Whether it's a bug in mGBA or a memory leak in the code, I don't know...

Game Gear
Power Drive
Mini Cooper
Mini Cooper

This version seemed unfinished especially the sound and it's no surprise that it's a pretty rare game, was one of last commercial Game Gear games to get dumped. Like on practise mode you can only play as the red Mini. Not for the flickering HUD though, that's a technical trick as Super Monaco GP 2 does the same with the menus. Also due to the view and controls, it's very hard.

Auf Wiedersehen Monty
Monty Mole
Monty Mole

Surprise that I had this. Going through my dying laptop, found a folder called SD Card Backup from 2018 and there were some files. One of them was some charset graphics from this game as there were a few C16 games, WinVICE and C64 ripper. This would have been the time when I had no access to a laptop. The game itself is really cutback compared to the other versions, has colour clash, even the music is cut down and nothing like the SID classic.

Super Game Boy
FIFA: Road to World Cup 98

Took a full day as it was a case of chasing around some PS1. Only managed to rip TOCA Touring Car Championship and some of Formula 1 98 while I was unable to do F1, F1 97 and Gran Turismo. It's annoying when people rip assets especially at TCRF and don't tell you how they did it, I had to use some right obscure and buggy program MummGG just to rip the unused Loading Screens of F1 98. Outside of "Sega Soccer", this was the first football game that I can recall seeing especially with the David Beckham cover and it might have been the Mega Drive version but didn't play it back in the day. Apparently the PS1 version is considered one of the best football games of all time that says A LOT when there's so much competition (mainly a lot of PES, a lot of ISS, Sensible World of Soccer, Football Champ, Super Sidekicks series, Seibu Cup Soccer that still doesn't work on emulation).

Also you can tell that Tiertex focused on the SGB side on this game because when downgraded to regular GB, it doesn't look good in terms of palette choices. Technically this is my final game from them.

Commodore 64
Turbo Charge
Customs Officer
Customs Officer

Sadly just the player car because it was very tiring and took way too long. Lengthy explanation time! There are 10 stages in the game however... Since I can't really play games anymore, I have to rely on a modern scene release for help (thanks Nostalgia for the EasyFlash release, bonuses also include no loading since VICE thinks its a cartridge) but the level select only has 5 stages. It's because each stage is split into two levels, both having their own sprites. Basically it means that I have to play a stage, savestate, get to the border crossing for the second half to load, load, savestate. It takes 2 hours minimum per level, about six/seven vehicles per savestate with some duplicates to check, about 39 sprites per car, and SpritePad can only export 1 at a time. So that would be for me way over 20 hours in total without any breaks even before it gets resized, palette corrected, arranged especially since some are layered. Just ran out of time and a shame as it is one of the best on the C64...

Also yes, the player really is called Customs Officer.

Grand Prix Circuit

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey hey, goodbye!

Before we get to the final chapter, thought of mentioning the scrapped plans because had to really cut back:
Two last personal rips, sadly neither were complete in terms of ripping from the game.

FM Towns
Lupin III: Hong Kong no Mashu - Fukushū wa Meikyū no Hate ni

Lupin is pretty much one of the few things that kept me going. Still thank MisterMike for the help and yep, this is the OTHER zipped game. This was literally one of my final rips because the below were done some time ago yet just squeezed through. Now there is a chance that you might see more from this VN but you might have to look at Lupin channels.

Remember when I was on about fighting evil by moonlight? Well...
Super Real Mahjong PIV
Date Opponent Select
Date Opponent Select

Oops... Wrong game. They sure do look familiar...

Sailor Moon Collection
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Jupiter

There we go... Could write an entire book on how this affected me on the long run but this is not the time or place. Instead focus on something that has been in my mind for years but only got around to it last year. It's a bunch of minigames. Ami/Mercury is a quiz but don't have 300 IQ, plus it's a timed Japanese quiz and requires knowledge of the series. Usagi/Moon is a flag minigame that doesn't seem to work right... Rei/Mars is dress up Simon Says. Makoto/Jupiter is where you butt-push (don't ask!) Sailor Moon off a podium while she does the same to you, apparently based of a Japanese kids game. Minako/Venus is a fighting game against the other Senshi but turns out to be Janken, sounds about right... The last two also happen to be the best minigames as to be expected and no surprise which one I enjoyed the most.

Something interesting and looking at the disc to check, this game has cutscenes but... rather like Sonic CD they are pixel art so they are rippable and that along with the sound clips of the characters take up the most space. That's the second comparison to that game I made in recent times. There's another one on the console but it's a Visual Novel based on the 1990s anime. Oh and the wiki has the minigame names wrong, I got them from their how to play screens...

This also coincidentally mirrored Sailor Moon R on the SNES as I only managed to rip one character (plus two from another and one from another) but as it is the case, if I had to choose 1 Sailor Senshi it would be Sailor Jupiter. Sorry Mercury, Venus and Mars...

So yeah, it's more or less it now. It's nowhere near what I wanted to achieve throughout 18 years of service, personally 55% at most.
Thanked by: Barack Obama

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