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Metroid Zero Mission Project
[Image: metroidzeromissinoprojeqx7.png]

In this project,we have to make the enemies,suits,powerups that doesn't appear in the game.

Completed sprite sheets:
[Image: metroidsthumbnailma9.png][Image: metroidseriesitemsiconre2.png][Image: mbeamscompilationiconhb5.png] [Image: metroidzeromissionmaptiiv8.png]

Sprite Sheets:
Cute Metroids - Batandy
Smile Meroid fusion suits - Batandy
Blank Dark Samus
Blank Metroid Prime
Blank X- parasites
Blank Ridley X
Blank Meta Ridley
Blank Fake Kraid
Blank Nightmare
Blank Arachnus
Blank Spidermech
Smile Flower-chozo like boss - SuperMariofan64
Blank Mother Brain true form
Blank Torizo and Golden Torizo
Blank Phantoon
Blank Dragoon
Blank Metroid II enemies
Blank Metroid fusion Enemies
Blank Super Metroid enemies
Blank Samus allies
Blank Hunters
Blank Samus ship (in the other styles)

Blank Tilesets (You have free choice)
Blank Beams

If you want to make a thing that doesn't appear in the list,post your idea.

P.s. Sorry if my English is bad
I am italian Sad
Marx rules!
Metaknight Rules!
Dedede rules!
[Image: marxidleie6.gif]
Thanked by: Miles07, Miles07
Progress on Fusion suit samus:
Marx rules!
Metaknight Rules!
Dedede rules!
[Image: marxidleie6.gif]
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Nice work and keep it up! I'm a HUGE metroid fan you see? And ill be very glad to help ANY way i can... (i'm not the best spriter around though...) So tell me what to do and ill be glad to help! MY WEBCOMIC! UPDATES DAILY!!
[Image: fmtailssig2uw.png]
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I'd make the shoulders slope more, and cut a few pixels of the lower part of the visor. Apart from that, I'm liking the look of it Smile
[Image: x1aIZ2e.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]

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Thanks boys
Marx rules!
Metaknight Rules!
Dedede rules!
[Image: marxidleie6.gif]
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So....... *Cough...* What can i do... MY WEBCOMIC! UPDATES DAILY!!
[Image: fmtailssig2uw.png]
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It's about time someone started this project...

[Image: metroidseriesitemsiconre2.png]
[Image: mbeamscompilationiconhb5.png] - Not exactly MZM style, but at least it's a start, ehh?
[Image: metroidzeromissionmaptiiv8.png]

Also, isn't there already a MZM-Phantoon?
AND the SM-style ship (SM, MP2:E, M2Ros)?
~ Returned from the brink ~

My submissions - My other sheets
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Can you people who are making these sprites message me when a new one is posted, cause I'm making a video and I might be able to use some of these in it (Credit will be provided).
[Image: smf64-2.png]

Currently Editting MZM Style Nettori!
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See near the bottom of the page where it says "View a Printable Version"? Underneath that is an option to" subscribe to this thread". Click that and check the box that says "get Email notification". You'll automatically get an email every time a new post is made on the topic(s) you subscribe to.

Still, please contribute to the project, if you can.
~ Returned from the brink ~

My submissions - My other sheets
ah, a metroid project! I have a MZM draygon... but you will have to wait a while (I can't give it away till the game is released) the game is a remake of super metroid, but anyways, I'll give a try at MZM style X-parasites. RayJT made a MZM phantoon:
Ronny14 of MFM made a MZM style torizo also:
I have draygon done like I said, so uhh yeah.... that's done I guess...
oh, MZM style super metroid enemies? although they aren't exactly custom... I have almost all of them complete for the project; although we aren't all the way done, I have them... it's a lot, should I post every single one of them? that's done right now that is?
[Image: newtitlescreen-42.png]
Thanked by: Miles07, Miles07
How about making enemies from Metroid Prime 2, like the Quad (and if you people do that, I'd like to try my hand at making the Quad, so don't take it). Let me know what you think.
(02-18-2009, 11:57 PM)Miles07 Wrote: See near the bottom of the page where it says "View a Printable Version"? Underneath that is an option to" subscribe to this thread". Click that and check the box that says "get Email notification". You'll automatically get an email every time a new post is made on the topic(s) you subscribe to.

Still, please contribute to the project, if you can.

Ok, Thanks
[Image: smf64-2.png]

Currently Editting MZM Style Nettori!
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ah the quadrix... that would be fun to make. might I make a suggestion then? how about botwoon? not only is it a boss needed for that remake I was talking about (which would be useful) it would contribute to this also.
[Image: newtitlescreen-42.png]
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Well, I suggest starting with the 2D part of the series first, and then work on the harder (3D) stuff afterward. That way, all the easier stuff is outta the way and the spriters have more time to look at the reference pictures / models of the 3D creatures.

Well, that's my suggestion, at least.
~ Returned from the brink ~

My submissions - My other sheets
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Well....if thats the case...I'll hold off on Metroid prime 2 enemies for now (mainly the Quad). Maybe I could try the flower-thing from metroid fusion.
The only thing is...I'm new to spriting... and I don't know exactly what to do, is there a special program I need to use to make sprites, or will Paint work fine?
And is there some pallette of colors from metroid zero mission that I need so the colors are correct?
[Image: smf64-2.png]

Currently Editting MZM Style Nettori!
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Yes Paint works fine (I'm pretty sure it'll be enough).
There is a palette, but I currently do not have one.
~ Returned from the brink ~

My submissions - My other sheets
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